Dwarf Mc'Dougal
I agree but it is debatable if an operational amplifier is what you really want for audio. They were originally designed for use in analogue computers for military applications
Well, that is an entirely different debate which has a different set of criteria.
I think you need a lot less bias current than that. The BA283 output stage runs at about 80mA and that is single ended so a push pull class A should require no more than 40mA quiescent but that still equates to nearly 1W of dissipation with a 24V rail.
the BA-440 doesn't have the benefit of transformer loading to increase maximum voltage output and so needs to drive a transformer primary impedance which is one quarter that of the BA-283.
The real reason there are no class A op amps is clearly the quiescent dissipation is way too high
For anything under about a 2K load this is true.