Just another word on my lounge room diy speaker 'refurbs' ...
These Peerless Tymphany SLS series 8" drivers are just phenomenal ... never mind that they are 'affordable'.
They are a very nice contruction, sort of 'sculpted stamped' frame with some nicely engineered parts, strong magnetics and a paper cone with heavy duty surrounds and vented spiders .. rated 80Wrms I believe.
These drivers I put in some old jbl boxes : 34cm x 27cm x 55cm (outside dimensions)
The tweets are quite cheep vifa units.
The JBL crossovers were really good however ... with proper big, iron cored inductors. I re-capped with decent polyprop caps and padded the tweet by around -4dB.
I also stuffed alot of good quality damping material in there - they had a tiny amount of thin and crappy stuff before.
I glued a really dense matting on the inner surfaces (about 1.5" heavy, wadded cotton) and lightly packed the cavities with 3" thick, light-weight acrylic fibre fill.
That made a huge difference
The bass is now so totally awesome - kicks sound ultra realistic, like you can really hear the beater attack as well as a satisfying thud ... and the bass guitar .. is all there too .. for once. The Hofner is sublime, and the J-bass with a bit of overdrive is to cry for - solid and scary, like it should be
Completely controlled bottom end, but really strong at the same time.
My guitars just pound thru these .. I *am* running my own fender pre+la2a box ... which is the best thing imaginable .....
Playing along with the stereo track, my Guild jazz box just sounds like a million dollars

the Strat is truly hifi, and the SG with some fuzz is pure 70s heaven
I would really like to try these SLS drivers in a tube guitar cabinet too .. no crossovers
So, I'm running these SLS refurbs off my sum box+finalizer (minimal processing, mostly gating) ... and a solid state amp doing about 10Wrms I would say, on average ... with a lot of dynamic headroom (70Wrms max power at the amp, turned down at around 10 o'clock)
... not crazy loud, but certainly enough to rock my room .. which is around 8m x 4m x 3m
I have about 200hrs on these Peerless Tymphany SLS drivers and WOW they are amazing! Best 200aud bucks I ever spent
They did start out pretty lame but opened up at 70hrs or so and are still getting better. I'm running mostly flat EQ now .. whereas I used to run a heap of bass boost and treble cut before the refurb.
During my winter, which is just now ending, they are going all day and night .. along with the wood burner
I really recommend doing a refurb like this for yourself - the old 80s JBL boxes sucked totally before.
SO - try these Tymphany SLS drivers out .. the bass is so tight and impact-ful
I'm going to try some 12" SLS units next in my Sansui SP2500 speakers ... they are beautiful cabs with super awesome crossovers and quite good at the mids and highs .. they have interesting horn flares ... but the woofs are a bit tame .... 'japanese' tame

SOunds great with The Carpenters tho'
ahh, Karen .. sigh ..
I think they will become raging monsters of rock with some Peerless Tymphany SLS 12" drivers
(around 200usd a pair for the larger model SLS drivers

ps - a little white wine makes the whole thing worth recording ;D
Download some classics from YouTube and thrill all over again to the sublime sounds of History
Like some Vince Guaraldi doing 'Peanuts' stuff .. best .. piano .. ever !