My missing 33609 ?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2005
Wagga Wagga - NSW,Australia
Hey people hoping someone here can assist.

I purchased a 33609 kit with case via a user here around 20 Febuary and was given shipping details that show to be invalid.

Here is the shipping number (numbers altered) 637XXX.384XXX via Canada Post. Does this look like a tracking number any Canadians are familiar with.

The person who sent it isn't responding to my messages but user name here is Alarmclock .
If anyone knows this person and can alert them that I need this info because the package is yet to arrive.

Any assistance would be grateful.
No idea on the shipping number, but if you paid by paypal check your time limit for opening up a case. I'd go ahead and open one up if you still can. I certainly hope he didn't stiff you, but at least this will get his attention where emails and such can be more easily fall down on the priority list.

good luck.
a Canada post number would be  like    CX 513 500 525 CA    that is an example  going to the U.S.
post to Australia from Canada [ and vice versa ] seems to be pretty expensive these days.
a modest charge for air could also be an indication as well as the low post count.
Thanks guys.

Have contacted Canada Post
who confirmed the tracking number is invalid.

No contact since March 9th with seller. It seems buying on these forums is not as safe as it once was maybe to post in the for sale forums better personal and verification info is needed.

Ive lodged a claim with paypal as the time limit was extended late last year. I am still out of pocked with a dogy seller on the Avid DUC forum and because of their very short lime limit couldn't have any action taken.

these are the only email addresses/ info i have
[email protected]
[email protected]
I think the contact around here is usually safe, I've seen a lot of problems around ending well and being caused by a misunderstanding, I agree with Winetree here that with only 11 posts in 7 years I wouldn't trust him either, I usually look a bit around for the activity register in the forum before engaging any business... I wish you can solve this and you end with your 33609!

Hope everything get solved soon,

Had a similar problem last year getting a guitar kit from a UK seller, i Paypal'ed but never got the kit, i waited more than 45 days (Paypal limit for opening a case) so i reported my bank and answered "don't worry, we'll refund you the money and start a legal battle against UK seller.

Report your bank office

PS: it may seem excessive but i'd call police. They can track e-mail accounts and get the guy

When buying i tend to ask for pictures with my name written on paper and also name, surname, phone number, address, etc.
I once told a buyer who detracted a paypal payment right after receiving his product: i know where you live and i'm coming to visit for the full payment. He was in another country, but it worked. Didn't even need to involve paypal in the dispute.