I have personal experience of a school in the UK, perhaps inadvertently, attempting to persuade teenagers to not only question their sexuality but to take steps to alter it. My granddaughter at age 14 had some serious anger issues due to her abandonment my her father and the attitude of his parents. SHe was offered counselling at school which she accepted. However, the counsellor immediately decided her anger was based in her sexuality and actively persuaded her she should really be a boy. She changed her name, cut her hair short and wore boys clothes. The school seemed to act as if this was normal. Her mother was understandably very worried but I told her I thought it was just a typical teenage phase and that she would grow out of it. The situation grew more serious when my granddaughter began to talk openly about surgery. Fortunately, a few months later she discovered boys, her anger subsided and she got herself a boyfriend. She is now 17 and a happy and well adjusted young woman.