Line level splitter?

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Portland USA
I've been thinking about a box that splits the line level output of microphone preamps and/or other rack gear (compressors etc) on the way to the recorder (AD inputs) This would be a workaround in order to monitor with no latency with an external mixer, while I have the direct signal go straight to the converters.

Something like 8 in/16 out would be great. It's essential to keep the direct signal clean and un affected. Is the best way to do this to hang an opamp circuit in parallel off of the preamps outputs? (almost all of them are transformer outputs)

I'm not that concerned with perfect sound quality of the 'monitoring leg' as I am with maintaining the direct sound to the recorder.

Sorry to hijack an almost 2 year old thread. I don't want to start a new one, because I have a similar need as the original poster (or should I say, the client who is paying me to build the active 1:6 balanced line splitter unit)

Anyway, I'm thinking of 12 opamp buffers, arranged like in this schematic (shown for 2 channels)

Only problem is, I'm not sure if I have to add an output capacitor, or an output resistor, or both, for each opamp. Hoping that the resident experts can help clarify.


  • balanced line buffer.jpg
    balanced line buffer.jpg
    128.1 KB
Sorry to hijack an almost 2 year old thread. I don't want to start a new one, because I have a similar need as the original poster (or should I say, the client who is paying me to build the active 1:6 balanced line splitter unit)

Anyway, I'm thinking of 12 opamp buffers, arranged like in this schematic (shown for 2 channels)

Only problem is, I'm not sure if I have to add an output capacitor, or an output resistor, or both, for each opamp. Hoping that the resident experts can help clarify.

Assuming your source is low impedance eg a preamp output, then you can likely just split the output without an additional opamp buffer. Unless driving a low impedance input like 600 Ohm.
With the circuit shown you would normally have a build out series resistor to avoid problems with cable capacitance. Capacitor optional but the safe bet as you don't generally know the details of the destination although most kit will ac couple at the input.
Apart from DC offset considerations a suitably rated capacitor helps with any P48 danger.