More tape machine woes: crosstalk in sync only

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Update: no cracks in the board, but I find no continuity between head shield and GND. Should I try tying some of them directly to circuit GND and see if the problem goes away? In that case I know where to look

Edit: never mind, with cards fitted there is continuity
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Update: no cracks in the board, but I find no continuity between head shield and GND. Should I try tying some of them directly to circuit GND and see if the problem goes away? In that case I know where to look

Edit: never mind, with cards fitted there is continuity
Record head ground on pin L of the record bias card is supposed to be tied to pins 6, 7, 8, F, H, J which are supposed to be connected to 0V - pin 19 of the power supply connection on the connector board - the 30V ground - one of the three 0V black cables connected to this board
Maybe reflow all solder joins for incoming cabling, reinstall the board, reinstall all the cards and check for crosstalk - then if no change try removing card pairs (rec/bias and repro) one channel at a time and see if the problem persists and drops out with one pair out of circuit - bit tricky doing adjacents with a card pair missing but you get one adjacent at that location and you may find the problem is residing on a particular card or location with a card installed. If it does you can then eliminate if it’s the rec/bias or the repro card or if the location by swapping in cards from another channel.