Love this thread!!!
I will say that everything you guys are saying is correct

One note is that I am still learning this craft. Even after ten plus years of kinda doing it correctly. My understanding and skill has evolved greatly over time. Here some thoughts. A good sounding capsule is a system. The hole size, depth, capacity, space between sides, tuning, gold deposition all matter and impact each other… even the rings matter! Here are some things I’ve learned over the years.. final Mylar tension and resonant frequency for sure matter but maybe not as much that’s speculated on the internet.

Mylar source and gold deposition thickness are very important.
the most impact regarding sound is backplate hole size and how deep the blinds are. Another huge impact is the final capacity.. that’s probably number 2 regarding impact in sound. Holding micron tolerance is really only important if you are machining a gap on the face of a backplate. Keeping things clean and oil free are very important but you don’t really need a clean room or laminar flow bench. And making one is easy doing 100s of times consistently is another story!