So yeah, the PC people have won once again..

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JohnRoberts said:
While not very historic I have 9 patents, and with 8 of them I was the sole inventor. The one involving co-inventors was a heat sink invention assigned to Peavey, after I was no longer working as an engineer, so it much easier to pursue inside the company with two engineer co-inventors cooperating who were actually tasked with solving such problems.  or me, myself, and I....Critical thinking is important for individuals too...

I agree, I never said no one ever invented things of their own, but if I seem to recall correctly, many of your stories take place when you were part of Peavey, meaning you were part of a group, you may have invented it yourself, but somehow you were still part of a group and even in some cases I would blindly argue that your colleagues inspired, helped or contributed in some ways.
user 37518 said:
I agree, I never said no one ever invented things of their own, but if I seem to recall correctly, many of your stories take place when you were part of Peavey, meaning you were part of a group, you may have invented it yourself, but somehow you were still part of a group and even in some cases I would blindly argue that your colleagues inspired, helped or contributed in some ways.
You could "blindly" argue that....

I went to work at Peavey after giving up on the kit business and audiophools. My motivation was to prevent Japan from owning the sound reinforcement business too, like they already did consumer audio.... after 15 years at Peavey I ended up dancing with the Chinese. :-(

Your comment is reminiscent of the 2012 President Obama "you didn't build that" campaign speech.

Hartley liked to accumulate patents, so rewarded engineers who assigned patents to him with recognition and modest monetary awards. As a small independent inventor I wouldn't have filed as many patents and seven of my nine were assigned to Peavey for something like $1 each.

Engineers get paid to solve problems, I was always an outside the box thinker so could have won a larger pile of patents. One major disappointment from that experience was when Behringer ripped off my most commercial invention (FLS LEDs above GEQ sliders indicating feedback).  Hartley sued Uli for patent infringement but lost (didn't win ).

I patented my drum tuner with my own money, but abandoned paying the maintenance on that patent  several years ago as a waste of money.


PermO said:
You're defenitly an academic, I think you have a tendency to overthink things a bit.
But I feel you are a very nice guy.

And regarding "that individual secret" you think of things, people inventing physical objects or scientific theory... I'm not talking about that.
Things are cool, science has brought us many conveiniances to make life easyer for us, though it does not always work out the way it was intended lol.

What if there was a switch inside you, and when you flip it, *poof*  all the madness is gone.. I'd rather have that than a SR-71, trust me, it is way way way more powerfull.
The SR-71 becomes a complete joke when you find the switch.

Pardon my spelling as English is not my first language and I often find it hard to find the right words to adress complicated subjects like this.

But thanks for the conversation !

Yes, I tend to overthink things, my parents and my brother all say the same thing, Thank you for calling me a nice guy, I think you are too, your advice has been good, and you've (aswell as I) have remained civil through these conversations which I also enjoy.

Don't worry about your english, I am not a native english speaker either and people seem to understand me (most of the time), and I seem to understand them aswell.

A joke: How do you call someone who can only speak one language? an American.  ;D ;D ;D I hope my good American friends take this with humour and not as an insult (cough cough JR cough cough), nowadays its impossible to tell.. But if you guys ask me who are the weirdest of them all, I would have to say Canadians, half of the country speaks french, the other half english, and many can't speak the other side's language, they basically have 2 governments like a monarchy and a parlament AND they use both the metric and imperial measuring system, insane!, and an interesting fact, the most predominant religion in Canada, Islam, nothing wrong with that, but I find it odd that you can actually say that Canada is a muslim country in some sense, never thought of that! On a side note, I have always laughed about my friend Brian Roth (a member here) who comments that he lives in a state of the US considered "Fly over territory" hahahaha Sorry if any of you find this offensive, I love humour, and I love laughing at myself and others.

I find this indian comedian quite funny, and yes some of you might feel offended so view it at your own risk you can really feel how the audience is extremely uncomfortable... But the immigration thing he mentions is so true, look, I have a VISA, not only a tourist VISA but a Visiting scholar VISA, which means I was traveling as a resarcher with a permit to live in the US annd work at a university, and everytime I had to travel to the US an immigration officer will pull me off the line and bring me over to this little room for like 4 hours without telling me the reason why, and after all the waiting, another officer would interview me and say "The reason we detained you is because you have a very common Mexican name" hahaha I am not kidding people, this happened to me twice, for exactly the same reason, it was at Houston international airport, I was always treated with respect but I was amazed they are surprised that my name is not Kevin or Jeff, and my name is not even a typical Mexican name it is from Spain,  I don't blame them, I guess a lot of people have fake documents and they just have to make sure, but everytime an officer approaches me and says "Excuse me sir, can you come with me" I say "Here we go again..." .

A friend of mine who used to work at Universal Music was detained in the US and interrogated, not interviewed, interrogated, I'm talking good cop /bad cop kinda thing, just because his last name is Noriega, it turns out they had him confused with another Noriega guy who was a cartel member from somewhere in south america. ;D ;D And before you start complaining about Trump, both cases I mentioned were during the Obama administration

To be fair, what I've heard about foreigners living here in Mexico is that the Mexican goverment is not very friendly with their immigration policies, particularly towards people from South America, also I've heard that people having to cross the south border between Guatemala, Belize and Mexico have a very hard time doing it, so again, that is what I try to remind my fellow countrymen who complain about the US immigration policies.

And just so you don't feel excluded, these are some jokes about my country

Talking about languages, I once met this german guy at a party, he spoke spanish extremely well and could understand it perfectly, I didn't have to slow down or use common words, but what really impressed me is that when I asked him "How long have you been studying spanish?" he said "Around 2 months", I was impressed, the guy could also speak italian, portuguese, english and of course german. Then again, I met this dutch guy who came to study to my university for a semester who had been studying spanish for 2 years and all he could understand was "Hola" and "Adios".

English is something remarkable if you ask me, it is now the official world language, well not anyone speaks it but it is the international language, the funny thing is that you might be French and the other guy Norwegian and they understand themselves through english, some time ago, people like ambassadors and such tried to use a made up language called Esperanto with hopes of becoming like the international language, of course, it became useless since everyone prefered to speak english, but acording to Wikipedia a lot of people speak Esperanto, I have never met anyone in my life who does.

I was told that back in my grandpa's and even my great grandpa's era, it used to be different, French was the common tongue and not English, funny how things change. Some schools are now teaching kids Chinese because they anticipate it will substitute English.

Anyway, I now officially declare this whole thread completely derailed.
It was probably "the best thing" if you are out to kill a bunch of people... yes.
bet it was not the work of an individual.
Purportedly single designer, of course team build & optimisation.
Spying same as killing? Some cases serve as deterrent & response check.

Defenitely not the "thing" I am talking about here.
Fair nuff. But human nature isn't much different re pacifist eureka.
Variations on  corner the market / you can't handle the troof.
Ok, that's defenitely an interesting subject.

I have some thoughts on this.


I think all language is actually a 'telepathic' phenomenon, the sound we produce when we speak is 'the carrier wave' and does not contain the actual 'information' ...and yes, same thing goes for the letters on your screen, like a digitized and memorized version of that 'carier wave' the actual 'information' goes directly from person to person, sometimes you need only half a word to get the whole 'picture'...


Humanity could do with a new unifying language for all.

My bet is that none of the old languages will be suitable for this, you can not force other cultures into the western language matrix, it just won't fit, they'll be missing words for stuff they used to have a word for.

But a few months ago I had this flash of an insight...

Did you see the Elon Musk neurolink video with the piggys ?
With the sensors on their brain taking in data and... converting it to audio.
As soon as I heard the blip blip blop bliep pipipipi blip sounds from the piggys I had the connection with a bird song, bird language...
I really had this "I can almost understand what they are saying" thing... so my bet is it is going to be this neurolink stuff... telepathy by wire.

Can we please get an off switch also Elon ?  ;D

But.. you might not even need that...

I was relaxing in my appartment listening to a quality radio station.
It was a live broadcast from the New York Opera house
An opera... Italian.
So sitting on my couch I sort of half doze off listening to this opera...

In Dutch !

My native language

As soon as I got that realisation, I got sorta shocked back to my alert state and the opera morphed back into Italian.
And I was like WTF ?
So I started to type into Google the Dutch words I just heard in the opera as I had no clue what is was or what it was about.

Madame Butterfly came up  :p

I really don't speak a word Italian besides "Pizza"

So yeah, well...

I don't know  8)
boji said:
Purportedly single designer, of course team build & optimisation.
Spying same as killing? Some cases serve as deterrent & response check.
Fair nuff. But human nature isn't much different re pacifist eureka.
Variations on  corner the market / you can't handle the troof.

Yes, this planet is kind off a wild place... and that's a bit of an undertstatement lol  ;D

It seems all nice and shiny on the surface.
It seems all nice and shiny on the surface.
Like a ufo? :)  All strange and hypo-normative inside.
I think all [written and spoken] language is actually 'telepathic'
Maybe! Think I posted on guy before (dig the playfulness with ontology):
PermO said:
That was pretty brilliant  ;D

I agree on the GDIY comment, it's the coolest cult of all cults  8)

I really think we have a great thing going on here, there are some really great members like Jakob, Abbey and JR who know a lot, it is a shame thou that a lot of the great ones have "left the building", but still I really feel at home here because in general, people here is very polite, (Except when I am called an incel, a disturbed individual, an asshole, or told to shut the f up) besides that it is great!
boji said:
Like a ufo? :)  All strange and hypo-normative inside.


This needs a song

@user 37518, I really enjoyed your comedian, love the guy  ;D never heard of him before.

Maybe! Think I posted on guy before (dig the playfulness with ontology):

That was an interesting video, thanks !

Now here's a playfull thougt to bring this into the GDIY paradigm...

Let's asume it is so, communication is telepathic but it needs the sound to act as a carier wave to get the communication across and adressed (hence the term P.A. system)

Are we designing our gear just to get the best 'carier wave' ?
What happens with the actual communication ?
Does it have to go trough the gear as well ?
Can the gear have an effect on the quality of the actual communication ?
We can measure the 'carier wave' ... where is the actual information ?

user 37518 said:
Yes, I tend to overthink things, my parents and my brother all say the same thing, Thank you for calling me a nice guy, I think you are too, your advice has been good, and you've (aswell as I) have remained civil through these conversations which I also enjoy.

Don't worry about your english, I am not a native english speaker either and people seem to understand me (most of the time), and I seem to understand them aswell.

A joke: How do you call someone who can only speak one language? an American.  ;D ;D ;D I hope my good American friends take this with humour and not as an insult (cough cough JR cough cough), nowadays its impossible to tell..
another joke about Americans is that they learn geography from fighting wars...

Sadly the state of american education has gotten a bunch worse recently
But if you guys ask me who are the weirdest of them all, I would have to say Canadians, half of the country speaks french, the other half english, and many can't speak the other side's language, they basically have 2 governments like a monarchy and a parlament AND they use both the metric and imperial measuring system, insane!, and an interesting fact, the most predominant religion in Canada, Islam, nothing wrong with that, but I find it odd that you can actually say that Canada is a muslim country in some sense, never thought of that!
yup, canada never merged their french/british legacy into one. They seem OK with that... Since they have more dirt than people they have very liberal immigration policy. One very popular technique for dodging the Viet Nam war draft was moving to canada. When I was drafted my co-workers offered me either a bus ticket to canada, or a bottle of canadian club... I took the bottle.
On a side note, I have always laughed about my friend Brian Roth (a member here) who comments that he lives in a state of the US considered "Fly over territory" hahahaha Sorry if any of you find this offensive, I love humour, and I love laughing at myself and others.
no that is pretty common knowledge to fly over state residents.
I find this indian comedian quite funny, and yes some of you might feel offended so view it at your own risk you can really feel how the audience is extremely uncomfortable... But the immigration thing he mentions is so true, look, I have a VISA, not only a tourist VISA but a Visiting scholar VISA, which means I was traveling as a resarcher with a permit to live in the US annd work at a university, and everytime I had to travel to the US an immigration officer will pull me off the line and bring me over to this little room for like 4 hours without telling me the reason why, and after all the waiting, another officer would interview me and say "The reason we detained you is because you have a very common Mexican name" hahaha I am not kidding people, this happened to me twice, for exactly the same reason, it was at Houston international airport, I was always treated with respect but I was amazed they are surprised that my name is not Kevin or Jeff, and my name is not even a typical Mexican name it is from Spain,  I don't blame them, I guess a lot of people have fake documents and they just have to make sure, but everytime an officer approaches me and says "Excuse me sir, can you come with me" I say "Here we go again..." .

A friend of mine who used to work at Universal Music was detained in the US and interrogated, not interviewed, interrogated, I'm talking good cop /bad cop kinda thing, just because his last name is Noriega, it turns out they had him confused with another Noriega guy who was a cartel member from somewhere in south america. ;D ;D And before you start complaining about Trump, both cases I mentioned were during the Obama administration
for those who don't know the history, Noriega was the authoritarian ruler of Panama, involved in the drug trafficking and other shady business, I doubt that your friend was confused for that old ruler deposed in 1989, but perhaps looking for family traditions.
To be fair, what I've heard about foreigners living here in Mexico is that the Mexican goverment is not very friendly with their immigration policies, particularly towards people from South America, also I've heard that people having to cross the south border between Guatemala, Belize and Mexico have a very hard time doing it, so again, that is what I try to remind my fellow countrymen who complain about the US immigration policies.
that is shifting... The last administration had agreements with Mexico leadership and the south American countries that are supplying so many of economic migrants. These deals have been effectively torn up.
And just so you don't feel excluded, these are some jokes about my country

Talking about languages, I once met this german guy at a party, he spoke spanish extremely well and could understand it perfectly, I didn't have to slow down or use common words, but what really impressed me is that when I asked him "How long have you been studying spanish?" he said "Around 2 months", I was impressed, the guy could also speak italian, portuguese, english and of course german. Then again, I met this dutch guy who came to study to my university for a semester who had been studying spanish for 2 years and all he could understand was "Hola" and "Adios".
The romance languages (french, spanish, etc) have latin roots. I studied a couple years of latin in HS with a semester each of french and spanish.  I can drink in many languages. 
English is something remarkable if you ask me, it is now the official world language, well not anyone speaks it but it is the international language, the funny thing is that you might be French and the other guy Norwegian and they understand themselves through english, some time ago, people like ambassadors and such tried to use a made up language called Esperanto with hopes of becoming like the international language, of course, it became useless since everyone prefered to speak english, but acording to Wikipedia a lot of people speak Esperanto, I have never met anyone in my life who does.
German used to be the international language for technical papers, French the language of diplomats, English has increasingly become the common language these days, I suspect because of modern popular movies and entertainment. 
I was told that back in my grandpa's and even my great grandpa's era, it used to be different, French was the common tongue and not English, funny how things change. Some schools are now teaching kids Chinese because they anticipate it will substitute English.
This is explained by history, studying Chinese is a bet on China taking over the world while while the west snoozes (look at Hong Kong). 
Anyway, I now officially declare this whole thread completely derailed.

Which is normal...

user 37518 said:
and an interesting fact, the most predominant religion in Canada, Islam, nothing wrong with that, but I find it odd that you can actually say that Canada is a muslim country in some sense, never thought of that!

In no sense, even figuratively, is Canada even remotely a muslim country
PermO said:
Can we please get an off switch also Elon ?  ;D

When I first read the above I read in my mind "[c]an we please get an off switch for Elon?"

Maybe I was just channeling my own biases.
Banzai said:
In no sense, even figuratively, is Canada even remotely a muslim country

That comment I made was intended to be ironic, however, Canada is not a muslim country, yet, the vast majority are christians, however according to wikipedia : "Islam is the fastest growing religion in Canada.[117] Sunni Islam is followed by the majority while there are significant numbers of Shia Muslims. Ahmadiyya also has a significant proportion with more than 25,000 Ahmadis living in Canada.[119] There are also non-denominational Muslims[120]"

So just give them time...

And this is true for the entire Westernized world, I invite you to check the fertility rates of the western countries and compare them to the muslim countries, It is said that for a culture to survive or perpetuate over time, the fertility rate must be 2.1 or over, none of the "developed" countries are over that or even close, this includes all of Europe, Russia, Australia, the UK, US, Canada, Japan, and some south american contries like Brazil are also below that, My country is barely above that, Africa and the Middle east are very well above that figure, the highest fertility rate country is Niger with a fertility rate of 7, and its population, according to the internet is 99% muslim and they practice Sharia law, China has a very low fertility rate and this is the only exception because their fertility rate is influenced by goverment policy for not allowing more than one child per couple, but it is not representative. So I call out to all radical muslims out there to chill, they do not need to commit terrorists acts if they want to institute a world caliphate, they just have to be patient, keep having children, and us infidels will erradicate ourselves over time.

(Flame suit on)
user 37518 said:
And this is true for the entire Westernized world, I invite you to check the fertility rates of the western countries and compare them to the muslim countries, It is said that for a culture to survive or perpetuate over time, the fertility rate must be 2.1 or over, none of the "developed" countries are over that or even close, this includes all of Europe, Russia, Australia, the UK, US, Canada, Japan, and some south american contries like Brazil are also below that, My country is barely above that, Africa and the Middle east are very well above that figure, the highest fertility rate country is Niger with a fertility rate of 7, and its population, according to the internet is 99% muslim and they practice Sharia law, China has a very low fertility rate and this is the only exception because their fertility rate is influenced by goverment policy for not allowing more than one child per couple, but it is not representative. So I call out to all radical muslims out there to chill, they do not need to commit terrorists acts if they want to institute a world caliphate, they just have to be patient, keep having children, and us infidels will erradicate ourselves over time.

See this is why people call out your "cancel culture" whining. It doesn't take long for you to reveal that you're actually just a white supremacist who believes in The Great Replacement.

And look man... Even if you don't believe that you are a white supremacist, you have to do some deeper introspection to understand that what you believe overlaps with what they believe by at least 50%. You share *some* of the same goals. Good luck with that
ComodoComplex said:
See this is why people call out your "cancel culture" whining. It doesn't take long for you to reveal that you're actually just a white supremacist who believes in The Great Replacement.

And look man... Even if you don't believe that you are a white supremacist, you have to do some deeper introspection to understand that what you believe overlaps with what they believe by at least 50%. You share *some* of the same goals. Good luck with that

White supremacist? WTF ? I am white but I am a Mexican living in Mexico. I did mention that Japan is also in that list right? Unbelievable you say something, and you are called white supremacist..... this is the double moral, you have countries like Denmark begging their population to have children, I guess that the Danish are also white supremacists, Spain is trying to basically make citizens those immigrants that left spain even 400 years ago because their fertility rate is so low, ohh man, I rest my case.
user 37518 said:
White supremacist? WTF ? I am white but I am a Mexican living in Mexico.

Honestly man, I don't care what race you are, who you are, how old you are, or where you're from. You need to deprogram yourself because your beliefs overlap with white supremacy. It's not your fault - it's how we currently understand history
ComodoComplex said:
Honestly man, I don't care what race you are, who you are, how old you are, or where you're from. You need to deprogram yourself because your beliefs overlap with white supremacy. It's not your fault - it's how we currently understand history

I just looked at statistics, news, and made my own conclussions. I am not even talking about race, I am talking about ideology, Islam in this case. I am talking about Islam, don't care if you are a white, black or whatever race. BTW muslims don't care if you are white, they care that you are not muslim. Also, not once in my post did I use the words "white" or "race" I used the words "culture" and "society"

This is not a theory, this is fact (unless you believe that statistics and probability are fake sciences), look at the projections for 2050 from PEW research

Look at the first 2 graphs, specially the second one on the right, it is not supremacy, its simple math and common sense to assume that the green line will soon go over the red line at some point, that is what I meant that the infidels will disappear. Which is EXACTLY what I said in the post you used to call me White Supremacist. If this doesn't convince you, nothing I say will, I am not a white supremacist, it is you who are part of the cancel culture and it is you who need to de-program yourself and stop thinking that everything is about race, get the Woke out of your head.

And BTW, when that green line crosses that red line, which it will, Woke will be dead.


ComodoComplex said:
See this is why people call out your "cancel culture" whining. It doesn't take long for you to reveal that you're actually just a white supremacist who believes in The Great Replacement.

And look man... Even if you don't believe that you are a white supremacist, you have to do some deeper introspection to understand that what you believe overlaps with what they believe by at least 50%. You share *some* of the same goals. Good luck with that
Since when are islam and christianity races?
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