Looking for someone who can restorate a Sony C-48 in Europe

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Active member
Nov 26, 2019
Hello there! I hope this is not the wrong part of the forum to ask this.

I inherited a Sony C48 which is faulty. It cuts sound intermitently, and it also has cracks and pops sometimes. After opening it it seems like a general mess inside, and one of the diaphragms is busted (which I suppose is the origin of the fault). Seriously, it looks like the mic did something bad to the "tech" who worked on it. I hate it.

I would like to know if there is anybody in Europe who has experience working on this mic. It is my understanding that reskinning the diaphragm would not get it to original condition... If that's the case, and the only possible way to restorate it would be with a new C48 diaphragm (which would be impossible hard to get), could the bad diaphragm be disconnected and configure the mic as only cardioid?. Right now, setting it in cardioid with the polarity pattern switch doesn't make the problems go away.

It's incredible, but sometimes it works. And it sounds wonderfull. But it doesn't take long before it starts going bad. I would really like to get this working, but I know it is out of my repair skills.

Some pictures of the crime:


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It is my understanding that reskinning the diaphragm would not get it to original condition...
Who ever told you that stop listening to them! I am sorry for the tone. Of course it is possible, it is just important to find the right person to do it. I have worked on these mics successfully, however i am busy at the time and don't have the time to offer you help. I have measured fully operating originals, and i can say they are unique and marvelous mics. From what i can tell the capsule is the same as c800G. So good luck finding original replacement.

They are nothing like u87 (k64, k87) capsules so whatever you do, don't use anything but original capsules in this mic. The magic of c800G and your mic comes from unique backplates, not the diaphragm itself!

This mic is a u87 with c800g capsule in a nutshell. I would use it over u87 all day long!