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Cheers Midway ,
Sound is comming through loud and clear ,
Thanks, Tubetec :)


This is a live take from a friend of mine, written about graffiti in Allepo that said "To the girl who shared the siege with me -- I love you."

Heather's one of those people I know who works insanely hard on her songwriting and also happens to have an insanely great voice, but still gets stuck doing cover shows.Sometimes I wonder what people out there actually want from their music if someone like her still have to worry about whether a tour stop will cover a tank of gas for a small car, ya know?
Interesting point you made with Radiation Puppies about songs being a vehicle to help express words that might be difficult to say in normal conversation . Its like the song is the therapy and a way of healing the soul .

Audience feedback and goodwill towards the artist is a key component in the mix , that and the lack of social contact caused untold damage during covid , I lost a few very good friends in the last couple of years . It seemed like musicians and artists were given the lowest priority , many musicians here were either afraid to get or precluded from social assistance payments from the government . Biometric processing led to a deep sense of unease amoung performing musicians , ultimately its led to serious mistrust of government and law enforcement here . Now even though covid is more or less over law enforcement are still seeking extra powers regarding abillity to put people under the microscope , maybe it does make their job easier in some ways , but lack of trust from the people they serve leads to a systemic breakdown thats not easily fixed ,and without proper oversight missuse of these super powers is always a factor.

True to form Irish folk muscians have pulled out all the stops on the rebound from covid , its like they read the public mood and distilled that down into words and music that reconnects us again .

Heathers performance was sublime , simple and unadorned yet imacculately crafted ,
She flashes you a smile at the end of the video that says it all ,
theres no guarantee of fame and fortune in this industry and its getting harder and harder to earn a crust from music .
Spiritual enrichment is the real gift our artist and musician friends bring us , if its not appreciated the feedback loop is incomplete and the train can easily run off the rails .

Keep up the good work Johnny boy :)
Flopotron v3 is more musical than ever before ,
looks fairly power hungry though , see the size of the PSU rack ,

In some ways it reminds me of Cormac Begleys concertina playing style ,
Give him a plate of bacon, cabbage and spuds washed down with black porter and he'll play away off grid all night long ,
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True to form Irish folk muscians have pulled out all the stops on the rebound from covid , its like they read the public mood and distilled that down into words and music that reconnects us again .
our trad scene rebounded pretty well, too.

Though there was a kind of funny conversation I had with a friend. A really good local fiddle player (Jim Eagan) was expressing how glad he was to be able to play with his piper friend (Dan Isaacson) again when they got a paid session at a bar after the pandemic. They've been friends for decades. My friend Rich asked Jim why he didn't just invite Dan over to his house instead of waiting until they could play in a bar. It's pretty common here for some reason, people don't just invite people over their house to play. To practice for a show or whatever, but not to just hang out and have some tunes.
The older trad and folk guys with big song collections dont often practise for its own sake , or it seems even just for their own pleasure , typically in Ireland music wasnt much of a way to earn a living , it was a secondary thing ,more like a vocation , if you had the tallent you just got stuck in . Bouncing the sounds out to an audience is the only way to gauge reaction in the end .

Im glad to see many of my musician friends emerging again post Covid , its seems like music was first to go and last back ,
I found a bunch of great cover songs from these guys from Moscow. I like the large ensemble group which covers Chicago, etc. Incredible live playing in a studio!

Many more of their covers on Youtube.

Edit another new one I had missed:

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I wasnt much of a fan of 80's music when we were in it , especially the stadium sound , but these guys were more of a throw back to prog ,
Here's an idea I just finished that included my mother. She's on vocals. Wrote, recorded everything today.

I asked on another forum for recommendations for something that was kind of improvisational and proggy but lyrics-focused and this was one of the recommendations I got. I don't think I'd ever bothered listening to any of their stuff before but I really liked this -- the way it swings so wildly between heavy and acoustic, and the lyrics are well-crafted if a bit more abstract in places than I typically go for.

Interesting mix of stuff going on there , kept me listening through until the end anyway ,
pianists and keyboard players are everywhere ,but often prog is more synth based pads and washes, its almost like a different disciplene ,avant garde ,experimental sonic scapes .

Heres a real favourite of mine ,

theres also a live concert from 1977 Rockpalast ,
Hats off to Robbie ,
82 is a mighty age for rock n roll .

Heres an Irish band that been hacking away at the coal face for a good few years now ,

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