LA2 scam on ebay?

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[quote author="sismofyt"]He's a retarded dipshit. I don't think he'll show up at our forum anymore..

He should change the header too, since it's not a Teletronix LA2A..

Ohh, he responded to my email;

"Eat **** and die sorry ass."

Nice one.

I emailed the ebay link to Universal Audio :green:[/quote]

That's odd, when he replied back to me, he was very nice. He actually said, you're right, thanks for briging it up, I just changed the text.

I must have got him at a better time, or after quite a few more emails than yours! :green:
Well, since I'm not a cloner and never will be I can ride my ******' high horse as long as I wish. He was trying to sell this as a Teletronix LA2A, when it clearly wasn't. That is called lying. And futhermore, it's illegal.

I didn't get hold of UA so no alarm there.

The only thought in my head was this;

What would you have done if some poor fellow joined this forum in a couple of months, telling us about the 'LA2A' he bought on ebay, which didn't sound too nice because it was a clone?

Should we just tell him, 'Oh, we knew about that, we had a good laugh about that one... harhahr..!' :evil:

The only decent thing was to make the seller change his description. and he did. He's still an utter fuckhead in my book but that's beside the point.

I guess it's about moral standards.
Secondly, I think it's a real low to ask this forum (actually the old one) for help to build an LA2A clone, just to sell it off ebay for a huge profit.
some good points there =).

although I personally wouldn't put up an auction like that( he could easily reword the description to paint this auction in a much better light, and tout the finer points of building the unit by hand, including interior pictures), I tend to live more in the moral swamps and marshes.

I do have an ad out looking to lease a shack on the bayou tho :green:

for profit?

we all know he will not snag a buyer at the price he set...

secondly... things in life DO HAPPEN... and sometimes we all have to make tough decisions...

if any of us in here were put in a stressfull financial situation and it was either sell the DIY stuff and pay the mortgage or not... I think we all would do the same...perhaps not lie about it being a clone but we sould sell what we could

not being forward with the fact that it was cloned is wrong... but on the flip side we have no idea in terms of why he selling the stuff.... perhaps to make a buck or perhaps to pay the mortgage. so to claim that its wrong to build something based ont he help of others in here and get slammed for selling at a later date is inaccurate.
C'mon, at that price we all know he's making a huge profit. It doesn't matter IF he sells it, it's his intentions.

I've also sold some of my DIY gear and DIY'ed for others, but I HAVE NEVER LIED ABOUT IT! I don't care if he's had everything stolen from him and is standing naked, he shouldn't try to con people into buying his DIY.

And that IS the ******* point! He's lying, misleading a potential buyer and that is illegal.

There's no, 'ifs', he's doing a criminal action. He only change the describtion because of us.

Had he any balls, he should come here and straighten things out.

If any of you people think it's semi-okay to rip a potential buyer off like that, please let me know so I make sure I never deal with any off you..

Jezuz.. :roll:
[quote author="sismofyt"]C'mon, at that price we all know he's making a huge profit. [/quote]

for the speed that it takes me to assemble something, especially something point to point like an la2a, if someone wanted to buy a handbuilt unit from me, thats AT LEAST what it would cost, my time is not free. At that price, after parts, its not right to assume that someone is making a huge profit if their time is worth anything. I know that for $2k I wouldnt be profiteering on building something like that, it would take me a LONG time to do. Perhaps it woudl take that guy a long time too and thats what he thought his time was worth. If he gets the price, good for him, so long as the buyer doesnt think he's getting something he wont be getting, namely a vintage unit.

sismofyt, you should perhaps make some room for other peoples perspectives here at the lab. There's no real reason to be so accusational which puts you in a position of having to defend yourself which just leads to a lot of bickering over nothing. This group in the past hasnt been about that, its been more focused on sharing information much more than bickering about who is right. There are plenty of places on line to go have an argument or a heated debate about what you feel about something... Please dont take that the wrong way, but the mood around here lately is heavy for no good reaosn.

Here's a few fairly inflammatory quotes:

"Roger, you *******, why are you doing this?"
"He's a retarded dipshit."
"I can ride my ******' high horse as long as I wish."
"He's still an utter fuckhead in my book"
"Had he any balls, he should come here and straighten things out."

This thread has sadly degenerated from an initial "wow... who would do that?" to a rather more indignant tone... though mostly from one individal, although the fact that there have been a lot of posts from that single poster has tended to sour the atmosphere for me, I don;t know about others.

I said my piece a while ago... "I don't think it's cricket." That's it. Others may disagree, others may agree. Personally I'm against censorship, but in favour of self-regulation. I'd have hoped that words like "fuckhead", "*******" and "dipshit" might have been avoided. I don't think they teach us anything.

I used to get rather tired of another poster's similarly-peppered opinions in the old forum...

It was interesting at first... Trying to figure out who it was... but now that we know, fair enough. Hell... at that asking price he's bound not to sell it... and if he does, I personally applaud him. I'd never buy it beacuse I can build a better one for less, and I'd hate for a friend of mine to come in beaming with pride saying "Look what I scored on eBay" carrying that porly-finished (though doubtless well-enough functioning) unit.

That's all.

Good luck to you, Roger! :thumb:

[quote author="soundguy"](...) This group in the past hasnt been about that, its been more focused on sharing information much more than bickering about who is right (...)[/quote]


This is not a good route.

There are enough forums with bad atmosphere and useless mudthrowing. And enough forums with grandious personalities arguing who's right just for the sake of being right.

Let's focus on what's important: Information.

Jakob E.
[quote author="gyraf"] Let's focus on what's important: Information. [/quote]

I am with Jakob on this

just let it go ... and do some DIY.
it's all good :thumb: