Interesting point you made with Radiation Puppies about songs being a vehicle to help express words that might be difficult to say in normal conversation . Its like the song is the therapy and a way of healing the soul .
Audience feedback and goodwill towards the artist is a key component in the mix , that and the lack of social contact caused untold damage during covid , I lost a few very good friends in the last couple of years . It seemed like musicians and artists were given the lowest priority , many musicians here were either afraid to get or precluded from social assistance payments from the government . Biometric processing led to a deep sense of unease amoung performing musicians , ultimately its led to serious mistrust of government and law enforcement here . Now even though covid is more or less over law enforcement are still seeking extra powers regarding abillity to put people under the microscope , maybe it does make their job easier in some ways , but lack of trust from the people they serve leads to a systemic breakdown thats not easily fixed ,and without proper oversight missuse of these super powers is always a factor.
True to form Irish folk muscians have pulled out all the stops on the rebound from covid , its like they read the public mood and distilled that down into words and music that reconnects us again .
Heathers performance was sublime , simple and unadorned yet imacculately crafted ,
She flashes you a smile at the end of the video that says it all ,
theres no guarantee of fame and fortune in this industry and its getting harder and harder to earn a crust from music .
Spiritual enrichment is the real gift our artist and musician friends bring us , if its not appreciated the feedback loop is incomplete and the train can easily run off the rails .
Keep up the good work Johnny boy
