What's a good way to adjust collector current in the output transistors? I ended up increasing the value of the emitter resistors to do that, but doing that really limited the voltage headroom of the output.
And what I (the grumpy old man) am saying is: if SPICE does your calculations, you don't have to understand the circuit, not at a gut-level. And you probably won't. Then it is all a guessing game, not a Design.
Here's the key situation:
If we omit Q7 Q6, we see that Q4 has equal top and bottom resistors, flowing the same current, so they will have the same voltage drop. So we know R4 and R18 have the same voltage.
(Minor correction: R4 carries Q4 Base current, R18 does not. We wave our hand and say "Q4 has Beta of over 50, so the error is under 2%, negligible for a first approximation!")
Add on Q7 Q6 and R12 R5. Assume that at idle, Q7 and Q6 flow "the same" current: no current to the load at idle, and no/negligible current flowing to/from the Q4 stage. If that is true (not yet proven), then R12 and R5 have the same voltage drop.
We also see that Q6 action forces R5 to have "the same" voltage as R18. (It will really be 0.5V to 1.0V less due to Vbe.)
And we assume (or hope) that overall-feedback action forces the output to Zero (not yet proven, but if this doesn't happen then the whole idea is useless).
So if R4 and R18 have the same voltage, and R5 voltage is the same as R18, and R12 voltage is the same as R5, and total supply voltage is 40V, then the only answer which fits all the constraints is all resistors have 40V/4= 10V across them.
We can go back and fix the small errors we ignored. R4 carries base current for all three transistors, R18 does not, so they are not quite equal. Using our first guess that Q4 passes 10V/1K= 10mA and that Q7 Q6 pass 4V/100Ω= 100mA, and hoping that all Betas are 100, R4 has 2.1mA more current than R18, or 12.1mA versus 10mA. And noting that Vbe drops 10V on the base to about 9.4V on R5, Q7 Q6 current may be more like 94mA instead of 100mA. SPICE can do this type sucessive approximation. What SPICE will never tell you is: "This design will
always waste about half the total supply voltage in the emitter resistors!" You might suspect this after repeated trial and error, but trying to solve it in your mind with a pencil will soon suggest that this is not a promising path to follow.
I'm not sure you have spotted, or fully digested, the fact that this is NOT the Hood output circuit. You have got one transistor backward. It makes a difference.
A more subtle issue: what is the voltage gain? And since it is a push-pull amplifier (or appears to be), you should ask about the voltage gain on each side. Q4 and Q7 form a pair of emitter followers: the output wants to follow Q4's Base at unity voltage gain. Q4 and Q6 form a pair of common-emitter stages, which normally give very large voltage gain. While there is some degeneration in R4 (Q4 probably works about unity voltage gain), Q6 (without Q7) seems to have 100Ω in the emitter and a 10KΩ load (not shown here), or voltage gain of 100. Now when you put Q7 back in, Q6 sees a heavy load as Q7's emitter tries to follow Q4's base. You have two sides that don't agree what voltage to put out. Such schemes can work, but don't really want to. It is like hitching a big horse and a small horse to the same plow: the plow will pull to one side unless you adjust the hitch cross-bar to balance the load so both horses balance. And as in horses, such schemes can usually only balance for one specific condition (you usually balance for the full-load case, in horses or amps, and just tolerate unbalance when working light.)
SPICE is a great tool for me to learn what happens when I "do this" without blowing things up.
Well, you could also use one 9V battery and no resistor under 330Ω. You can't "blow up" 1/4W resistors or 300mW transistors with those values. OTOH, with parts costing $0.10 or about 1 minute's wages (or 20 seconds of classroom time), a cup full of dead parts may be the cheapest education you could ever give yourself. I still think the mind is the primary design tool, with pencil or breadboard to aid memory and visualization.