LGTBQ outrage reaches fever pitch over double murder

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play nice kids...

one strength of our form of government is that state governors can experiment with local government. The federal government can observe from a distance and adopt any changes that work.

Opinions vary widely about which states to copy... My older brother (the smart one) lives in CA and I routinely tease him about it. He is retired now, but was consulting before he retired so he didn't have to live there. His wife has a good job that requires she be available. I predict they will scoot when she finally retires. I understand NY is on their short list that sounds like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. My brother lived in upstate NY decades ago but they are talking NYC area.


PS: Canada's nationalized healthcare started as an experiment in one Canadian province, later they expanded to the entire nation. US states that experimented with socialized medicine (like Vermont) decided after they did the math, that they couldn't afford to do it. Maybe they should calculate again using common core math (joke).
Activist school teachers have no business injecting themselves into medical, psychological, and/or sexual matters of their students. If you want to talk about dangerous power dynamics you ought to see this one. There have already been many cases of teachers secretly conspiring behind parents' backs to influence their children into the "there are 112 genders" camp. First, it isn't their job. Second, it is immoral.

Again, kids and teens get confronted by this stuff in the media all day long. That genie is out of the bottle. The aim of teachers of schools is not to instill an agenda about "power dynamics" but to educate young people about facts of life, ideally before they get confused elsewhere.

Teachers are the professionals when it comes to educating children, it doesn't make any sense to wait and hope that parents, who very often have no clue about the facts do this early enough and in a facts based age adequate manner.

Now that doesn't mean that curriculums, teachers, schools are perfect anywhere in any way, but its the best option. Be pragmatic.
Activist school teachers have no business injecting themselves
Dude, this is so totally deluded. You don't know a dadgum thing about what actually happens in schools--you just repeat all the right wing claptrap you're so eager to believe. Get back to me when you finally make contact with reality.
Dude, this is so totally deluded. You don't know a dadgum thing about what actually happens in schools--you just repeat all the right wing claptrap you're so eager to believe. Get back to me when you finally make contact with reality.
My mother was a classroom teacher for over 20 years, then moved into administration for 10+ more. After she retired she ran for and was elected to the local school board for two terms. Many of her friends were teachers. I grew up surrounded by people involved in education. I have a good clue about what's changed since the days of quality public education. You simply ignore and deny the evidence of activist teachers and administrators. That's on you.

I'm not right-wing. I have voted for Democrats, Independents, and Republicans. I have never joined any political party and likely never will. Like many others in the middle, I feel like most of the Democrat party has moved so far left in the past 12-15 years that it is hard to recognize them as a viable option in most cases. That's their problem to solve, not mine.
There have already been many cases of teachers secretly conspiring behind parents' backs to influence their children into the "there are 112 genders" camp.
I wonder what exactly is meant by "many cases"? How prevalent do you think this really is? As in, with millions of instruction hours taught each year in elementary grades, what percentage is spent on "112 gender identity" instruction?

My wife, my mother, and many on her side of the family were all elementary teachers. A quick poll amongst their 200+ years collective experience: one remembers the subject of two dads ONCE (in second grade). And the entire interaction was essentially, "Jason has two Dads. Some families are different from yours and that's ok." The kids didn't erupt into tears, and didn't spray-paint their hair in rainbow colors in LGBTQ solidarity. This idea that elementary teachers, en masse, are Clockwork Orange'ing little kids eyes open to indoctrinate them with dozens of pronouns is approaching batshit territory.

Now, has it ever happened? I'm sure it has. But if the argument is that we need legislation changes (coming from the "small government" side no less) based on some arbitrary percentage of "bad actors", backed by evil unions, then we need to start a police reform thread to go along with it, and then explain why it's appropriate here and not there.
One little detail in the Florida textbook kerfuffle: Florida is now going with exactly one textbook firm for all K-5 math books. Who's the big winner here?

The Carlyle Group, a global investment firm, acquired Accelerate Learning on Dec. 20, 2018, according to the firm's website.

During that time, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin was the co-CEO of the firm. After 25 years with the company, Youngkin resigned in 2020 to run for office in Virginia.

Oh, I see. It's really about rich Republican *********s greasing the Republican crazy-skids in order to make some very quick inroads in the educational marketplace. If you don't know who the sucker at the poker table is....

One little detail in the Florida textbook kerfuffle: Florida is now going with exactly one textbook firm for all K-5 math books. Who's the big winner here?

From your linked article:

"For regular math classes, Accelerate Learning's STEMscopes Florida Math books are the only option for school districts.

There are two more publisher options for accelerated math, McGraw Hill LLC and Savvas Learning Company LLC, formerly known as Pearson K12 Learning LLC."

Oh, right. There are actually three accepted publishers for math books k-5. Must be that decolonized math where 3 = 1.

The Carlyle Group, a global investment firm, acquired Accelerate Learning on Dec. 20, 2018, according to the firm's website.

During that time, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin was the co-CEO of the firm. After 25 years with the company, Youngkin resigned in 2020 to run for office in Virginia.

Oh, I see. It's really about rich Republican *********s greasing the Republican crazy-skids in order to make some very quick inroads in the educational marketplace. If you don't know who the sucker at the poker table is....
I guess I'd rather have people in public office who've done something useful with their lives than not. Must be the pragmatist in me. I figured that out after I made the mistake of voting for an alleged "Constitutional Scholar" and former community organizer who is now a multi-millionaire celebrity who doesn't walk his own talk and made a big mess during his tenure. I'm sure you see it differently.
For regular math classes, Accelerate Learning's STEMscopes Florida Math books are the only option for school districts.
For REGULAR math then. Apparently the average to dumb kids are the ones who get the Republican garbage.

I guess I'd rather have people in public office who've done something useful with their lives than not.
Youngkin (and the Carlyle Group) didn't do anything but acquire a company. And then exploited their connections to get Ron DoucheSantis to buy their math program. That's really doing something. Useful is not what I'd call it. Parasitic maybe.
I sense a lot of anger here... good luck everybody.


PS: I still like my idea that we shouldn't insult celebrities or politicians either, it gets people in the mood to speak crude. My idea, not a rule, so don't cancel me bro...
I have personal experience of a school in the UK, perhaps inadvertently, attempting to persuade teenagers to not only question their sexuality but to take steps to alter it. My granddaughter at age 14 had some serious anger issues due to her abandonment my her father and the attitude of his parents. SHe was offered counselling at school which she accepted. However, the counsellor immediately decided her anger was based in her sexuality and actively persuaded her she should really be a boy. She changed her name, cut her hair short and wore boys clothes. The school seemed to act as if this was normal. Her mother was understandably very worried but I told her I thought it was just a typical teenage phase and that she would grow out of it. The situation grew more serious when my granddaughter began to talk openly about surgery. Fortunately, a few months later she discovered boys, her anger subsided and she got herself a boyfriend. She is now 17 and a happy and well adjusted young woman.


I have personal experience of a school in the UK, perhaps inadvertently, attempting to persuade teenagers to not only question their sexuality but to take steps to alter it. My granddaughter at age 14 had some serious anger issues due to her abandonment my her father and the attitude of his parents. SHe was offered counselling at school which she accepted. However, the counsellor immediately decided her anger was based in her sexuality and actively persuaded her she should really be a boy. She changed her name, cut her hair short and wore boys clothes. The school seemed to act as if this was normal. Her mother was understandably very worried but I told her I thought it was just a typical teenage phase and that she would grow out of it. The situation grew more serious when my granddaughter began to talk openly about surgery. Fortunately, a few months later she discovered boys, her anger subsided and she got herself a boyfriend. She is now 17 and a happy and well adjusted young woman.


Thanks for sharing, this stuff is hard to believe. No wonder parents get very angry.


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