Bowie said:
Harpo said:
Bowie said:
R123 checks out at 620k but one side goes from 10.3v to 12v when going from fully CCW to foll open CW on the gain pot.
Different from your answer to my 1st.reply. When the wiper of the pot shows varying voltage in range 0...+12V and this same varying voltage doesn't arrive at R123, there is something wrong on the way between these spots (pcb trace, ribbon connectors, ...).
I checked the ribbon cable for any shorts and it's fine. The Gain pot is also spanning only 10.2v to 12v. It goes from 0 ohms to 57k though. What could cause that at the pot itself? I've never seen that before. Also, should the shell of the pot be grounded against the chassis? I touched a ground wire to it and it didn't seem to make a difference. Thanks again for the help.
Bowie, this is simply "follow the breadcrumbs". You need to open the schematic and follow the signal from the Gain Pot up to the VCA. This is about 6 parts we're talking about, so should be pretty simple to track down.
Gain Knob > Ribbon cable > R123 > U13B > R118 > R85 > VCA's
Since both channels are not responding then problem is before R85, as signal splits at that point to both audio VCA's.
First your gain pot - One end is connected to +12V, other to Ground. With Gain knob set to the middle the wiper should read about 6V. If it's not, then your gain knob isn't soldered correctly, simple as that. With unit off, check continuity of outer pins of Pots to verify actual connection to +12V & Gnd respectfully. Measure on the pins of the pot themselves. Test Points are available right where power comes into the main board.
Once you are getting around 6V at wiper with gain knob set about in the middle, then just follow the sinal with your voltmeter. If you don't read 6V at R123 then your problem is before that (ie ribbon cable or J6-10 / J18-10 solder joints).
Check continuity of pins between J6 & J18 (with ribbon cable plugged in of course). Flux/Reflow all solder joints at U13 (TL072) and associated resistors/caps (R123, R119, etc / see schematic). Check and make sure ribbon cable connectors J6 & J18 are not backwards. Check U13 is not installed backwards.
Your problem is somewhere at U13 or bad termination on ribbon cable. Since you are seeing meter responding with turn of threshold pot then it only further supports likely problem at U13, either bad solder joint on it or supporting part, R119 primary suspect.