Line level splitter?

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I've talked with MidnightArrakis about this before,
about the constant use of Big Fonts, writing in all Caps and using Bold all the time.
It makes us feel that he is yelling all the time.

MidnightArrakis, I know you're a good person and have great intentions, but I will ask you again to stop writing the way you do, you keep insisting in writing that way when many people already complained and even when you are helping someone it always makes that person feel that you're angry and yelling.

Sometimes using caps or bold in certain spots helps the post, but that's the exception,
You are the only person in this forum who always writes using Big Fonts, Writing in all Caps and using Bold all the time,
it's not nice for anyone reading your posts.

I'm just respectfully explaining and asking you, it come from a friendly place, hope you understand.

Chillidawg was also not nice in writing in All Caps when he was just being helped
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With respect, Mr. Chilidawg, you do not say where you are located, so we could not factor your local economy in our answers. Nor did you indicate the low cost your client can pay.

It now appears you wish to charge your customer less than the cost of parts, in order to meet his budget, an dmake him "happy." Undercharging now, hoping to make it up later, is a poor business practice destined to fail. You will lose money on this deal, and your customer will not appreciate the favor and pay you handsomely next time. He will savor the bargain and either expect a proportionate discount again next time, or he will shop elsewhere so you cannot recover the present loss on a later project. Worse, he will (not may) disrespect you as a chump. I learned this both as an advisor to business and as a business owner, myself.

Shakespeare mentions this in "The Tempest," - "...lest too light winning, make the prize light." In other words, an easily obtained object has little value.

I understand you do not want to stockpile surplus parts at a low per-item cost, just to complete this project. I knowingly pay more for only what I need on to avoid warehousing surplus parts purchased in bulk at lower per-piece rates. My friends all spend more money in the long run buying piles of parts they will never use to get a per-piece discount. It is a devilish dilemma, but in any case, you cannot stay in business if you do not charge the actual cost of producing the finished product. While the customer may be "happy" ... he will not become a good, high paying customer later.

If you cannot build the splitter within his budget, you may have to specify lower cost connectors and other parts, or he may need a simple Y-splitter cable until he can afford to pay the actual cost-of-goods-sold. Otherwise you are running a charity, not a business.

I believe you received good advice based on the limited information provided in your original message. Answers often vary if the facts are not as they appear. We should not have to assume facts not presented in the original background story. Just MY take. Good luck. James

PS - from your last message, it appears you have already completed the project ... is that right? JR
I've talked with MidnightArrakis about this before,
about the constant use of Big Fonts, writing in all Caps and using Bold all the time.

At the risk of being hounded out of the principality for harboring a dissenting opinion ... and while I DO appreciate Mr. Whoop's take - I do not object to Mr. MidnightArakkis mixing bold and ALL CAPS and underlining in his messages, because it easily identifies when he quotes another member, and clearly identifies his response, adding a little "salt and pepper" inflection, emphasis and accentuation to his reply. I always read his messages aloud, in a pleasant and coversational tone, to fully realize the intended tone and emphasis. - and it comes off as quite natural and conversational that way.

On the other hand, it would be rather different if he did not mix it up as he does. As Mr. Whoops correctly observes, emphasizing everything with no variation is often construed as anger or shouting. It all depends on the overall presentation. I believe Mr. MA's mix provides a realistic, conversational approach, especially read aloud in a relaxed tone. Again, it would be very different if he did not mix it up and used any particular means of emphasis too much. It is, for me, a question of overall balance.

Unfortunately, there is little personalization or differentiation in tone in this black-and-white, two-dimensional medium, and without more, our replies often sound high handed and harsh, simply because it lacks the usual body english and vocal inflection of relaxed conversation. Trying to add some literary inflection is, to me, a welcome respite from text book quality.

Um ... I THINK! / James /
[Yes - but no advantage here] -- Yeah.....I know that. But, I was only attempting to make a point that basically, for the price of 10-cents (@ Digi-Key), he could essentially have a "50-Ohm" 1/4-Watt 1% Metal-Film resistor that would be exactly what -- jokeramik -- had specified and achieve his stated results.

Okay. But note that the value of the Resistor here is of negligible significance wrt audio performance. Unlike the ac coupling capacitor.
On the other hand, it would be rather different if he did not mix it up as he does. As Mr. Whoops correctly observes, emphasizing everything with no variation is often construed as anger or shouting. It all depends on the overall presentation.

I completely understand what you say, I also got used to the way Mr MA writes here in the forum,
so I know it's not yelling or anger. It's the only person that writes this way here so if you're a regular around here you will recognize and get used to it.
But for other people that don't know or doesn't know how helpful and skillful Mr. MA is, it might come across as someone yelling, so I also understand that

I'm all good, people are free to write the way they want
At the risk of being hounded out of the principality for harboring a dissenting opinion ... and while I DO appreciate Mr. Whoop's take - I do not object to Mr. MidnightArakkis mixing bold and ALL CAPS and underlining in his messages, because it easily identifies when he quotes another member, and clearly identifies his response, adding a little "salt and pepper" inflection, emphasis and accentuation to his reply. I always read his messages aloud, in a pleasant and coversational tone, to fully realize the intended tone and emphasis. - and it comes off as quite natural and conversational that way.

On the other hand, it would be rather different if he did not mix it up as he does. As Mr. Whoops correctly observes, emphasizing everything with no variation is often construed as anger or shouting. It all depends on the overall presentation. I believe Mr. MA's mix provides a realistic, conversational approach, especially read aloud in a relaxed tone. Again, it would be very different if he did not mix it up and used any particular means of emphasis too much. It is, for me, a question of overall balance.

Unfortunately, there is little personalization or differentiation in tone in this black-and-white, two-dimensional medium, and without more, our replies often sound high handed and harsh, simply because it lacks the usual body english and vocal inflection of relaxed conversation. Trying to add some literary inflection is, to me, a welcome respite from text book quality.

Um ... I THINK! / James /

>> YOU!!! <<
are the absolutely first person who seems to have recognized why I write things in the manner that I write things!!!

When I am sitting here thinking about what I am going to say in a comment posting, I am also thinking about how I would be speaking my comment to the person I am writing to just as if that person is sitting right here with me and the two of us were enjoying having a conversation together discussing the topic at hand. I feel that if I wrote my responses in the manner in which Mr. Whoops insists I do, it would be to me as though I was talking in a bland monotone voice like a robot. My use of bold, italics, punctuation graphics and marks and other text-based items are all an attempt to create a form of "verbal connotation of expression". Just like when you yourself are speaking to someone about anything and you place a little bit of extra -- strength -- on a word here and there within your sentences to convey a "point" or to make something in your sentence "stand out" from other items of your speech, my use of text-based graphics is my way of trying to illustrate that one item I am writing about is "more important", or "is different" or "is 'something'" else from whatever else that may be in my composition.

And.....while I can also understand what Mr. Whoops is relating about how I write can/could/is be considered to be -- SHOUTING --, that is certainly not my intention. And, also.....from a strictly personal perspective.....I have read countless numbers of postings from Mr. Whoops in the many, many threads here on this forum for quite a long time and I have a certain level and type of respect for what he says and especially for what he does in "real life", as I once also lived that lifestyle myself. So.....his recent comments about how I construct my comments here in this forum actually does both emotionally and personally hurt and saddens me. I guess it's one of those "don't be different, be like everybody else" things in order to be accepted by others here on this forum, right?

However, I am also aware that due to the fact and nature of this forum and its international member base, that those from other countries probably don't/won't have a clue to understanding the -- how's and why's -- of my writing style, but I feel that that's not my problem. If a member from some other country reading one of my comments/responses here on this forum feels insulted/offended by my use of caps, bold-fonts, colors, etc., again.....that's not my problem. Why should I have to alter my way of expressing my opinions and thoughts to others on here because someone in a completely different culture halfway around-the-world might feel offended? I am more than certain that those very same people wouldn't give a rats-ass if how and what they wrote offended someone here in the U.S. Right?

And, closing.....a teeny-tiny bit of some personal background: During my high-school days back in the 1960's, I studied both "Broadcasting & Journalism" because at that point in my life, I really wanted to be a radio D.J. I thought that would be a really cool thing to do and be. As an unintended side-effect, during the times I had visited various radio and TV stations, I saw all of the rack-mounted broadcast equipment mounted in the equipment racks and with my also really being into "Hi-Fi" equipment, I just got this "feeling" about how this type of audio equipment "meant business" and was on a totally different "professional" level.

After graduating high-school and entering college, I majored in "Radio/TV Broadcasting" with a minor in "Journalism" and somehow ended up becoming the yearbook editor of our college yearbook. I had no idea how I got that position nor did I have any experience or idea with how to execute such a job. Long story short, I created the entire college yearbook using all of my own ideas for page layouts, photos, captions, headlines, copy, etc., etc., etc. However, after submitting all of my work to the publisher so the yearbook could be printed, I was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and I was gone. What that meant was, I never got to see the end result of my yearbook work. So.....where is this story going?.....

It was about 8-years or so later that I was somewhere and somebody else recognized me from being in one of their college classes. As we chatted, I made a comment about how I was the yearbook editor of the college yearbook for that particular year and they said to me, "YOU WERE THE COLLEGE YEARBOOK EDITOR FOR THAT YEARBOOK"? And, I said, "Yeah.....why"? They then replied, "So, you don't know anything at all about all of what happened or surrounded that yearbook, do you"? -- "No.....why"???.....

The other person then related to me, "MY GOD!!! MAN!!! ..... Your yearbook was the talk of the entire college and yearbook industry that year!!! That yearbook ended up winning all sorts of accolades and awards within the yearbook publishing industry for its unique and unusual page layouts, camera photo angles, captions and headlines, writing style and so much more!!! YOU were a hero that year and you don't even know it"!!!

So.....whatever journalism style I had used back in 1969 that ended up winning all sorts of awards, in today's new world, my style of writing ends up getting me chastised and is offending other people throughout the rest of the world!!! Go figure!!!.....

And, you remember the comment I made when I mentioned how "cool" I thought all of the broadcast equipment I saw in the radio and TV stations that I had visited was? Well.....seeing that "cool looking professional" rack-mount equipment triggered "something" inside me and I have -- LOVED -- rack-mount equipment ever since!!! My "love" of the "cool-looking" rack-mount equipment has resulted with me designing all sorts of rack-mount equipment ever since around 1975!!! See the attached PDF file.

So.....I guess I should just become another faceless "bot" on this forum, like what Mr. Whoops implies that I should be, and I need to stop using the text-based graphics that I use to not only emphasize my certain points, but to also offer a form of clarification and/or a type of differentiation of the points I am making within my compositions. Such is life.....



  • JBW-Designed -- Design-Portfolio -- Audio+Broadcast+Lighting+Video+Cables+Foam+Drawings+Photos.pdf
    9.7 MB
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So.....I guess I should just become another faceless "bot" on this forum, like what Mr. Whoops implies that I should be

I never implied that at all, but you are actually implying that we all are faceless "bots" because we don't write the way you do.

I just explained to you very politely that the way you write can come across as you are always yelling or angry, has it happened in Chillidawg reply in post 12, just that, you can understand it or not, it's up to you. But don't shoot the messenger.
I also praised you several times

Peace Dude ☮️
I never implied that at all, but you are actually implying that we all are faceless "bots" because we don't write the way you do.
[you are actually implying that we all are faceless "bots" because we don't write the way you do] -- No-o-o-o-o-o-o.....what I wrote has absolutely nothing to do with the way that I write or implying how everybody else should write.. What I was attempting to convey is that apparently everybody/nobody should use any type and/or manner of "graphical expression" which may assist them with trying to clarify or make a point or at least highlight a specific piece of information. That's all.

OK, Mr. Whoops!!! I will admit defeat and submit any of my future written comments and responses to your wishes. I will try to "cease and desist" any further text-based graphical expression here on this forum, primarily out of the fear that you or someone else on this forum will somehow be offended by how I write and again report me to "Abbey Road", who has threatened to ban me from this forum more than once. It seems as though that no matter how much I try to help other members in this forum with my particular technical expertise and skills, there always seems to be someone who is halfway around-the-world that becomes offended and/or upset because I used some caps or used the bold feature within one of my comments and whines to Abbey about it.


[you are actually implying that we all are faceless "bots" because we don't write the way you do] -- No-o-o-o-o-o-o.....what I wrote has absolutely nothing to do with the way that I write or implying how everybody else should write.. What I was attempting to convey is that apparently everybody/nobody should use any type and/or manner of "graphical expression" which may assist them with trying to clarify or make a point or at least highlight a specific piece of information. That's all.

OK, Mr. Whoops!!! I will admit defeat and submit any of my future written comments and responses to your wishes. I will try to "cease and desist" any further text-based graphical expression here on this forum, primarily out of the fear that you or someone else on this forum will somehow be offended by how I write and again report me to "Abbey Road", who has threatened to ban me from this forum more than once. It seems as though that no matter how much I try to help other members in this forum with my particular technical expertise and skills, there always seems to be someone who is halfway around-the-world that becomes offended and/or upset because I used some caps or used the bold feature within one of my comments and whines to Abbey about it.


The children have won again it seems. It’s happened to me as well. I tried to provide info, but since it wasn’t popular or in agreement according to the children, I was chastised as well.

It seems as though that no matter how much I try to help other members in this forum with my particular technical expertise and skills, there always seems to be someone who is halfway around-the-world that becomes offended and/or upset because I used some caps or used the bold feature within one of my comments and whines to Abbey about it.



It's not clear why you refer to someone "halfway around the world". Criticism of your style of communication here does not appear to be related to geographical location.
.. people that believe in civilized conversation, perhaps?
Awww boo hoo… civilized conversation happens when people are ACTUALLY speaking, not writing…in fact there is NO inflections or tone changes with typing. Time to grow up and find something better to do than criticize others if you’re so concerned with being civil. Besides, I liked how MA typed!