LGTBQ outrage reaches fever pitch over double murder

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
Trial via Social media is in overdrive due to a bizzare dual murder in rural Ireland .
A man in his 20's is in the frame for the murder of two older gay men , while the outrage is understandable ,how can the pro LGBT lobby jump to the conclusion this was a hate crime without any further explanation ?
We have an absolutely horrendous record in this country of paedophile(male on male) sex criminals being facillitated to evade justice , how can mass social media run to the defence and attempt to pre-judge the outcome of this trial . Self harming behaviours ,drug/alcohol addiction and spread of disease is disproportionately high within the so called gay community ,although even mentioning such stats is enough for the madding crowd to brand people homophobic and stop any meaningful discussion dead .
I try to avoid such topics but found it interesting that a transgender prisoner in an all woman's prison in NJ got two women pregnant. I guess you can philosophically deny sexual identity but you can't ignore biology. This is not a joke.

Self harming behaviours ,drug/alcohol addiction and spread of disease is disproportionately high within the so called gay community
Maybe it's all those centuries of oppression, ostracism, hatred, and scapegoating that lead to these things? Or maybe you never thought of that?
Aberrant (by today's standards) sexual behavior has been with us for most of recorded history. Sexual pederasty has been written about in ancient Greece by noted philosophers. Times change and like a pendulum what is publicly acceptable ebbs and flows, in and out of fashion. The active normalization of previously out of fashion sexual behavior by modern media can be annoying (especially to old farts like moi).

Modern culture has already changed a bunch, but some want even more change faster. That's life in our energized social warrior cancel culture.

Good luck, don't cancel me bro... ;)

I am annoyed by the blank slate mentalitly on all sides. Quite a lot of human behaviour and thus many outcomes are simply determined by nature. One cannot pray the gayness away just like we will never social engineer a society into a state where a majority of mechanics are female and nurses overwhelmingly male.

Even worse is the aggressive tribalism that comes with ideological leanings today. Thanks to twitter, all the idiots that formerly were contained in their respective echo chambers (e.g. radical-feminist campus group or militia regular's table) now can voice their unfiltered BS to the whole world... And traditional mass media gets infected by it.

Sexuality in ancient Rome is fascinating btw, not only how it was but also how it evolved over time in light of political developments.
Aberrant (by today's standards) sexual behavior has been with us for most of recorded history. Sexual pederasty has been written about in ancient Greece by noted philosophers. Times change and like a pendulum what is publicly acceptable ebbs and flows, in and out of fashion. The active normalization of previously out of fashion sexual behavior by modern media can be annoying (especially to old farts like moi).

Modern culture has already changed a bunch, but some want even more change faster. That's life in our energized social warrior cancel culture.

Good luck, don't cancel me bro... ;)


What sexual behaviour is now in fashion that was previously out of fashion?
That's life in our energized social warrior cancel culture.
Yes, perish the thought that someone on the right be criticized for attacks on LGBT folks. Do you even listen to yourself? Cancel culture my azz--all the right wants is the freedom to be d!ckheads, azzholes and bigots with impunity. Seriously, if you want cancel culture, check out your CRT Comrades and your Don't Say Gay Amigos. That's the true cancel culture.
check out your CRT Comrades and your Don't Say Gay Amigos

It does not say don’t say gay to my understanding anywhere in the Florida law. It says you can’t talk to a second grader about there sexuality. Yes that means gay trans or straight. Can you imagine being straight even and asking a 7 year old about their sexual preferences? That sounds more like a sexual predator. Those concepts are introduced in 3rd grade. Seems like you as a parent can do what you see fit but a school system can’t before the third grade.

personally I would rather see school choice and have parents choose the school they feel fits there objectives for that child. Smaller schools work better IMO. Creating a large high school for all kids can be a challenge for a child that has social issues.
I guess what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home is one thing . Grooming and sexual abuse of minors has extremely negative impacts on peoples health and welfare .
In one UK study , roughly 55% of males on sex offenders wings in prison were found guilty of crimes against women , 45% were convicted of male on male sex crimes , females convicted of sex crimes accounted for a much smaller % of the prisoner population .

It seems to be pretty clear from the stats that have emerged from the STD clinics that the gay community has disproportionate levels of disease compared to the rest of the population , so much so that on the grounds of public health gays here get free access to anti HIV meds ,which in some ways only encourages or facillitates the damaging patterns of behaviour and has led to the emergence of some really nasty antibiotic resistant strains of syphylis and other diseases , the common or garden junkie despite being hooked on an addictive substance doesnt get the benefit of any anti HIV meds .

A brief perusal of either the Murphy or Ryan report into what happened in state run institutions in this country tells its own story , very often children were rendered out of their senses with drugs and alcohol to facillitate abuse by staff or other pillars of the community . Of course this is also a factor in many male on female sex crimes but nowhere near on the same scale as seems apparent within the gay community . I did sound at a venue for a while at one point , an aquaintance of the manager joined us for drinks after hours one night , I didnt like the look of this individual one bit , a bottle of beer was bought for me by this person , I'd noticed a little while after this person appeared to have interfered with the bottle , I just left the drink sit on the bar , later on the manager jumped in and grabbed the drink intended for me , within a matter of minutes after consuming the drink he was rendered into a catatonic state , the perpetrator made a very sharp exit and luckily the manager had his staff members to make sure he was safe and didnt come to any harm . We should have given the dirty assbandit a few good slaps , called the cops and had the guy prosecuted , in any case I didnt stay at that job much longer as there was an element of serious criminality behind the scenes running the show . Venue closed for good not long after and the doors never opened again .
That sounds more like a sexual predator.
I see you bought into the talking points about "grooming" and all that other BS. My son grew up with kids with 2 moms, 2 dads--from pre-K on. None of the kids seemed phased in the slightest by this, by the way. But certainly the subject of somebody having 2 moms or 2 dads might come up--are you going to forbid teachers from talking about this? Are you going to fire them for answering a kid's question?

These laws are very vaguely worded and open up the potential for all sorts of abuse--and I don't think that was unintentional.

I suspect that most of your "knowledge" and opinions about today's education system come from people who want to sway your opinion to match theirs (lobbyists, politicians, pundits.) I can't say your opinions about school choice sound like anything but GOP talking points to me.
Maybe it's all those centuries of oppression, ostracism, hatred, and scapegoating that lead to these things? Or maybe you never thought of that?
Or maybe the present level of acceptance means these people must take responsibility for their decisions and actions like everyone else. Do you not believe in freewill? Must everything be viewed through the distorting lens of oppressor/oppressed victimology?
I can't say your opinions about school choice sound like anything but GOP talking points to me
Sorry one size that’s fits all fits no one. You sound like a conservative now. “Well that’s the way it’s always been done “. The whistle blows at the factory and we all jump. By the way you sound like the dems talking points. Does that really need to be added. The main thing said is that there is no reference to gay or trans or Straight or Bi at all. Which you didn’t seem to address. You just used your sides talking points.
Do we get to get paid for keeping are own sides talking point blather. Well maybe you do but I don’t.
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talking points.
Not talking points, living points. I'm speaking from my actual experience with schools, my kid's experience in schools, his mom's experience in a 30+ year teaching career. And when I talk about LGBTQ issues, I'm talking about friends, relatives, coworkers, customers, acquaintances, etc. This is not abstract or theoretical stuff or talking points; this is about real people.
Glad you and your kids, friends and wife have had good experiences. not everyone has and Virginia is proof it was time for change.

I’m not suppressing LGBTQ. I have a great relationship with a gay couple that bought a family business my family ran for 40 years. And they are solid people that I’ve never questioned there choice nor do I have any friends that do. I am happy to help them when they need an opinion on a problem they may face with a business my family has had a great deal of experience in. As far as I’m concerned that is just a false issue/point to stick into a conversation to try and create a wedge where there isn’t one. Carl Rove was king of that tactic back in the Bush era Nobody cares anymore and haven’t for years..

I do care about my grand daughter who was having problems in whatever traditional school has become, and moved into a performing arts centered school and thrived from the Curriculum. She has a love of theater, acting, costume design and a positive winning Attitude from the skills she has acquired. She started college last fall and is doing very well. I’m convinced it’s from the charter school. By the way at 17 she thought of herself as gay and I’m proud of her and don’t question her choice.

Back on point: any child 7 or under does not need to be probed about there sexuality IMO. That’s all the Florida law says. Don’t say gay is a way to brand it with a way to call it racist, homophobic BS, like most every other diversion argument by the left. Just discredit the person to brand the narrative and dismiss the person/people as racist. Such a pathetic way to divide and avoid opposing points.

I don’t like the direction things are moving in. I’ll be doing my part with my vote. Come November will be the actual answer from the people.

Anyway I know you love having the last word in a political thread. So have at.
Not talking points, living points. I'm speaking from my actual experience with schools, my kid's experience in schools, his mom's experience in a 30+ year teaching career. And when I talk about LGBTQ issues, I'm talking about friends, relatives, coworkers, customers, acquaintances, etc. This is not abstract or theoretical stuff or talking points; this is about real people.
Do you think the rest of us aren't basing our opinions on our own "lived experience" as the jargon goes? Of course it's about real people. Some of those people are young, impressionable children who need to experience their childhood without being pressured (groomed) by public school teachers who have no training or even charter to broach such subjects at that age.
Nature is fairly clear and unambiguous , in the natural course of events sperm meets egg and a viable life form occurs . now theres a sense of entitlement with assisted reproduction if you have the cash , its turning reproduction into an industry and guess who the grand daddy of assisted reproduction was , Josef Mengele
Rumour has it the Vatican itself helped him make good his escape to South America to continue his butchery .

Surely every child has a right to a father and mother , not a closet homosexual who's got involved in reproduction for selfish reasons , its as simple as this, if your not being true to yourself you have no business bringing children into this world . It does happen and theres no doubt a loveless marriage is more often than not worse than a happier same sex couple bringing up kids .

We had a catholic church in this country that was actively trying to churn out closet homosexuals, the inevitable negative backlash to which now is branded as homophobia .
Glad you and your kids, friends and wife have had good experiences. not everyone has and Virginia is proof it was time for change.

I’m not suppressing LGBTQ. I have a great relationship with a gay couple that bought a family business my family ran for 40 years. And they are solid people that I’ve never questioned there choice nor do I have any friends that do. I am happy to help them when they need an opinion on a problem they may face with a business my family has had a great deal of experience in. As far as I’m concerned that is just a false issue/point to stick into a conversation to try and create a wedge where there isn’t one. Carl Rove was king of that tactic back in the Bush era Nobody cares anymore and haven’t for years..

I do care about my grand daughter who was having problems in whatever traditional school has become, and moved into a performing arts centered school and thrived from the Curriculum. She has a love of theater, acting, costume design and a positive winning Attitude from the skills she has acquired. She started college last fall and is doing very well. I’m convinced it’s from the charter school. By the way at 17 she thought of herself as gay and I’m proud of her and don’t question her choice.

"Choice" seems like a strange choice of words in this context...