My voltages are definitely weird:
At the intersection of R20 and R21 I have 11V.
At point ‘B’ on the board I have 9V.
At the intersection of C7 and T5 I have 11V,
13.2V at T7 and R17,
11.4V at T5 andR16.
I’m using an outboard AKG phantom supply that’s putting out 53V, and at the pads that connect to the XLR I have 13V between pin 2 and ground and pin 3 and ground. Obviously something is pulling the voltage down.
Edit, a couple of hours later: The problem is I seem to have bought some counterfeit 2N3819s. I tested the others in the batch I bought and they read like BJTs, not JFETs, thought they're marked 2N3819. Caveat emptor.