I'm getting very excited now

re. 'screen drive' mode for e83f
I've just knocked up a simple CF from an 6922 to set up the bias conditions ... took only a couple of minutes to cobble it in.
I'll have to tune the CF cathode string, to get the required grid and screen bias voltages at the e83f .. it's a little weird that way.
There also another slightly different way of arranging the screen-drive pentode, which I'll have a look into after I get this going ....
(circuit is a few posts back)
Just love the luxury of a 'tube test rig' .. it's pretty fast to get some results action ... which is just what's required ..
as my attention span doesn't support proper 'craftsman' values .. at the best of times, let alone when 'exploring' or 'baselining' tube stuff. I'm more of a compulsive 'baseliner' than a true explorer, tho'. I just love standardised testing!
Here's where my topside is up to ...
I added the single triode 9pin 6S4A next to the old 'telefunken 12K-6ohm se output traffo ... that's going to be fun.
The 6S4A is my ultimate small power triode ... only the 6V6 beats it, and it's a sound thrashing too ...and it does so with substantially increased plate rating and 30% less heater and more gain to boot. The 6V6 triooded is not as good on rp, however.
And of course, the octal is a lot larger.
6S4A is my choice for a 'm parallel se' amp ... I like 6 of them together, per channel, wired up with little 'bus bar' wires - it can be quite tidy if done right. Prev. best is 4 of them - it's the last two that really make it!
Good if one has a switched mode supply for heater. I just do a series + parallel string with a 100VA toroid at 12Vac.
One can even get 4-way 'bias adjust' pcbs on eby cheap .. small enough in size to use several .. basically little trimmer networks for the cathode circuit of each parallel stage.
Always a good idea to try to match those idle currents as best as you can and adjusting a little resistance helps fine tune to a very good degree.
Also to note, the big output traffo .. affordable, old 'medium fidelity' local unit 'A&R' with a nice cast can, mid 50s-60s - I would say ... it's 5K, 3K primary for 15Wrms push-pull with a secondary taps from 500ohms down to 100ohms.
It cost about the same as a pair of edcor xsm from 10 years ago ... it kind of picks up, testing wise, where the edcor leaves off. It can take some decently high voltages a bit more safely than the humble edcor with its exposed terminals and fragile wiring attachments.
It's not bad, so far .. I have a lot more detail testing to do with it. It's just begging for a pair of 7591a '19W plate' finals.
Happily, they are right there, in place, glowing and ready to go.
Speaking of which, one of a quad nos 7591a (octal 19 watt plate, 800mA heater) turned out to borked ... I can't get any heater glow from it, but the heater still shows continuity. But heater wise, it's dead. I couldn't believe my lying eyes .. I'm half believing I got it wrong. I hope so, these old GE aren't cheap!
-> update .. partial better .. not borked, just with the centering pin snapped off and wrong insertion. D'oh!
-> so - better than borked but not as good as proper ... time to get another.
Oh well, s**ff happens .. I fritzed plenty of stuff myself, in my life, that's for sure!
I figure I'll buy a modern set (much less exe) and go forward from there ... I'm interesting in seeing (and hearing) how these compare with a high-power 6V6gt (14w plate) nos GE (just awesome sounding) , and, the modern, higher-voltages-rated variant - the fab and affordable JJ 6V6s .. which I really like.
Other modern 'moderate plate rated' 6V6gt can be very fine also - I think I've used most of them at one time of other .. eh, sovtek, tung-sol, jj.
The 7591a can take some very high voltages and the screen can take a good beating .. just like the JJ 6V6s ... but at even higher currents.
Of course the 7591a has nearly double the heater, for those extra ratings ... more like a low-powered 6L6 ie. 5881 and the like.
I'm not sure if the el34 is comparable, being a true pentode vs a beam-power type. These distinctions can get a little hazy .. at least in my mind.
I tried out the old russkie 'little 6L6' type ... not impressed unfortunately ... prolly just bad luck (I only have 2) but the prices have increased a lot for them and it's just not worth bothering with.
Nothing beats the modern Tung Sol 7851a 'super 6L6' for 'big power' hifi greatness ... at a reasonable price and with a very reasonable heater current of 900mA and a generous 35W plate rating.
It just gets in under the bar before one looks at kt88 and larger
Testing at those high power levels will have to wait until I 'bolt-on' a 'variac' and finish my Mk2 psu

This Tube Test Rig has limits around +370V at 150mA or so ... but I have two of them available .. in my 1RU (+ 3RU of upper space required)
This current PSU has easy variation of HV to some degree, but one has to be very careful not to dial it down to0 far if HV current consumption is significant - the heatsinking needs to be up to what you demand of it.
I am running a fairly low regulator voltage drop, with low currents, so no probs.
For the Mk2, I'll have a 'higher power hv' cct seperately done with the 500VA variac .. and the rest of the lower powered stuff can be done the same as now.