Microsoft Vista is being dumped

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I put win 7 on a single core 3 gig P4 today and even installed it on a POS 30gb Maxtor Pata drive and win 7 is snappy fast. Vista plods along like you are in glue that is hardening. I think this is going to be a hit.

barclaycon said:
Mr. Moby.

Vista 'sounds' better than XP ?
Would you care to explain that!
Simply, did you tried to run same DAW with same plugs uner XP and Vista and OS X , to bounce them than to compare? Most of the people think that it's just matter of look or feel but there is sonics difference. Since I prefer mac from OS9 to OS x , Vista sounds bit closer to that. Capisci?  ;)
Or better try to do some mastering on both systems, using same software. It's more obvious how XP squashes badly  ;D
No I'm not  ;D Of course I'm not talking about PT HD with his own DSP engine. I'm talking about Cubase, Nuendo and older versions of Logic.
Haven't you guys ever read a hi-fi magazine? You'll read that one CD Transport sounds less veiled' than the other and 'more liquid' - it's the sound of binary arithmetic. These magazines appear on every high street - so there must be some truth in it.

1s and 0s have a sound too!


Moby said:
No I'm not  ;D Of course I'm not talking about PT HD with his own DSP engine. I'm talking about Cubase, Nuendo and older versions of Logic.

I understand. You hear anything you believe you hear. I will not question your subjective experience.

But still,


let's not go there.

There's a whole ridiculous world of audiophiles who are being cheated or kid themselves to doing/buying ridiculous things based on mere beliefs. I was hoping it would not be the case here, where people actually build projects, and maybe somewhat understand the way they work.

Example, when you understand how a stock-standard regulated PSU works, why would you still buy a $4000 IEC cable? The same applies equally to audio DSP and the processes involved. Being a DSP programmer, I simply cannot kid myself to believe the same software on two different operating systems will magically sound different. Honestly, there is no magic involved, or blackvoodoo elves either.
There's a whole ridiculous world of audiophiles who are being cheated or kid themselves to doing/buying ridiculous things based on mere beliefs. I was hoping it would not be the case here, where people actually build projects, and maybe somewhat understand the way they work.
I agree, Audiofools are simply audiofools.
Example, when you understand how a stock-standard regulated PSU works, why would you still buy a $4000 IEC cable? The same applies equally to audio DSP and the processes involved. Being a DSP programmer, I simply cannot kid myself to believe the same software on two different operating systems will magically sound different. Honestly, there is no magic involved, or blackvoodoo elves either.
There is no magic just sounds different, and when something is slightly different you have opportunity to choose what you like better. You are not the first person who don't believe that operating systems sounds different, but, you just have to try , forget about 1 and 0 and use your ears. Since you can bounce from different systems you can later do the "blind test". I will really appreciate if you can tell me what's going on (since you are in programming). I would like to save some bucks using cheap windoze but I would like to have same sonics like osx  ;)
Moby said:
There is no magic just sounds different, and when something is slightly different you have opportunity to choose what you like better. You are not the first person who don't believe that operating systems sounds different, but, you just have to try , forget about 1 and 0 and use your ears. Since you can bounce from different systems you can later do the "blind test". I will really appreciate if you can tell me what's going on (since you are in programming). I would like to save some bucks using cheap windoze but I would like to have same sonics like osx  ;

There absolutely no need for any "blind tests" here.

When you have two audio files that are bit by bit equal, and you still hear a difference between them, there's is obviously magic involved.

But only inside your head! That's why I pointed to that link on the topic of placebo. We *cannot* "forget about 1 and 0". I can't believe I'm actually typing this!  :eek:

If you can't create two bit by bit equal files using the same source material for tests made on the same audio editor/recorder/whatever on two different operating systems, I guess you still have some basic learning to do. I guess if you want to "save some bucks", all you would have to do is to read some manuals for the software you use.
Well it is number crunching right ?
why do some people prefer summing out of the box ?

i haven't had that experience myself  [ not enough experience with vista ]
but if a guy plays better on a 58  Les Paul cuase he believes it is better
then what does it matter , so as long as one is listening  , paying attention
Kingston said:
There absolutely no need for any "blind tests" here.

When you have two audio files that are bit by bit equal, and you still hear a difference between them, there's is obviously magic involved.

Or one OS resamples the data before playback and the other doesn't (or does it differently)?

Doesn't XP resample everything to 48kHz with the default config?

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
Kingston said:
mcs said:
Doesn't XP resample everything to 48kHz with the default config?

no, of course it doesn't. (some crap creative labs sound card back ten years a go might have done that.)

Old beliefs die hard.

It's not an old belief. Just a couple of days ago I read about it. Someone had that exact problem. They connected an external DAC to an XP system, and no matter what they played the samplerate was 48kHz. And the soundcard in question did support higher samplerates. I have no idea what they were doing wrong (I have never used XP, or any Windows never than 3.1), but don't say it doesn't happen :)

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
Simply, did you tried to run same DAW with same plugs uner XP and Vista and OS X , to bounce them than to compare? Most of the people think that it's just matter of look or feel but there is sonics difference. Since I prefer mac from OS9 to OS x , Vista sounds bit closer to that. Capisci?

Well, I make records for a living.
I've got Protools on 3 different systems - both Mac & PC.
I've got Sonic Solutions on OS9 and I've still got Vista on a laptop (but not for very much longer).

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but with the greatest of respect, I think you're talking bollocks.
Capisca ?
mcs said:
I have no idea what they were doing wrong (I have never used XP, or any Windows never than 3.1), but don't say it doesn't happen :)

But somehow you still deduced the problem was windows XP related (your original suggestion/question certainly does), when it's obviously a soundcard/driver/setting related problem. Could equally well happen on any system.

I also once read about some guy on a forum who had difficulty setting up his RME soundcard on a windows system. I still wouldn't suggest that "all RME cards have problems with windows". :)
Ok guys. No problem, I will do the test again and upload the soundfiles. I don't know does files have exact same 1 and 0 , I don't care about but I will use same software , same versions of plgs and same preset. Than I want to continue with this.  ;D
Kingston, I know that you are nice guy but believe me you are wrong about this. This issue is something similar with burned audio cd's. Don't tell me that you don't hear the difference between cd media brands. And of course there is technical explanation. In this case I don't know to explain but I expect that from you since you are in programming. Cheers  :)

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