Rural Ireland in shock over brutal murder

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
A couple of days ago a young woman was murdered in the midlands here , she had gone out for her usual keep fit routine running along the tow path of a canal and was set upon by the assailant . Militant feminism is making a meal over the whole story on social media and sending round waves of panic and demonisation of the male of the species in the process . What I fear most is for the family of the victim of this crime , like we saw in a previous case here , including one case of a 14 year old girl , lured via social media and brutally tortured raped and murdered , because of political ineptitude and its associated kissing of the ass of the likes of FB , the murdered childs FB images were 'free to air' to any news media outlets that saw fit to use them , it was only when the family of the child took a high court injunction were their childs images put beyond the reach of news media ,after causing untold hurt to the bereaved family . I can see the same media feeding frenzy occurring again in this case , has not one of our elected representatives got the balls to facedown FB ? we allowed the big social media to write their own rule book , light touch regulation the pisslickers called it , turns out as many of the big social media machines have their headquarters here in Ireland , we wrote the rule book and our courts uphold laws that add to the hurt of the families of the victims of crime right through out the EU . To be honest that we left such lax laws that said anyone over the age of fourteen who comes to a missfortunate end can have their pictures /data harvested and re-hashed during the trials is an abomination .

What we need right now is a law that says if someone meets their end in a tragic way all their social media images and words come under legal protection and news media are prevented from prolonging the agony of the families of those involved and potentially prejudicing legal proceedings . Ive made my views on these matters abundantly clear to my locally elected representatives over the last few years , three ministers(including the Taoiseach or Prime minister ) in the current administration , nada by way of a written reply or even an acknowlegdement there is something seriously rotten about all this .
I'll be banging on their doors again next week ready to unload a truckload of dirt on how the system failed and continues to fail the most vulnerable people in society .
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Initially a man was arrested and questioned for two days in relation to this murder ,then released without charge . He had his name ,photos and personal details put into the public domain on social media by a crowd baying for his blood .
His sister is locked up in jail for a week for refusing to leave the family home which had been designated a crime scene . His solicitor faced torrents of abuse from a crowd ,of mainly women , who gathered outside the police station . But Im sure many of those who engaged in this abuse of what turned out to be an innocent man , felt quite justified in the actions they took at the time . This short circuiting of the justice system exposes the real dangers of mass market social media and the lynch mob mentality/hysteria it creates .
Sadly it is human nature for communities to strive to punish perceived bad apples. This goes back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors who did not enjoy formal rule of law and enforcement infrastructure. Miscreants were dealt with by the community with little (no?) individual rights/protections. The court of public opinion was the only court back then.

Sadly our rule of civil/criminal law has been under attack (?) for some time. I do not look forward to further deterioration of civilization and public order.

Maybe some of the mind readers here can figure out what the motivation is for those campaigns (or maybe I'm just imagining things again. :unsure: )


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