I think it would make a lot of sense to have dedicated forum in DIY building blocks, mainly because that's what all the projects are consist of ~ Amp, EQ, Comp, Transformer and Power supply.
Since each topic is a never ending learning journey on it own, it would be more consistant to learn and understand to dedicate a forum to each topic.
For example, PPR's mic pre design.
I would love to see that design being disected down from the first diff amp stage with current mirror and discuss on the concept of its operation, then move onto the next stage once it has been completely understood. And may be building it on the proto board as it grow to experiment with different variations of proposal of the following stages, meanwhile getting feedbacks from all the building participants using different variations eg. parts/design. Much like a online pract exercise comparing the outcome and learning the WHY of its result.
but if your like me, you end up going thru both forums to see all the stuff anyway, so what is accomplished?
Hi Chris, I can understand where you're coming from.
However, as strange as it might sound I believe that the purpose of a dedicated forum is as its name suggests. It would/should portrait or generate a vibe that is dedicated to discuss on that particular topic/subject 24/7. And I believe that is a crucial element in developing and researching of a design, not to mention a more consistant way of learning without "interruptions".
Same goes for EQ, comp and transformsrs. I think it would be more effective to have a dedicated lab for each topic so when you enter that particular lab, it would be the only thing you would want to talk about and build aiming to generate the vibe/enthusiasm dedicated in learning that subject.
For example, in the transformer lab. It would be dedicated in learning and exploring the relationship between current and electromagnetic fileds using different medium. Not to mention as a collection of different episodes of transformer disections and its specs.
Last but not least, dedicated forum is better suited for inviting experts in the field to participate and staying on rather then a big pot of topics that varies from anything to anything...... which really kills the consistancy to explore and develop, since there are too many "distractions".