This is the first time I've posted up pics of something I've built, mostly because I haven't 100% finished anything else. But...... with a front panel I sourced from Dan (thanks again, it looks great and it was cheap!), I've managed to get one completely done. No real issues to sort out with this build except for a 5K Log pot on the second channel that didn't function correctly. This thing sounds friggin' awesome and I now know why they're a popular build here.
I used the IO transformers from the GB (VTB2168/9), the Awesome switch and Joe's Go Betweens, DI and PSU
I just want to make mention of a few guys who helped with information and parts sourcing including Tim (best mate), Joel, Mako, Joe Malone, Dave (Awesome Switch) and to anybody who contributed anything to the many threads containing information on the project, this place is the BEST.
Anyhow the pics....