Dave I luv ya
but I disagree
This is DIY and these pros and cons haven't changed and never will
Guys, maybe a little background will help you to understand.
I have a good job that pays well, but my financial burdens are such that I live from paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet most of the time. I took an unexpected hit in the wallet this week and at the moment, my bank account is empty, I have thirty dollars cash in my pocket and I'm wondering how I'm going to get through the week. I don't get paid again till Feb. 3rd.
I thought about all the time and effort I've put into the DIY "hobby" and it finally dawned on me that if I redirected at least some of that effort into developing a possible source of second income, instead of just doing all the work pro-bono, then maybe life wouldn't have to be so stressful. Developing/modifying/fixing electronic circuits is a substantial part of what I do in my "day job", so it's a natural extension into a moonlighting gig as well--and more enjoyable and fulfilling than the day gig, to boot.
A lot of the stuff I've posted here is nothing special from a commercial standpoint, but a couple of things (particularly the EQ, as Paul S. points out) might actually succeed as a
product on a modest "boutique"-type scale. Even if I only built a couple of units per month, that's still a few hundred bucks in my pocket that I wouldn't have had otherwise.
So, how do you think I'd feel if I didn't do that, left the circuit hanging out for the world to see, and then found out that some boutique startup was selling a clone? Or some Chinese ripoff house stuck the EQ circuit between a couple of IC op-amps to create the "Passivizer Pro?" (Hey, it would still be a passive EQ by a strict definition, just with amplifiers on both ends of it :wink

. I'd feel like a dupe, wouldn't I? And my options for recourse would be few to none, especially if the offender were overseas.
Yes, the "Dramastic affair" did get the gears turning in my mind. It reminded me that I need to temper my sometimes-naive belief in the basic goodwill of most of my brother and sister enthusiasts with the fact that there are some scumbag pigs out there who have no ethics at all. And on the internet, you never really know who's in the room while you're talking to your friends.
So, go ahead and pass judgement if you like, spout platitudes about the free and open exchange of information and ideas in the DIY community... Whatever. I appreciate the words of support and the expressions of appreciation--and it's gratifying to me to know that I've helped some along the path--but none of those things will pay my rent. I need to find a good balance between helping others and helping myself.
EDIT: Regarding patents (
not that I think any of my stuff is novel enough to patent, anyway!), they only do you some good in countries that respect that sort of thing. China, for example, doesn't give a rat's ass about our patents, intellectual property laws, etc.