NYD's passive EQ, ghetto edition

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I never downloaded your shematics and i just say that i don't agree with your tactic. But everyone is free to do everything he wants.

1. I like the people that say always the truth and the truth is that is time to make money from your hobby doing kits or something like this. Isn't that bad, but say it at the forum. Don't say for china copies etc. For sure, you beleive that China wait for copy your projects? :grin: It's very funny, sorry.
2. You just hate the cheaters? So i am thinking for 90% of people here (i am in...) :roll:

Sorry but i like this hobby. This forum is really good. Don't destroy it

I post all the time and don't have anything good to add...like now!!

Dave, I totally understand your position, and I can onbly thank you for your past openness, and also your offer to help folks out with your info in the future via email...


Just don't keep the food DIY all to yourself...
[quote author="Mbira"]:shock: :shock: :shock: 735 members that have never posted!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]

Oh, it's no joke: As I write this, there are 12 registered members and 21 unregistered guests browsing these fora...

see. maybe nydave is not being so unreasonable after all, eh?

i think the dramastic audio thing is a wake up call. sure, he just ripped off a clone, but tomorrow it could be a circuit designed by someone here. i used to think 'gus' the microphone guy was paranoid but now im starting to understand...

here are the stats at this moment:

"In total there are 34 users online :: 9 Registered, 3 Hidden and 22 Guests"
[quote author="alk509"][quote author="Mbira"]:shock: :shock: :shock: 735 members that have never posted!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]
Oh, it's no joke: As I write this, there are 12 registered members and 21 unregistered guests browsing these fora...

Or..... 33 potential customers for Dave's easy to follow, fun to build, and highly educational kits. I bet a few of the regulars here would pitch in and help get the business off the ground, contributing pcb layouts or parts sourcing connections or whatever. I will do anything I can to help, including buying the kits even if I could manage without them. I would happily pay a hefty markup to get a complete set of parts in a baggy and a set of directions written in Dave's humorously irreverent style.

Again, I'm just thinking out loud while typing silently. I genuinely would like to see Dave go into business and would support such an effort just on principal.
Dave, thanks for the years of inspiration and ideas...and maybe if you come up with a circuit idea that would never be commercially viable in a million years, that's the one to post.

Meanwhile, think about a business plan, but be mindful of the advice once offered by a business columnist, I forget which. He wrote during the 90s boom in startups, and he addressed the hundreds of MBA's he saw whose idea of starting a business was to generate a hundred spreadsheets. He said, in effect, "That's not how you do it. The way you start a business is that you build a widget and sell it to somebody. Then you build another one and sell that. And so on."

It's a bit simplistic, since you do need to cost things out to figure whether there's any possibility of making a profit on your widget, but I think this guy had the right idea. Dave, the suggestion has been made that a line of kits might be in order, and I think that's probably correct; right now there are heaps and heaps of, for example, preamps out there, all doing the same things your preamp designs do, and yours (in built form) would be just one more. Kits, on the other hand, barely exist in the marketplace, and offer significant price advantages to users with more time than money on their hands and the willingness to put in the sweat-equity.

The passive EQ is a different kettle of worms. It has few competitors out there. So perhaps that might be something you'd build up to marketing in assembled form -- perhaps piggybacking that on a business built up by preamp kits.

In fact, you might have a two-tier approach that allowed you to post some schematics, and not others. Designs for preamps, for example, are probably not commercially interesting enough to warrant keeping them under wraps, but would be primarily DIY products, and I can't see a ripoff manufacturer putting out kits. Something genuinely rare, like the passive EQ, that's worth protecting.

I have been lurking here for a little over six months now. I signed up along the way because I thought it was the right thing to do but never posted because I felt I had nothing to contribute and didn't want to be another cheerleader. My point is this: Six months ago I didn't know how to read a schematic. I didn't know what a long-tailed pair was or how an emitter-follower effected output impedence. Hell, I didn't know what output impedence was, other than guitars vs. mics. The web is full of information on electronics, but you guys uniquely serve as both a provider of and a gateway to information that is specific to the use of electronics for audio recording. Don't underestimate the value of this. There is nothing else like this, at least not that I am aware of. I am indebted to all of you, not least of all you, Dave. It saddens me to think that your participation here would wane or that this forum would change into something less than what it has been. :sad:

after long silence.... Dave do what you feel is right. :thumb: I totally understand your position and you got my support. As far as NYD kits maybe I was day dreaming at work but fook that would be so cool. Just don't disappear completely on us we would miss you.

:sam: :sam: :sam: Have a few brooklyn's and keep doing what you doing and dso it some more... :thumb:
[quote author="Mbira"]:shock: :shock: :shock: 735 members that have never posted!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:[/quote]
It's understandable, like a few others have said - if there's nothing to say then why lower the S/N-ratio with 'feeling obliged to'-posts.

But I do get p*ssed off when the first post of someone is right away in the Black Market to sell something, but that's another story.
i too tend to lurk an awful lot for the same reasons as many have posted, but will throw my 10cents in here to say thanks to ny dave (and others) for your many freely contributed designs.....i've learned alot trying to figure them out, and still hope to build a few before to long.

besides the recent dramastic/gssl business, are there any known examples of designs posted here "finding" their way into commercial products? not that it would make a difference, but i'm just curious.....

[quote author="tk@halmi"]
Yesterday I was really surprised to do a search on Yahoo for "discrete opamps" and see my meta thread come up as the FIRST entry on the FIRST page. :shock:[/quote]

a search phase close to that is how i found this forum in the summer of 2005!  
Now it is five projects later which included my somewhat frightening looking version of New York Dave's passive mixer design:

Dave-  I have found some insight from your schematics, but have much more to learn.   so any kits or PCBs that you might have to offer in the future I will most likely be down for building.  :grin:
thanks for your community efforts, and know that I totally support and respect your decision.  

updated link to images.
I do feel like I'm lurking but I do post sometimes. Just fill the gaps with useless comments like: "Very nice!" or "Looks good!!, where did you get those switches", or whatever...and sometimes there are questions I can answer, like pointing people to where they can buy stuff or just simple questions that I had as well, 2 years ago.

Go one Dave! do your thing :thumb: in about 50 years from now future DIY generations will clone your (it's the year 2056, so it will be called "Vintage") stuff.

Or is that a bad thing :? Well anyway, it's meant to be a complement.....
Do what you gotta do Dave, thanks for all the cool ideas - you rock!

I have no problem with this place becoming a 'register to view' deal if that would help, but there's no way to validate a user, so what would be there to stop a behringer employee from creating an anonymous nick and stealing?

Anyhoo, behringer (and others like them) will steal designs here or buy one of your new commercial units and steal it from there - they have no shame, and unless you can patent your designs etc there's little you can do to stop them I think.

Guys like Nelson Pass have a ton of patents I believe and sounds like he's not afraid to get the lawyers involved when needed...

Some one mentioned a lot of lurkers, or a high percentage of unregistered users browsing the forum. However that doesn't take into account guys like me who only sign in to post or check pm's - but not do my daily read (you appear unregistered if not logged in).

Good luck with whatever you do with your designs Dave.
Cheers Tom
Not to flog this any longer than necessary, but I can fully understand your motivation, Dave. As someone else mentioned, there was some pretty blatant commercial theft from SynthDIY about ten years ago by another German company. Not good. The victim in that case also posts here sometimes. It really sucks when it comes down to being a helpful person vs. protecting yourself from some lot of theiving bastards, but that seems to be the current trend.

Anyway, I, too, have enjoyed your contribution here and hope to one day finish a NYD one bottle pre. I won't pass around any of your stuff I've got in my stash.

Analog Packrat
Everyone has gone mad.

Paranoia is contagious.

This will all cool down soon.

remember when Mp3's were going to kill the CD industry?

but I appreciate that you will still honor requests from known forum members.

Dear NewYorkDave,

I am constantly astounded at the generosity and good nature of pretty much everyone who registers here. There are amongst the assembled bretheren some whose generosity is nothing short of extraordinary, especially considering the comercial potential of the material posted. NYD, you rank amongst the highest of the high, ever willing to assist and help and spread the diy virus that seems to have infected us all! I personally owe a massive debt of thanks to many here, and an especially large one to you. I am not at all surprised to see you withdraw the efforts of your hard labour, and vast experience, in the interest of protecting yourself in this dogeatdog world. I am sure that your reasons are very sound, and you certainly shouldn't have to explain youself to us! I trust that this is merely a preventative measure, and not a rearguard action. I do hope you will still be around this place. I am sure that we are not all scavanging scumbags, and I really look foreward to your illuminating and highly educational postings. - Especially the foody ones! - Knish-me-up,Baby!

Who loves ya? - WE DO! NOw pass me a lollipop . . . .

Good on you, Sir!


NYD kits . . . . . Hmmm! Sounds just the ticket to me :guinness: :sam:
Gosh. this really sucks. now i wish i had saved more of your scematics rather than bookmarking the threads, NYD. i don't blame you at all, though.

regarding the future of the forum, is there a way to blanket copyright forum content? is there some way to make members sign a formal private use only agreement before granting access to the forum?

or maybe we could have a chosen few longtime members form a sort of committee to which new ideas for META-type projects are presented. forum members could act as a corporation that "owns" the designs. there could be a password protected site that has all these projects.

i don't know...

why are humans so intent on ruining every good thing there is?
I thought it time I should post in this thread
... unfortunately what I want to say won't be liked so I can't say it all.

Dave I luv ya
but I disagree

This is DIY and these pros and cons haven't changed and never will
Believe me I know it's not easy and there will always be a ripp-off just as there will always be another unit to reverse engineer.

Dave, do let me know if there is anything that lands at the DIY Factory that you want removed and I'll have it away asap.
Likewise if there is anything you want to appear at the Factory ... (with or without your name attached) then you must know you are always welcome.

DIY or die