Don't you need a more expensive mic though to understand a Scottish accent for speech recognition? See how I tied the different parts of the thread together? <ducking my head and running for cover now, apologizing to my Scottish friends...>
Great question! Um ... er ... yes, that sounds right.
Funny-You-Mention-It Case 29083 - I used to beta test ViaVoice (R) speech recognition software for IBM in a former life. The development team was in Scotland and I instantly fell in LOVE with the dear sweet young lassie who answered the phone. Oh . . . (heavy sign) . . . I fell in love instantly just hearing her lovely, sweet Edinburgh brogue (i.e., the accent, NOT the type of shoe "brogue.") Oh, to be young and foolish, again - (another heavy sigh) - instead of merely foolish.
And, YES, good segue tying the various elements together. Nice touch, old man.