Just finished my Analogdevices La2a and, somewhat surprisingly, all fired up and seemingly working as intended right from the off. My first build of this sort (previously just guitar pedals and a couple of 500 series kits) and, gotta say really delighted with this thing. It's super quiet - no hums and buzzes whatsoever, which is probably more luck than judgement but... all in all a really satisfying and rewarding project!
A couple of things I'd still like to get sorted if anyone has can help...
- Tube shield for the 6AQ5... the one that came with the base in the BOM is too short, found a longer 60mm one on eBay that just about squeezes on but the 'nipple' on the top of the tube sticks out of the top. Found another 70mm one for 7-pin socket again on eBay, but that's for a larger diameter base. I've googled, obviously, but can't find anything. Unless my 6AQ5 is longer than normal (and datasheets I've found say 58mm, so doesn't seem to be..) I don't get it! Anyone know where I can get the right part - can't believe this is the thing that's got me stumped!!
- I installed the NE2 bulb in parallel with the diode, just for the look really and had read that this was fine to do etc. The bulb doesn't light though. I had a bit of a poke with a chopstick which made no difference until I slipped and brushed a finger. Got zapped, but it got the bulb going until I turned the unit off, then back to nothing. Haven't tried that again, and not really important as functionally it makes no difference, but if anyone's tried something similar, I'm curious...
- Last thing - not sure it matters as it all seems to be working as expected, but voltage on pin 5 of the 6AQ5 seems a little high. I'm getting 153V which is within 15% of the 135V on the schematic, but in the 'all things La2a' thread I waded through that's way higher than most were seeing. Don't really want to do the resistor mod that's often referred to in that thread if I don't need to, especially as it's seems to be working great as it is. Just wondering if this is way off what everyone here that's gone with Rainton's build is seeing?
Appreciate anything anyone an offer re the above, and lastly, a few pics - just because...
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