Hey folks. I've sketched up a rough idea for a basic passive mastering monitor controller, as I had a bit of a search around and couldn't find exactly what I need.
The idea is to use my one nice(ish) DAC for both monitoring and going out to my analogue mastering chain, with the ability to monitor the direct output from the DAC or the return from the rack.
It's loosely inspired by @bjosephs design and the discussion around it. I've followed Ian's advice to use a linear pot with a slug resistor for monitor volume control - is my implementation correct?
Most designs I've seen have 2k2 resistors or similar in series with the hot and cold lines, but I didn't want to blindly add this without fully understanding its purpose. Is this to present an input load? Is the best location between the monitor source switch and the pot?
I'd also like to add a dim switch - could this be implemented as a toggle between the 2k2 resistors and higher value? Bearing in mind I want to have as minimal effect on the feed to the mastering chain as possible.
Potential extra nice-to-haves are a secondary parallel/switchable monitor output, and a parallel output to my headphone amp. Anything to keep in mind there, or can I just parallel from the monitor output?

The idea is to use my one nice(ish) DAC for both monitoring and going out to my analogue mastering chain, with the ability to monitor the direct output from the DAC or the return from the rack.
It's loosely inspired by @bjosephs design and the discussion around it. I've followed Ian's advice to use a linear pot with a slug resistor for monitor volume control - is my implementation correct?
Most designs I've seen have 2k2 resistors or similar in series with the hot and cold lines, but I didn't want to blindly add this without fully understanding its purpose. Is this to present an input load? Is the best location between the monitor source switch and the pot?
I'd also like to add a dim switch - could this be implemented as a toggle between the 2k2 resistors and higher value? Bearing in mind I want to have as minimal effect on the feed to the mastering chain as possible.
Potential extra nice-to-haves are a secondary parallel/switchable monitor output, and a parallel output to my headphone amp. Anything to keep in mind there, or can I just parallel from the monitor output?