electrisizer said:
Hello again
Ive still no glue for my problems with that built.
Lot of windy noise very low output...
When the capsule is unsoldered the mik is quiet. All voltages are good.
Could a faulty capsule cause such strange mik behavior?
I would be glad to get some help
you wrote about using the t-bone housing in your previous post.
If you´re unsure about your capsule simply put in the original one and see what happens (check in cardioid mode-as far as I remember it is a single sided capsule).
Always assembling the complete housing for testing is a must-otherwise you´ll pick up tons of noise (or do max´s trick putting it in metall coin box ("Münztresor"/"Geldkassette")).
This piece must have a well done shielding,so exept for the housing the wiring between psu and mic must be done pretty well too.
Please don´t use the cable that was delivered with the microphone:I opened mine and noticed super-bad solder joints and unisolated part carrying the B+ nearly touching the xlr housing-HORROR!
Use a good cable and follow the instructions in this thread as there is a lot of information about this issue.
BTW:Have you burnt in the tubes for 48-72 hours?-Could solve some problems concerning noise...
About lowish level on output
on´t know what you mean or what gain you must have to get a good signal.On the other hand it is well known that the level falls back about some dB when the mic is in omni mode-exactly like it was in the original u47.You can find infos on that on the Neumann homepage looking for "Historische Mikrofone".
Hope to have helped and good luck,
Edit:Forgot to mention that you should check the mic housing for good continuity too.When assembled measure the resistance from headbasket to the housings bottom;from there to the psu ground.Shoud end up very close to 0 ohms.