team politics talking points.

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More voter fraud, and of course it's a Republican committing it--former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows:

On September 19th, about three weeks before North Carolina’s voter-registration deadline for the general election, Meadows filed his paperwork. On a line that asked for his residential address—“where you physically live,” the form instructs—Meadows wrote down the address of a fourteen-by-sixty-two-foot mobile home in Scaly Mountain. He listed his move-in date for this address as the following day, September 20th.
Meadows does not own this property and never has. It is not clear that he has ever spent a single night there. (He did not respond to a request for comment.) The previous owner, who asked that we not use her name, now lives in Florida. “That was just a summer home,” she told me, when I called her up the other day. She seemed surprised to learn that the residence was listed on the Meadowses’ forms.

Since this thread is about talking points, shouldn't you be talking about the William Barr book this week?


PS; I'm glad to see you share my appreciation for election integrity,
I tried to watch SNL last night but couldn't get past the opening skit... (life is short).

My suspicion is that government is not ready to stop milking the covid cow... It was instructive to see state of the union mostly maskless,,, while they did reinstall the fences in case some truckers got rowdy. :rolleyes:


[edit- I was kind of enjoying the the pause in small ball politics. /edit]
who else is enjoying this hard pivot away from mandates lockdowns boosters vax passes and brownshirts crying about masks?
Those of us who appreciate that omicron has come and possibly saved the day, after mandates lockdowns boosters vax passes and brownshirts crying about masks did their best to try to keep things in check, despite the responses of the ignorati.

I'll appreciate the probable yearly covid vaccinations too, just as I do the yearly influenza vaccine.
Those of us who appreciate that omicron has come and possibly saved the day, after mandates lockdowns boosters vax passes and brownshirts crying about masks did their best to try to keep things in check, despite the responses of the ignorati.

I'll appreciate the probable yearly covid vaccinations too, just as I do the yearly influenza vaccine.
do NOT let the people who were stuffing kids into masks gaslight you into thinking all the people in 2020 that didn't die wouldn't have lived without the vaccine they didn't have...

don't get me started on how ineffective lockdowns and masks were (inb4 they hop in with 3-calendarYear aggregate fiat data to cover their failures)

just admit you got scammed like we all have (and have long accepted) and that we've moved onto the next scam and we can all get along fighting about the next thing 🥰
shouldn't you be talking about the William Barr book this week?
Why give him the attention? But I will say:
1. Barr's primary goal seems to be to redeem his own reputation and distance himself from the man he was so eager to serve. I'd say to him the same thing the Ukrainian soldiers allegedly said to the Russian warship.

2. With or without Trump, the Republican party is a budding neofascist entity. Whether you're looking at Barr or DeSantis or Abbott or Kemp or Noem, or the 5 1/2 right wing stooges on the Supreme Court, nothing's different except they're trying to have a kinder, gentler fascism than Trump was pushing. Again, like they said to the Russian warship.....
Sounds like your trying to talk up your share prices in big Pharma stocks Doc , it stinks to high heaven , insider trading has always been the name of that game . A former head of Irelands version of CDC was fingered for being involved in vaccine testing way back , they took a high court injunction to prevent their names being mentioned in the same sentence as vax tests , its rotten to the core Doc and if you cant see it you've been infected with the same moral rot ,right to the core .

Then you should have a cakewalk in Nov.... The voters opinions matter in this country at least.

I don't think you understand. People are gullible. They are more easily motivated by fear and hatred than by any positive emotion. Republicans are great at that--in reality, anti-CRT bills are about those "uppity" black people who want a voice in history that's been denied them for centuries--and about the weak-minded racists who are afraid to have their racism challenged. The various attacks on trans and LGBT folks are directed at homophobic parents who don't want their kid "turned" gay, or who are looking for an easy "other" to scapegoat and vilify. And anti-abortion legislation has less to do with the "sanctity of human life" than a desire by some men to keep women subjugated.

And I could go on and on about Republican vote suppression, but you've probably heard all that before.
I think I understand your ideology but do not agree that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves. The libertarian/conservative/constitutional ethic is about personal liberty and individual freedom.

I apologize to the list for poking this hornets nest again... the respite from team politics was restful.

We've recovered the perfectly preserved cadavers of the children who suffered the indignity of live vaccine testing in 'mother and baby homes' and died as a result here in Ireland , unless the government here have stored these improperly ,modern DNA techniques will expose the crooked truth , divest thy self of complicity by jettisoning your shares all you want , the stain will remain on our collective consciousness for generations unless we face up to the wrong -doing . No one gets rich without making someone else poor , its funny how even the mathmatically gifted amongst us fail to take this simple equation into account .
We've recovered the perfectly preserved cadavers of the children who suffered the indignity of live vaccine testing in 'mother and baby homes' and died as a result here in Ireland , unless the government here have stored these improperly ,modern DNA techniques will expose the crooked truth , divest thy self of complicity by jettisoning your shares all you want , the stain will remain on our collective consciousness for generations unless we face up to the wrong -doing . No one gets rich without making someone else poor , its funny how even the mathmatically gifted amongst us fail to take this simple equation into account .
Your point? This all happened 50+ years ago, so nothing to do with the current vaccine conspiracies.

BTW, I don't own pharma or any other kind of stock - I'm not much of a gambler, so I just keep my money under the mattress.
Property investments in this part of the world are the modern day golden goose , inflationary depreciation of cash money is like flushing it down the plug hole, you'd be lucky now if the bank holds your money at 0 % . There may well be a massive hole in grain stocks next year due to the Ukrainian crisis which will push up the price of bread and beer production planet wide . Ive already heard of bread prices in the US skyrocketing . wheelbarrows full of cash for a loaf , we've seen that before too , crouch and hold .
I think I understand your ideology but do not agree that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves. The libertarian/conservative/constitutional ethic is about personal liberty and individual freedom.

I did not say that people are too stupid to make their own decisions ("There you go again," as some wag once put it--misrepresenting what I say)--but people often make stupid decisions. It's nice that conservatives have an ethic, but it's sad that so many of them don't seem to think it applies to blacks, LGBT, or Mexicans. An ethic is cute, but actions speak louder than any "ethic" does.
Not to poke this sleeping dog, but I perceive a subtle shift in the popular culture crowd.

#1 I accidentally dialed into a Trevor Noah monologue where he made fun of the UAE and Saudi Arabia not answering when President Joe Biden called to ask them to pump more oil. Trevor suggested that they would take calls from Trump. (His words not mine).

#2 I recently started recording SNL on my DVR to see what new music talent they think are relevant, and see how much I can tolerate (this week was not a win). They did a comedy skit about the White House inviting a bunch of Tick Tock influencers to pitch their message. I didn't get the joke, until this week when the administration used Tic Tock influencers to pitch their talking point that Putin is responsible for high gas prices. I never considered SNL to be ahead of the curve for political critiques, but somebody knew something.

These influencers charge millions of dollars to pitch the poop.

Not pumping oil is a win in the long game. I'll accept the high prices and adjust my lifestyle to never have a sociopath as president who withholds military aid for political benefit. Maybe "her" emails are in the box of classified files down at Mar-a-Lago. Democrats are more likely to govern and Republicans are more likely to stir the pot to influence uneducated/uninformed voters to vote their way of life away to corporations.


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Not pumping oil here is a win for Russia, Iran, Venezuela (opec+). Russia actively funded anti-fracking activists in the EU, not because they love the planet, but because they love profiting from selling their own Russian oil and NG.


I am not sure what you are referring to,,, When Ukraine asked ex-President Obama for military aid, he sent them MRE (meals ready to eat). Then Vice President Biden famously bragged about how he threatened to withhold $1B in financial aid from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma corruption (the company Hunter received $50k/month as a director, while his dad was in Obama administration).

While I vehemently disagree with most of your politics, you do force me to read every once in a while... USA Today is not one of my preferred news sources. It seems to be middle-right and I often disagree with their choice of coverage or presentation, but, read away. You won't like it.
edit: Not pumping oil is ALWAYS a win. People who are profit focused are selfish and shortsighted.
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