Starting a modular console - CAPI/GDIY 508 rack build

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Update on metal work.

The faceplate design I posted a bit back works like a charm, and overall dimensions seem to be lining up well.  Here's the new faceplate next to the old, which you can see my roughly-accurate ruler printouts I used for measuring the fader scale. (resizing the image did hell on the channel separation lines... they look better than that  :) )

A closer look of the overall structure, from the top.  Corners seem to line up well.

Side View:

Switch PCB's:

On top of the fader plate, I'm going to have a 6" tall "holding faceplate" with just the pan controls for each channel.  The 6" should allow enough room for plenty of future expansion... a couple auxes, cues, maybe a couple extra busses, mute/solo, polarity, hell, maybe even a hpf. On top of all this will then be the CAPI 508 double bucket with eq in lower, mic pre in upper, then space for a meter bridge. 

That's where I'm at now.  More to come.  Thanks for looking.


API553s are great tools and way more versatile than the three bands let expect. You should consider adding switches for every frequency band to toggle between two or three frequencies. I´ve built serveral versions of these 553 EQs, all with different frequencies and the lot of them makes a massively versatile and fantastic sounding array of EQs.
Congrats to your console project. That´s very inspiring.
Any news here? I`ve been toying with the idea of using the 508 buckets for a modular console myself, and am also in the conundrum on how to house the faders. Would love to see the progress been done here  8)
fragletrollet said:
Any news here? I`ve been toying with the idea of using the 508 buckets for a modular console myself, and am also in the conundrum on how to house the faders. Would love to see the progress been done here  8)

This thread my give you some ideas....

Hey Krcwell,

Saw your post on a DIY console using GAPI 508 as the core of the frame. Looks great. Hope it's going well.

I have a question: Did you use a relay(s) on the backplane of the 508? Jeff hasn't developed a relay PCB yet for that purpose. Have you any suggestions? I could use a CAPI 24V relay kit he offers even though it's vertical design, by using flying leads and replacing the header with a 90 deg version.

Yeah ... a 'friendly' grounding sub-system is a huge milestone in designing a 'quiet' audio mixer! I've danced with that for sure.

Would love to see more of the project.


This is a real old thread, but . . .

Who out there know of or developed the plug-in relay option for the 508? Is there a PCB floating around with the proper pin topology for the required horizontal mount?

My plans are to integrate a 508 with SSL UF8 controller (UAD Apollo X & LUNA).

I have several 8 channel vertical LED VU sections off of my old Tascam M5000 40X10x2 In-line Production Console. If using the 508, would one most use the 2P U-O connectors for sending to VU input buffers? How is this typically done?

By the way . . . I have two additional assembled CAPI 508's I do not need as well as a few Tascam M5000 & CAPI parts if interested.

Later, Billy

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