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Ridiculous. You worry about swines eating plastics while you're eating plastic yourselves. Even if it's vegetables from your own garden, or eggs from your own chickens, or...

Nobody escapes capitalism.
Ridiculous. You worry about swines eating plastics while you're eating plastic yourselves. Even if it's vegetables from your own garden, or eggs from your own chickens, or...

Nobody escapes capitalism.
Maybe you'd prefer Socialist/Communist holodomor instead? Do you think plastic or other pollution isn't created by non-capitalistic economies?
I suspect this tiktock was planted to stir up dissent, and it looks like several have taken the bait.(me included)

expect to see more of this for the next week or so.

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I just came across a news article that claimed recycling plastics doesn't work and Greenpeace agrees.

The only thing they left out, was that recycling plastics in the USA doesn't work. There isn't much animo for it, so plastics still get burned, and that's worse than putting them in a landfill. And there's still plenty of place for landfills in the USA.

It's appalling that intelligent people prostitute their talents this way. I sure hope the money is good.
If people want something real to rant about how about chicken house droppings being mixed into cattle feed. Chicken are notorious for dropping lots of chicken feed on the ground when eating. Farmers do not like to waste feed so the chicken house straw rich with chicken feed gets mixed into cattle feed... The occasional chicken sh__ gets recycled into bullsh__.

Most animals in nature eat dung. Either from other species or from their own kind.

It's the reason why there's vitamin B14 in cow's milk. In Asia, some swines are fed with human dung. Note that this kind of pork tends to be more expensive. Rabbits use coprophagia to avoid pandemics. Etc.

Not something to get upset about. Just a cultural/puritan thing.
Back to the original topic. Looks like the UK, under their new bankster PM, wants to "lead the way" to a bright dystopian future of digital currency.

Russell Brand summarizes it well.


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