The new version installed seamlessly over the old on my MAC ,
The Apple USB C headset adapter settings were carried over from the previous install so the mic is active on the scope input as soon as you press the red button , the crispness of the visuals and lack of time delay is quite breathtaking , but Ive never had anywhere near this level of graphics card processing power on any computer before , its no sweat off the trashcans block and tackle .
Putting the scope window upto full screen the waveforms remain free of any aliasing or slowdowns , a 28 inch TV set allows me work at greater distance without having to squint at a laptop screen or a 8inch hardware DSO,
Theres refinements to the FFT , with new options for the math and windowing ,
In general the software seems to present a better picture of the particular levels your looking at , ie the auto zoom on the waveform is improved .
The EQ section has a new 3D view with perspective adjustment , it really is very easy on the eye ,
Many of the control buttons now have a pleasing new highlighted border making them easier to grab with the mouse ,
The main level meter window has many improvements , with every possible kind of measurement weighting standard available , voltages , dbv , measurements in known loads , and much more .
Sample rate capabillities of REW have been increased further to keep up with the RME brigade ,
In case anyone was wondering where the dark backround control is its at the very end of the View page under preferences ,
This thread hadnt seen the light of day in quite a while , weve had many new members since ,who may not know about this blinding bit of kit ,
Big cheers to John Mul ,