Yes, I'm not going to argue there. Guess what? Teachers have problems with schools as well. Teachers did not make schools what they are now--you'd do better to look at textbook companies, politicians(local and national), community business leaders, and rich jackasses who fund think tanks, lobbyist groups, and other initiatives. "School choice" talking points come largely from the right wing conservatives whose rhetoric may sound pro-school and pro-kid, but whose actions do more to harm schools and education than to help them.who was having problems in whatever traditional school has become,
re "Don't say gay:" nobody's "probing" young kids about their sexuality. That's just right-wing fearmongering. But there are discussions about families in the early grades--and gay marriage is currently legal in this country, and no teacher should be worried about job repercussions from a discussion that might follow from a kid talking about his 2 mommies or 2 daddies. And with such a poorly written law (and really, if "don't say gay" was meant for what you say it is, then it is a solution searching for a nonexistent problem), there is far more potential for harm being caused by the law than harm actually being prevented by the law.
I've said it before & will repeat: these anti-gay & anti-CRT laws are about fearmongering and scapegoating meant to stir up the GOP base. Unfortunately, these are real laws that will do real damage to teachers, kids, parents, and to our public education system.