Cardinen said:Hi All,
I've my U87 clone sitting on the workbench from a long time now, so i hope you can help me.
The main problem is: i'm not able to bias the FET, the voltages seems Ok everywhere but not on the Drain.
I'm using Peluso transformer and RK-87 capsule by M. Parts.
I've swapped 3-4 different FET, now i have the one with the lowest IDSS installed (5mA) and i have just 0.4V on the Drain. Tried to change the trimmer from 10K to 25K/50K don't help.
my voltages (with capsule and transformer, same without):
Phantom: 47.86V
Top of R18: 47.8
Bot of R19: 47.8
Node R18/R19: 46.68V
Zener : 23.83V
node R12/R14: 19.71
FET Drain : 0.42V (23.3V on the pad without FET and trimmer)
FET Source: 0.32V
I'm using 68M resistors instead of 60M, could be a problem ?
Below you can see two photo, any help will be appreciated.
Cardinen said:Hi All,
I've my U87 clone sitting on the workbench from a long time now, so i hope you can help me.
The main problem is: i'm not able to bias the FET, the voltages seems Ok everywhere but not on the Drain.
I'm using Peluso transformer and RK-87 capsule by M. Parts.
I've swapped 3-4 different FET, now i have the one with the lowest IDSS installed (5mA) and i have just 0.4V on the Drain. Tried to change the trimmer from 10K to 25K/50K don't help.
my voltages (with capsule and transformer, same without):
Phantom: 47.86V
Top of R18: 47.8
Bot of R19: 47.8
Node R18/R19: 46.68V
Zener : 23.83V
node R12/R14: 19.71
FET Drain : 0.42V (23.3V on the pad without FET and trimmer)
FET Source: 0.32V
I'm using 68M resistors instead of 60M, could be a problem ?
Below you can see two photo, any help will be appreciated.
poctop said:I am wandering where did you solder you FET Gate the middle pin of the feT should be solder in the air or on an isolation pin and goes to the ther board labeled G , if you have (FET Drain : (23.3V on the pad without FET and trimmer)) happening then you should be all set on board number one unless there is somthing simple that is preventing it to work, you can try for now to put a 10K resistor in place of the pot and troubleshoot from there ,
poctop said:I think I know what your problem is ,
if you look on the picture U87-2 the pin of the pot do not even attach to the pad of the FET source ,
in short you need to have the pot solder on the ( if you look at the picture )
on the 2 lefmost pin of the (3 insidepad) these are for the pot the 2 outmost are for a resistor,
one of those pin will be continuity with the FET source and the other one to GND,
make sure you also connect the wiper of the pot also not the 2 sides
JessJackson said:What was the original type used in vintage u87?
poctop said:JessJackson said:What was the original type used in vintage u87?
original is 470pf polystyrene,
poctop said:oupss sorry you are correct I had this on the top of my mind and my memory is playing on me ,
I was thinking of the FET Gate coupling Cap
the original is a Tantalum capacitor , some like the elctrolytics instead of tantalum tough.
Case in point: C4 in the original U87. Here, a 470pf cap is placed in series between the capsule's front diaphragm and the FET's gate. (I routinely remove it in the course of my U87 modifications- it does not contribute to anything audible or measurable; all it does is introduce phase shift at a crucial point in the circuitry. (Yes, David Satz: phase shift! Audible!) If it's not decoupling anything, if it does not eq, if its removal does not cause the collapse of the Roman Empire, what the hell is it for? I still think that Neumann's answer to me makes the most sense: low frequencies, those close to and including DC, are curtailed. Maybe it serves as a safety valve in case there is any kind of DC (electrostatic?) charge left on the diaphragm. But if that's the case, 25 years of living without it has not got me in trouble yet.
JessJackson said:poctop said:oupss sorry you are correct I had this on the top of my mind and my memory is playing on me ,
I was thinking of the FET Gate coupling Cap
the original is a Tantalum capacitor , some like the elctrolytics instead of tantalum tough.
All good mate...
Actually about that 470pf cap (C4) , heres is an excerpt from Klaus on modding it.
Case in point: C4 in the original U87. Here, a 470pf cap is placed in series between the capsule's front diaphragm and the FET's gate. (I routinely remove it in the course of my U87 modifications- it does not contribute to anything audible or measurable; all it does is introduce phase shift at a crucial point in the circuitry. (Yes, David Satz: phase shift! Audible!) If it's not decoupling anything, if it does not eq, if its removal does not cause the collapse of the Roman Empire, what the hell is it for? I still think that Neumann's answer to me makes the most sense: low frequencies, those close to and including DC, are curtailed. Maybe it serves as a safety valve in case there is any kind of DC (electrostatic?) charge left on the diaphragm. But if that's the case, 25 years of living without it has not got me in trouble yet.
More info on u87 mods and Gus speaks on this klaus mod here
And RRS modded one here
I just disconnected all switches and rear capsule connections and the mic sounds much better now, more output and less system hiss.
Just cut a monster of a record with it. It absolutely kills the top end of my sony c800g and makes that mic sound like a smeared soft wet sandpaper and it doesnt sound too FET yet still sounds immediate... if that means anything to anyone.
I'm gonna do some research on the original coupling caps.
poctop said:Just a quick note,
The FET Gate Pin should not be soldered to the pcb directly.
Let me know how it goes ,
kante1603 said:have you lifted the pattern switch too (3 wires)?
As said it is best to start troubleshooting with the mic in its' basic function,so no switches connected.
poctop said:What is the FET you are using ,
i would start by removing the FET and capsule and check you transformer wiring if you are using the T13 make sure the lower resistance pair is on the xlr side as it can trow off everything and remove all wiring as Udo said and check all the basic voltage trough the circuit ,
when this is all done start by adding adding the FET (install a 10K resistor like you did to start with.