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kind of like the news today....

Maybe this??

Joffe’s attorneys separately told the New York Times that Joffe only examined data from the Executive Office of the President while Obama was in office, and that it was part of an attempt to see whether there was malware on White House servers — a job for which he had been hired.

I guess that whole innocent until proven guilty thing only applies to Republicans, eh?
So. CRT. On the radio this morning was a Georgia legislator talking about his CRT bill, which bears a shocking resemblance to CRT bills in various other states. The gist students cannot made to feel guilty, or be pitted against one another due to the teaching of CRT.

Now what does CRT mean to this guy? Well, he's "not in the business of defining or reframing; umm, dude you "wrote" a bill about CRT--wouldn't it be a good idea to have some clear definition of it in this bill?

What would be the ramifications of this bill (if passed) in the classroom?

1. Let's say a teacher is talking about the Tulsa Massacre, or the Tuskegee experiments, or the Freedom Riders. A white kid feels guilty because her dad regularly spouts racist garbage, and she believed it, maybe even acted on it in some way. Maybe she doesn't even feel guilty--maybe she simply confronts her dad on some of his BS, or maybe just mentions the facts in passing at dinner. Dad gets angry that his daughter no longer blindly buys into his racist BS, causes a huge stink at the school board, gets the teacher fired.

2. Let's say a black kid and a white kid really hate history class and/or their history teacher. They conspire to start an argument that in class which spreads to other kids, who are unaware of the ruse they're now a part of. The kids who conspired to start it all may not have to say a word--the other kids who follow along will take care of that for them. Teacher is fired or suspended, history class becomes study hall.

3. Schools and school districts work proactively to avoid any violations of the anti-"CRT" law by removing all lessons about the Tulsa massacre, Tuskegee experiments, the rise of the KKK, Reconstruction, civil rights protests, etc. etc. from their curriculum. They know it's wrong, but they don't want to risk legal repercussions.

And let's remember, folks, this is all about protecting the white kids. None of these bills say anything at all about something that might offend a black or latino or Native American child.

And since this is the team politics thread, don't forget it's election year. Nothing like fear and prejudice to get Republican voters to the polls.
Maybe this??
You either enjoy arguing or think you are right (perhaps both).
Joffe’s attorneys separately told the New York Times that Joffe only examined data from the Executive Office of the President while Obama was in office, and that it was part of an attempt to see whether there was malware on White House servers — a job for which he had been hired.
I had to do a web search to figure out who Joffee is (apparently tech executive -1) mentioned on background in the Durham pleading. AFAIK he was not indicted, not even mentioned by name. He probably does need a lawyer though.
I guess that whole innocent until proven guilty thing only applies to Republicans, eh?
This comment is rich, considering that ex-President Trump has been falsely charged for years, including impeached twice based on false evidence. I wonder if the NYT will give back its Pulitzer prize for reporting on the Steele dossier that has been widely discredited.

The Durham investigation is a much tighter run ship than the Mueller investigation that leaked partisan jabs to the press on an almost daily basis. About the only leak I've heard from the Durham camp is that the investigation is now accelerating because they are now getting more cooperation from witnesses willing to testify before the grand jury.

Not to sound like one hit wonder Carl Bernstein, "this is worse than watergate". :cool: I hope they resolve this in my lifetime.

So. CRT. On the radio this morning was a Georgia legislator talking about his CRT bill, which bears a shocking resemblance to CRT bills in various other states. The gist students cannot made to feel guilty, or be pitted against one another due to the teaching of CRT.

Now what does CRT mean to this guy? Well, he's "not in the business of defining or reframing; umm, dude you "wrote" a bill about CRT--wouldn't it be a good idea to have some clear definition of it in this bill?

What would be the ramifications of this bill (if passed) in the classroom?

1. Let's say a teacher is talking about the Tulsa Massacre, or the Tuskegee experiments, or the Freedom Riders. A white kid feels guilty because her dad regularly spouts racist garbage, and she believed it, maybe even acted on it in some way. Maybe she doesn't even feel guilty--maybe she simply confronts her dad on some of his BS, or maybe just mentions the facts in passing at dinner. Dad gets angry that his daughter no longer blindly buys into his racist BS, causes a huge stink at the school board, gets the teacher fired.

2. Let's say a black kid and a white kid really hate history class and/or their history teacher. They conspire to start an argument that in class which spreads to other kids, who are unaware of the ruse they're now a part of. The kids who conspired to start it all may not have to say a word--the other kids who follow along will take care of that for them. Teacher is fired or suspended, history class becomes study hall.

3. Schools and school districts work proactively to avoid any violations of the anti-"CRT" law by removing all lessons about the Tulsa massacre, Tuskegee experiments, the rise of the KKK, Reconstruction, civil rights protests, etc. etc. from their curriculum. They know it's wrong, but they don't want to risk legal repercussions.

And let's remember, folks, this is all about protecting the white kids. None of these bills say anything at all about something that might offend a black or latino or Native American child.

And since this is the team politics thread, don't forget it's election year. Nothing like fear and prejudice to get Republican voters to the polls.
CRT again... I have no problem with teaching actual history to kids, but maybe save the ugliest events for high school or later. Young children are not capable of handling the extreme characterizations of being either oppressor or oppressed. Of course if the goal is to indoctrinate children to hate america you need to start as early as possible. I can't read their minds, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like duck, it may be a duck.

As usual I don't accept your characterizations.

In the news today
www said:
San Francisco residents have recalled three members of the city's school board for what critics called misplaced priorities and putting progressive politics over the needs of children during the pandemic, in a year of controversy that captured national attention.
Note, these progressive board members were recalled by overwhelmingly democratic voters. It is SF after all. Maybe the tide is turning after progressives have overplayed their hand. Too much focus on renaming schools, and not enough on the children's welfare/education.

of course opinions vary.

This comment is rich, considering that ex-President Trump has been falsely charged for years, including impeached twice based on false evidence.

I'm trying to understand how the second impeachment has anything to do with the Steele dossier (Not that I'd concede your point regarding the first. As I recall you were quite adamant at the time about not watching the first one, so I consider all your opinions about it second-hand.) Following Durham puts you so far up Trump's delusional rabbit hole that you can practically see out of his mouth. Believing Durham and Trump requires ignoring vast swaths of evidence that stand outside their narrow, intensely paranoid conspiracy theory. But that's been addressed here previously as well, so I won't rehash.

Of course if the goal is to indoctrinate children to hate america you need to start as early as possible.
Dang. Now you really do sound like my crotchety Republican grandfather. I'm taken back to a time when he presented me with a fake handwritten letter from YAF about all the communist college professors infiltrating our universities. At the time I was not that far removed from college, where I had professors who were conservative, liberal, in-between, and likely indifferent---I felt I had a little more insight than he did.
And now, with a kid who just started college, whose mom taught for decades in public schools, I feel like I might have just a little more insight into public schools than you do. I have yet to find a teacher who makes it her business to teach kids to hate America. I have yet to find a teacher who hates America, much less would want to make a kid do so.

If you really believe that's what's going on in public schools these days, then I'm sorry, John, but you really are the patsy.
I am too lazy to look up the logical fallacy when you attempt to belittle me personally (crotchety Republican grandfather) to discredit my argument. I do vote republican because there are no viable libertarian candidates. Nothing wrong with being a grandfather but I remain single and childless so you missed the target once again.

He must have a ton of money. I'm guessing you guys have been playing since before the Bush
The last time I played poker for money was last century and I wasn't the patsy in that game. Playing poker with dumbasses in the army was borderline unfair. My brother (RIP) who was drafted several years before me used to mail money home from his poker winnings. I remember when I first transferred out to Ft Riley KS after basic training in 1970. I arrived near the end of the month and all the permanent party troops were flat broke (only paid once a month with poor money management skills). I walked into the break room that had a pool table and two soldiers tried to hustle me because I had cash. I ended up winning their last two dollars ;) . I used to be pretty good at pool. I don't believe in gambling (while some stock market investments can be a gamble due to imperfect/incomplete information). If you are better than the other players in a game it isn't really about chance.

Let’s see how the election goes. Every thing else is just being a schill for your party preferences. Plenty of blame to go around. Independents will decide this one.
I am too lazy to look up the logical fallacy when you attempt to belittle me personally (crotchety Republican grandfather) to discredit my argument.
The point there was that neither of you had any recent experience with public schools or universities, and yet you both were convinced you knew what was going on in them. I know you and I don't agree, but I'm not going to lie to you or other forum members about something like my recent experiences with public education. I have plenty of negative things to say about public education, but I have never known a teacher to indoctrinate a child to hate America.
The point there was that neither of you had any recent experience with public schools or universities,
Kind of have to agree with this. I listen to breaking point on YouTube. It seems like more facts and less opinions although they add their opinions at the end of the story. I thought classes at a college part time back in the 90s. I do have opinions about the student loan program I find very offensive. Also stories of evergreen collage and the Weinstein’s give me a bias towards collage values these days. It would be hard with the civil discourse today to not feel there would be bias in teaching kids and young adults.
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did you really need to respond at all? please cite each of the "in every thread" [sic] or sit this one out

I responded because I don't want yet another thread to devolve into unscientific rubbish and get shut down like the vaccine thread.

The data is very clear, the vaccine has done a very good job at preventing serious illness. Why is this always ignored? So constantly saying it doesn't work or is worthless is quite ridiculous.

And yes the data also shows it is not doing a very good job anymore at preventing infection and transmission. The data also shows omicron to be less severe. This supports easing restrictions and removing mandates. But that doesn't mean things weren't more severe before. Calling it the sniffles is completely ignoring reality and being very disrespectful to the millions who have died and all the loved ones they left behind.

And yes the truckers have a right to protest. They shouldn't be doxxed. Money should not be getting confiscated. But they are also breaking the law by blocking streets and deserve to be arrested for that.

So let's try and be more logical and reasonable on what it is an electronics forum.
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I am trying to point out that the political opinion leaders have no clothes on, instead I get accused of being a political spinner. I guess I should have expected this.....

"No clothes, spinner..."

And on that note:
The comments are priceless...

I responded because I don't want yet another thread to devolve into unscientific rubbish and get shut down like the vaccine thread.

The data is very clear, the vaccine has done a very good job at preventing serious illness. Why is this always ignored? So constantly saying it doesn't work or is worthless is quite ridiculous. (explain every instance all those in the same cohorts which survived 2020+ without any vaccine? confounding solutions..aren't real solutions)

And yes the data also shows it is not doing a very good job anymore at preventing infection and transmission. The data also shows omicron to be less severe. This supports easing restrictions and removing mandates. But that doesn't mean things weren't more severe before. Calling it the sniffles is completely ignoring reality and being very disrespectful to the millions who have died and all the loved ones they left behind. (the sniffles is exactly what it is for a vast statistical majority, this is a fact)

And yes the truckers have a right to protest. They shouldn't be doxxed. Money should not be getting confiscated. But they are also breaking the law by blocking streets and deserve to be arrested for that. (they should have been arrested without going full despot but leftists gonna leftist)

So let's try and be more logical and reasonable on what it is an electronics forum. 👍
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