Whats funny about this location, is they (the birds) are not too 'fussed' by humans, responding with curiosity to the respectful observer.
Many of mine, although not all, seem to seek 'one' out.
There are a couple of species which are very wary ... and one lot that always seems to know exactly when you are watching them - no matter how still you stand etc' - then quickly they slink away into the shadows and fly away, very low to the ground - these ones have beautiful calls and are common here. I watched a family of these go from 'egg' to 'feisty ', one lazy spring.
Believe it or not, families of 'quail' birds live in my fields .. like ' the Partridge Family' .... they scare the hell out of you when they explode into the air flapping and with big sound if you get close!
My lot of 9 'green rosella' [local wild parrot] love to sit on the horse fence watching me 'pound earth' [digging vege beds] while they chatter excitedly amongst themselves, before effortlessly ascending to the top branches of the near 50m tall trees, all flouncy color and bells .. for a nice sleep.
My rosella calls are fair in fidelity but they laugh at me like I was just off the 'turnip truck' .. which in their terms, I surely am.
I do believe they see me as a big, dumb, flightless green parrot with poor manners .. kind of like that recently discovered in New Zealand, from some 40M yrs ago ... 1m tall and 7kg in weight, estimated from the fossil record.
For sure, I know they see me as a 'gardener' or 'grounds-keeper' .. and therefore 'OK' .... it must be all the planting of trees and stuff, particularly 'roses' which they go bananas over.
My own private belief is that they are a fun part of that web of life that connects me to the divine ... sort of 'off duty angels' .. doing 'a turn' in this physical plane ... for their own personal reasons ;D mostly 'kicks' and 'nectar' I think.
That, and the 'flyin' - how awesome would it be!
It does get a little 'weird' when a hundred or so 'Currawong' birds blow into town!
My place is 'on the circuit' for all the passing bird groupings around these parts ... a legacy of hosting 'the horses' and the fine quality grains they are fed with

... everybody eats well when fancy horses and their people are aboot.
Stealth fighters they are [Currawong birds] - quite large, well 'beaked', superb fliers very well organised in the 'flash mob' motif. I stand there, watching them, watching me, watching them. When I make the 'call' they shuffle about uneasily .. not sure what I say in 'currawong'
They [Currawong birds] have quite a number of characteristic sounds which also happen to be very musical .. I try them out but they're not at all convinced. Tough crowd for sure!
My parrots clear out tripelle quick with bells and whistles when they see any of these guys.
It's exactly like the old Hitchcock film .. 'the Birds', sadly without Tippi Hedren or Rod Taylor for that matter.
And co-incidently, my favourite band of all time, bar none [except maybe mr sinatra, elvis, bobby d and the fab4] are also named for them, the birds .. 'The Byrds' 8)
Roger or 'Jim' McGuinn and much later, the late great Clarence White .... were everywhere I dream of guitar wise ..
Of course, the also late great Gram Parsons' contributions were a fine addition too to the whole Byrds' thing. His 'solo' legacy knocks me out to this day.
The crazy part is that the birds' calls is very much like 'air traffic control' or 'cb radio' type protocols [in sound] .. pings, bells, doppler, check-ins, blatt-outs, flapping wind sounds etc. It's quite amazing to be sure.
So I guess you could say I see the world as much as I can from the view of the birds [as far as I can]