Melcor GME-20 EQ = awesome!
Ok, first with the 1731 Opamp they are much smoother than API, yet sill punchy sounding. (not quite as aggressive as API). Two bands each have a switch with 4 freqs to select from. Also a Hi and Low pass. These are one of the first eqs that I know of (I could be wrong) that have the semi parametric Q that gets more narrow as you boost or cut the freq. So they start out quite wide and get more narrow as you boost. They become very narrow at 12db of boost. Also, there is no loss of level when using these. Most eqs when inserted drop the db level by a few. These do not. These do not have transformers, but are 600 ohms in and out. They play well as is, unballanced. Adding Transformers seem to only help ballance and add no real benefits. (But I guess the right transformer could add color). IMO they are not needed.
These are killer on kick/bass with subtle boosts. Electric guitar is freak'n the tits! You can boost one band like 12db, yet it is narrow. So it sits in a mix yet cuts through like nobody's buisness. Joel Hamelton and John Noll from Tape OP turned me on to that trick and works brillant. On Vocals it can add air, or de-ess pretty naturally, while at the same time can give a gentle boost to the low-mids to fatten it up.
The Melcor EQ-20 I have comming do have iron in them and are smooth as butta. They are limited by a fixed bottom end, and only 2 adjustable bands.