PETITION: "Lab" divided into sections by topic!

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Since it is already seeming like a done deal, why don't we do as Ethan suggested and give it a try for a month and then take a vote on it?
****, it's there already!
Working like a charm, too! :razz:
Errrr, make that 2 mouse clicks...
> the "newbie" forum would be filled with, well, newbies (like myself), and perhaps fewer of the local jedi would be inclined to visit the section

I think a "Newbies" section might be insulting. And foolish. Everybody here is ignorant about something. Even some folks very experienced in some ways are newbies in other aspects.

And look around. Nobody laughs at "ignorant" questions; most of us remember when we asked a similar "dumb" question. And some folks here watch out for people just putting a foot in the door, and welcome and support them.

> it cuts the scroll rate in half, but if your like me, you end up going thru both forums to see all the stuff anyway, so what is accomplished?

I might remember if a thread was in Theory or Practice or Show-Off, and be able to re-find it faster.

And some days I feel like a fast/easy question, some days I feel like a more involved problem.

Also, some threads are naturally quick (which way is D3?) and some threads are naturally long-winded (developing a new idea). So there maybe should be some distinction by fast/slow discussion.

I am NOT worried that people will stick in one section and never peek in the others. If we make sections "small" enough, they will flip-through the new posts quick and go looking in the others. And most of us know our interests are broad, and vary from day to day. It is about organization, not separation. It is using an 8-input mixer even though the LP is 2-channel.

We might also like a clickable section-list up top of every thread. The drop-down list at bottom is OK, but glance at DIYaudio. They have names of related sections up top. I'm lazy, and click is quicker than drop-down.

I think it would make a lot of sense to have dedicated forum in DIY building blocks, mainly because that's what all the projects are consist of ~ Amp, EQ, Comp, Transformer and Power supply.

Since each topic is a never ending learning journey on it own, it would be more consistant to learn and understand to dedicate a forum to each topic.

For example, PPR's mic pre design.

I would love to see that design being disected down from the first diff amp stage with current mirror and discuss on the concept of its operation, then move onto the next stage once it has been completely understood. And may be building it on the proto board as it grow to experiment with different variations of proposal of the following stages, meanwhile getting feedbacks from all the building participants using different variations eg. parts/design. Much like a online pract exercise comparing the outcome and learning the WHY of its result.

but if your like me, you end up going thru both forums to see all the stuff anyway, so what is accomplished?

Hi Chris, I can understand where you're coming from.

However, as strange as it might sound I believe that the purpose of a dedicated forum is as its name suggests. It would/should portrait or generate a vibe that is dedicated to discuss on that particular topic/subject 24/7. And I believe that is a crucial element in developing and researching of a design, not to mention a more consistant way of learning without "interruptions".

Same goes for EQ, comp and transformsrs. I think it would be more effective to have a dedicated lab for each topic so when you enter that particular lab, it would be the only thing you would want to talk about and build aiming to generate the vibe/enthusiasm dedicated in learning that subject.

For example, in the transformer lab. It would be dedicated in learning and exploring the relationship between current and electromagnetic fileds using different medium. Not to mention as a collection of different episodes of transformer disections and its specs.

Last but not least, dedicated forum is better suited for inviting experts in the field to participate and staying on rather then a big pot of topics that varies from anything to anything...... which really kills the consistancy to explore and develop, since there are too many "distractions".
> threads can - and routinely do - change topics two, three, four times within a single thread.

{sigh} Yes, and in an ideal world someone with an M flag should notice any sharp-turn, split the thread and re-name (even move) the new piece appropriately. We called it "thread drift" and "drift-splitting".

> The 1GOhm group buy thread... touches not only on the group buy, but on what alternative resistors are out there, what projects need the resistors, thermal noise in different resistors...

And ideally these sharp-turns from mere dealing to applications to theory/analysis would be split and moved where non-buyers would see the theory, and non-debaters could avoid the arguments. (That is a lot easier in a true branched thread structure than this linear structure; drifts tend to stem from one off-topic remark and are thus on a single "branch" of a tree-structure thread. But tree-threads don't seem to be real practical in Web interface.)

> i'm confused about *what goes where*.

Me too. My thoughts would be: Announcements/Metas up top, Market and Pub at the bottom, and then 3 to 5 "technical sections". 2 is kind of an odd number of technical sections, forces everything to Here or There, while 5 sections can allow more variety of flavor.

But I think we just have to live with it a while, don't get too upset if it does not make sense at first, and refine over time.

(I would take the "Trial" off the new section: it does not need the stigma. Unless Ethan has mechanical reasons for thinking it might have to be done-over later.)

> just post it where you think it belongs. If... people do not agree... it will be moved by one of the moderators.

And we should probably have a few more folks "guiding" the boards. We've grown seriously since RO and the early days here at Prodigy Pro. Ethan is responsible to his boss, our host, the Prodigy Pro company, to watch that we don't get our host in trouble: sheep-sex, insults and slander, intellectual theft. Some of us, the more level-headed folks who visit often, should offer to keep an eye on things, in general or in our favorite sections, and report (or fix) problems. Problems are rare, but IMHO every few months some poop hits the fan and someone should be there to mop-it or call a mop-holder.
PRR, I'd happily cast my vote your way to receive the Mod title, except I fear that too much admin work would consume all your time, possibly resulting in less participation in the actual threads. That would suck big time.
[quote author="NewYorkDave"]I'm with Raf, too. I propose these names:

The Drawing Board

The Lab

The Black Market

The Brewery[/quote]

It already took me ages to get to the point of going to the brewery everynow and then...

I'm not so keen on splitting up tp much, to me scrolling is less hassle then to switch between diff forums...

On section more i would support but plz don't fragment to much, this will only scare of people that don't have a lot time to read. Maybe a better searchattitude and explanation/education could help ?

just my 0,02 ?

couldn't we have a mark function for stuff where we're interested in?

I also keep the mailoption on if i participated, thus enabling me to know exactly what's getting replied and where...

need to say, i spend some serious time on this addictive place, :cool:

i feel like an Electronics Anonymous really :green:
Keeps me of drugs, hehehe :thumb:
i even got a memory back :shock: (mine!) since that


[quote author="tony dB"]couldn't we have a mark function for stuff where we're interested in?[/quote]

there is an email function
it will email you when a new post hits the thread

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