NYD's passive EQ, ghetto edition

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[quote author="laitue5"]I?m going to do the same. I?m going to remove my documents. Sorry guys.[/quote]

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I understand...

... but do we realize where this all will lead to ?

In a few weeks time the house will be empty.

I propose to make this a more restricted forum, in order to save the valuable community we now here have.
No? I?m just kidding. :wink: I only draw one or two things in two years, and it doesn?t interest anyone appart maybe from a newbie or two.

As a lot of people here I understand NYD decision, and am very thankful for what I learned from him via his schemos. EQ circuits and summing was total black magic for me two years ago? I feel like it?s time for me to start design my own stuff on what I learned. Thanks New York Dave.

I re-read the lines I wrote and I think now it sounds a little like an epitaph? :green: Sorry. NYD and DIY are not dead. It?s just time for the others to design more, isn?t it? :grin:
I think this forum should be less about sharing designs and more about sharing knowledge.

You (and some other people here) have provided more than enough information on how to design and build a passive equalizer to you own specs. I think that's a lot more valuable than the actual schematics of the NYD equalizer.

As long as people here keep sharing knowledge I think it might just be a good thing when less actual designs are being posted. Maybe people will start thinking for themselves instead of just building the same designs over and over again.

So .. eh.. thanks Dave! :grin:
Dave, I'm glad you're looking out for yourself. I hope you're still going to grant us "sneak peek of the week" for the new things you cook up. A big thanks for the things you have decided to share in the past.

Also thanks to you and Jaakko for making Dymo "hip" and cool.
Really, for the forum regulars, nothing's changed except for that extra step of dropping me an email in order to see the schematic. I just want to keep any ill-intentioned lurkers out of the loop.

I know a couple of guys here have password-protected pages on their websites, for the eyes of friends only, so this is not unprecedented.
Maybe it was my comment in the Brewery about stealing his stuff and selling
it for millions!

But on a more serious note, I did suggest that the forum not be that public
in that in order to read the post one needs to at least register.

Yeah, policing sucks, but maybe we should look into it, just to keep the
lurkers away?

Hi first post, I feel I've been shamed into doing so, ' I'm Mick and I'm a lurker '. I've been around here for about a year, I just wanted to point out that for some of us it's hard to contribute when most of this stuff is way beyond our knowledge, on the few occasions when I could help ( mainly with sourcing ) someone always beats me to it. Many times I've wanted to ask a question but have found the answer was already here somewhere, anyway point is I never intended it to be that way, It's just the way it happened...... I feel so ashamed
Yeah I know Jakob,

It is a sad place to be :sad:

If we closed it smucks ike me may never have gotten into DIY or Electronics, and it really has changed my life and given me something I love doing, not to mention all the cool gear.

I just get really pissed when guys go and steal all your hard work and get mad that we end up with guys like Dave choosing not to keep the designs in the open you know.

Thanks again to Dave and yourself for all your contributions, hugs all round, this place is the best!

Well, ya gotta look out for number one!

Personally, Dave, I think you should start putting together a business plan now on how you can commercially market your own designs. More preparation now means less headache later.

I believe you were the one who told me when I was talking about making a movie was to go out and shoot something, anything, and then come back and make it work in some kind of context. Well, guess what? I can throw that right back at you now! :green: Get out there and do something, anything, that will get you on your way to marketing your own designs and making some money off of your hard work.

Good luck, and remember that I'm pulling for you. I'm expecting to see NewYorkDave brand preamps and EQs on the market in a year or two now... :wink:
To be honest, I probably should be a lurker. I know nothing about designing circuits, or even how they really work. But I love a good community. And that's what I saw when I came here. So I speak up even with nothing to add, just to be part of it.

It only takes a week of reading to realize which members create and which ones just build. I appreciate both types of posters for the experiences they share. Wether it be blowing up caps because they were put in wrong or hacking up an old Shure box to stuff with an EQ. They are both great things to share so the newbies can learn and the old timer can get a good laugh.

I owe a lot to this forum, most especially Dave, PRR, and few others. I honestly hope they can see my appreciation and my progress under their tutelage.

Perhaps the high number of lurkers indicates that there could be a market for kits of Dave's design or the finished package or both. Maybe a Hamptone-style business model would work.

Just a few thoughts. Now, all lurkers and still-newbie-contributors (I'm in the latter category) repeat after me:
"I will do my best to contribute more to the forum by reading the Metas and posting thoughtful questions, and by sharing pictures of my completed projects as inspiration for others. Ex Perfecto Nihil Fit." :green:
Like many others here, I post infrequently but read the forum every day. I post infrequently mainly because I don't think I have any significant knownedge or experience that would benefit others, but I dearly love to go through the posts, particularly on design ideas and instructive dissertations on how things work. NY Dave is one of the few who come with those unique ideas and instructive dissertations.

I fully understand, and support your decission to gather your hard earned intellectual property and try to keep it out of the hands of pirates and other unscrupulous sorts. I hate to see it happen though, because folks like me will miss out on learning the million things you so freely provided us the last several years.

I have saved all your circuit ideas and have gone over them with pencil, paper, calculator and simulator to see how they work and try to understand your instruction as to why you did this or that a certain way. I seldom get around to actually building things, but your ideas are among the few that interest me enough to try to actually breadboard.

Since I am an avowed recluse, I will sorely miss your free contribution to my personal mental health, but I sure do thank you for all you have done in the past, and wish you success in any commercial endevor. I hope you continue to give you knowledge and support to the forum in whatever way you can, without compromising you financial future.

Dave I respect your decision. I've been thinking about the openness of this forum since the GSSL ripoff recently. We've always been THE most sharing forum in my opinion. We've gotten into trouble a few times for passing around schematics. I would HATE to see this place get all secretive like so many other places on the net.

On the other hand I do understand the difference between your own designs and the possibility of a commercial venture with them vs sharing a schematic of some vintage peice.

Hopefully we can keep the info flowing.

It is such a pity to see someone fearing misuse of their designs by a big company.

Very similar to the Synth DIY list where some of the designs, or VERY similar designs, appeared in a commercial unit.

Thanks for all the inspiration Dave.
