LA2 scam on ebay?

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What if somone bought it and didn't find out it was a fake for a few months. I would think that he'd have to extend that "2 day" warrantee, or face serious charges. Hey...I should have bought it and used it for a while.

I don't know why you gave that prick a warning before telling eBay. He deserved to have that auction pulled, no questions asked.......unless of course he's so stupid that he actually left that minor detail (clone) out of his description by accident.
What he is doing is morally, ethically and legally excuses!!!

There is no question that he should be reported to Ebay and I would like to think that he doesn't show up here in the future................

Unbelievable! I hate to say it, but he's the first guy I could think of, since he hasn't been here at all. Totally disgusting!
This kind of bull has to be reported, mainly because people like that, are what make ebay a crap shoot! Did anybody see the 2 Otari MTR-90's that had the same, exact, description, but in 2 different countries? The copied one, even duplicated the typos! I don't think it's funny at all, because I work hard for my money, and I don't like throwing it away, on crap like that! (Although, $350 for an MTR-90 was very attractive!) :green:

Most of us know an LA-2A well enough, to tell this isn't an original, mainly by the meter, but, someone out there is gonna get screwed! If I was gonna spend that kind of money, though, I'd probably demand escrow service, and if they wouldn't do it, especially with that suck-ass feedback rating, I'd just forget about it!
I've only gotten bit on ebay once, out of @ 140, and that's enough!

Someone should actually bid on it, and just not pay! It'd almost be worth the negative feedback!
he corrected his description in the listing...

the worse ebay thing I ever dealt with...

one of those Ramsa DA7 digital mixers?

the seller said it had a bad power tranny and didnt want to deal with the time and effort to get it replaced.

I pick it up thinkint it wouldnt be too tough to fix...

soo much F-in rust inside it it had to have been in 12 inches of water for two months... it was all corroded and WORTHLESS! man was I pissed...

keef remembers this one! I think I still have pix of it...
If he's wanting to turn a profit on this type of thing on a regualr basis I doubt he will be trying long before throwing in the towel. 1) I don't think he will get remotely close to $1800 for this thing (the current UA model sells for just over that brand new at GC) and 2) it's simply not going to be worth his time and effort to one-off LA-2A's or anything else for that matter for what such clones are likely to fetch on a consistent basis.

This does, however, bring me to a question I'd like to ask the group:

I've got a buddy who is willing to buy the parts of two of each thing that I build (SSL clones, 1176 clones, etc...) with the understanding that I will build one for him and then keep the other for myself.

I do not equate this with trying to profit off of other's work (Jakob, for example), but I rather see it as a convenient way for me to have my hobby paid for while allowing me to 'learn' the proper way to build these things with his before I build myself the one I'm gonna keep (in other words, I can make all my mistakes on his unit figuring out bugs along the way and then build mine nice and clean :wink: )

He understands this and doesn't mind. He just hates to solder and doesn't really have the interest in building gear, but he wants to have these types of things (and he's not about to spring for the 'real deals' as he simply doesn't have that kind of cash or the justification businesswise of spending it if he did)

My question is do you guys think there's anything wrong with doing this?


Ive sold stuff Ive built and Ive built stuff specifically for people, thats not the issue. Now that the ebay listing has been modified, there really is no more issue, but the ad originally stated "teletronix La2a" which is intensely deceitful and easy enough for anyone to understand. You know, like building a gyraf ssl clone making it look pretty and putting it up on ebay as "original ssl quad compressor" etc.

Yeah, there shouldn't be a problem with you doing that, as long as you didn't hack somebody elses work (clone of a clone!) and claim something to the contrary, or even claim it's your own design, if in fact it isn't. Other than that, do it!
You know, the revised text only reluctantly hints that it's not the real deal... and even then seems to try and make them seem fully equal...

Definately not cricket.

If somebody buys this thinking it's the real LA-2A, because the title says Teletronix LA-2A, and he finds out he's dupe when he gets the package, he's got evidence on his hand for a successful prosecution.

I'd like to see who'll win this... and contact the winner myself to break him the bad news and give him url links to the FBI and FTC :)
anyone bidding on that should know about the redstripe, much less money, 30 day warranty, sure, different sound with jensens but come on, anyone that is sophisticated enough to know the difference between UTC and jensen is going to realize that is a clone, or so you would hope... I have yet to hear close to a negative comment about the red stripe, something I cant say about the demaria optical things...

(not affiliated with the skibbe)

[quote author="rascalseven"](...) My question is do you guys think there's anything wrong with doing this? (...)[/quote]

I don't see any problem in this. After all, many of my prototypes and clone-experiments are flowing around in obscure places..

I'd say - as long as you're not trying to make un-decent amounts of money on it - all is good


Jakob E.
He's a retarded dipshit. I don't think he'll show up at our forum anymore..

He should change the header too, since it's not a Teletronix LA2A..

Ohh, he responded to my email;

"Eat **** and die sorry ass."

Nice one.

I emailed the ebay link to Universal Audio :green:
What a shame - I thought he seemed like a nice enough guy at RO!

Thats a damn rude response to your email sismofyt!! He should burn for that!

Now that UA has been pointed in his direction, what are the chances that they will do something about it?? and could this all lead back to this place?

Last night I was amused at the cheek of the auction, thinking no one would bid as the feedback is so poor. I also felt sorry for someone using such a desperate tactic to make a few extra quid, and was under the impression they were a bit of a sad mofo. Now I come to the Lab and read this:
Ohh, he responded to my email;

"Eat **** and die sorry ass."

He's still a pathetic mofo, but any compassion has now dried up here, I say reach for the nuke button :twisted:

Why? I just asked them if it was a genuine LA2A :wink:

Are you nervous about your BLOO kits? That aint illegal is it? If it is, I dunno how you can sleep at night because I'm sure that UA will find out...

Really, have you thought about this?
not at all..

but I did do those grahics... which I now regret having allowed out... not to say that someone else couldnt have done them but the fact that doing them made it that much easier....

do you really want large commercial enterprises coming in here.... ?