Neve 33135 Pics

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Kid Squid

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Port Toilet, South Wales
Hiya Chaps,

Here's some pics of a Neve 33135 i'm currently having a go at.

O/P amp on the negative side is fried, They have been previously racked up, with no O/P transformer. while running unbalanced, looks like O/P amp has burned out. ( apparently the BA769 amp, is two BA640's running push-pull, and there's no current limiting on the amp's o/p - supposed to be run with a LO2567). anyway, got to order some BC441 / 461's, and a pair of Sowter replacements, and I'll let you know how it goes.
here's the pics





check out the transistor mounting pad - melted solid to the transistor - fair clue :wink:

Steve :thumb:
I'm pretty confident Neve didn't use LO2567's with 33135's, or any other broadcast modules, though I'm not sure which output they used with the 33135. It might have been the LO1173 used by others.

Does the circuit look like it could use the tertiary feedback winding?

Jens, I wish they were mine mate :wink:

JC - the real O/P transformer is a Belclere T1801 (rare as chicken's teeth :wink: ), I've found a bit of info over at Geoff Tanner's forum regarding them, and interestingly, he has used a LO2567 in it's place, (can't get my hands on any !)and got some real good results, have a look.

I've spoke to Brian Sowter, regarding the replacement for the LO2567 and I should have them in a week or two, so It will be interesting to see what it sounds like !
regarding the drawing i have of the B640, doesn't look like it uses any tertiary feedback,but I havent traced out the B769 yet, so I can't give you a positive answer regarding this. at the moment anyway.. :wink:

Steve :thumb:
[quote author="Kid Squid"]regarding the drawing i have of the B640, doesn't look like it uses any tertiary feedback,but I havent traced out the B769 yet, so I can't give you a positive answer regarding this. at the moment anyway.. :wink: [/quote]
Hi Steve,

Just curious if you've seen some more of the B769-circuit yet... is it indeed two separate B640's on one PCB, or are they linked in some way ?


We should have the Carnhill VTB9057 in stock in a few days time (GBP 16.82 each).

Price excludes freight and VAT [if applicable].

funny I waa working on one of those yesterday. Anyway The issue with the one on the bench was it was not working.

I found several cold Solder joints. That was the only issue with the one I worked on.
Finished off the pair of 33135's with Sowter outputs, and they sound lovely.
Re-capped them, cleaned them up, sorted out the output transistors, added the sowter iron, made a seperate PSU. well happy :wink:


before the wiring was tidied up,

PSU Guts

PSU Front - should read +/- 18V.....never mind... :wink:

very nice they are as well.
Steve :thumb:
Thanks chaps,
I'm well happy with the way it turned out.

The Psu case, was meant for a pair of G7's PSU, but After sizing up the Neve PSU, Thought it'd be a nice size for it.
A little tight, but all o.k.

Could be a very nice DIY project...............
sort of a 1081, with 5532's instead of D.O.A.'s..
Sound lovely.

Just got to get my head around Eagle a bit more first...
any helpers ????


Steve :thumb: