Not wanting to hijack this interesting thread, but what is the process for marking the front panel? I have a compressor that will need text and symbols.
[what is the process for marking the front panel?] -- Depends upon -- how/what -- it is that you want to have this done and/or you would like for it to look. Putting text and symbols onto a front-panel can be accomplish by:what is the process for marking the front panel? I have a compressor that will need text and symbols.
I worked out the angles for the switch positions and drew it on MS paint. I printed off copies and enlarged them until I got the size right.what is the process for marking the front panel?
Now THAT is real DIY.I worked out the angles for the switch positions and drew it on MS paint. I printed off copies and enlarged them until I got the size right.
When it was finished, I drew a box around each one and coloured the text red. I was then able to paint the white parts black without losing the text.
Finally, I painted the red text white and printed it off. I carefully cut circles from some thick cellophane, like that you get from a new shirt box.
I decided to revert back to the original threshold configuration, but with one addition. I made the original change because I couldn't get any positive pulses from the diode arrangement I had. Then I discovered that you either need a second diode or a resistor, to earth the negative pulses. When I added the resistor the negative supply worked normally. I also changed the signal diode to a rectifier diode because it is possible to exceed the voltage of the original 1N4048 with this circuit. This is the revised circuit.
The Grundig tape recorder schematic I copied, only had a fixed attack and release timing and the threshold control was factory preset. My version with variable timings starts to oscillate with very fast timings so I will have to modify them. Any timing ideas from other users of mix bus compressors will be appreciated.
These are the results of my tests on an EF83:
100k resistor on both anodes, 390k for g2 in pentode mode
I would have needed more negative voltage for the triode option and there was the uncertainty about losing the constant current feature of this tube. This is why I stuck with the pentode mode.
I did measure it and the anode current is much more constant than other tubes, but the Grid2 current does reduce a lot. When I originally used an over large G2 cap, it worked against the current drop and stopped the gain reduction.Did you measure anode voltage or current in pentode mode. Did it really stay constant from -1V to -10V grid voltage. I would expect anode current to change if gain is changing, even if the datasheet says different.
The attack time is around 10mS to 80mS, plus a dozen cycles which adds ~10mS midrange, 100mS bass.
This is what I'm working on at the moment Adolph. I have all the Grundig schematics so I can identify the high pass filters. The same CV cathode follower circuit was used throughout the range, but the details of the circuits that fed it were sometimes modified and that includes the filters.Thump voltage gets fed back in to the sidechain and if there isn't a significant high pass filter it'll start motorboating quite easily.