team politics talking points.

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Obviously didn't go to the Supreme Court
And why would it?
Two Georgia election workers agreed to settle defamation claims against a right-wing cable news channel, which they said falsely claimed they engaged in ballot fraud during the 2020 election

Just a run-of-the-mill civil suit.
Congrats enjoy your happy dance.

Sussmann was a small fish and the trial still served as an effective vehicle to get facts and testimony into the public record (perhaps not into your echo chamber). I found it newsworthy that a Clinton campaign manager (Robby Mook) testified that Hillary personally authorized releasing false allegations about a "supposed" connection between Trump and Russia to the press (slate?). Clearly a political dirty trick attempt to create an October surprise to affect the election. Politics are a contact sport so opposition research is widely used, but crafting disinformation from whole cloth is not typical.

It is not much of a shock that a DC jury ignored the clear evidence. Sussmann said he was representing himself bringing that hoax to the FBI, while billing the Clinton campaign for his time (duh). :rolleyes:

This trial revealed a bunch of people, some still serving in the Biden administration, with dirty hands.

I suspect more investigations if/when the congress flips in Nov...but Nov hasn't happened yet. Who knows what this years October surprise will be? ;)

Back on the topic of political talking points did anybody notice the huge voter turnout in GA despite the restrictive Jim Crow voter law changes? As I recall baseball pulled the Allstar game out of Atlanta to protest the vote law changes. Just because progressive media says something is so, doesn't make it so.


For a tidbit from today's news. President Joe Biden wrote an editorial for the WSJ.... "

Joe Biden: My Plan for Fighting Inflation​

I won’t meddle with the Fed, but....​

Almost humorous President Biden invited Fed Chair Powell into the Oval office this afternoon, perhaps to tell him in person that he won't meddle (no cameras). :rolleyes:

Ignore your lying eyes....

It is not much of a shock that a DC jury ignored the clear evidence.
I was pretty sure that this wouldn't stop you from chasing Durham down the Krazy Konspiracy rabbithole. As Journey once said, "Don't Stop Believin'!"
Adams has been a bit of a disappointment as mayor he needs to help clean up the street and subway violence.

The catch and release DA is not helping even a little.

I picked a city for comparison to NYC--aimed for Texas, chose Houston. So far this year (from what I can determine), Houston has a few more homicides than NYC. Population of Houston: 2.3 million. Population of NYC: 8.2 million. It's good, I suppose, that you're worried about crime in a city that's a thousand miles from you, but I'm not sure NYC merits as much concern as various big cities in the anti-gun regulation Southern states.
I will speculate your point is to discredit TX... Gov Abbot is unpopular with your team.

Big cities with democratic mayors like Houston (my brother used to live there) have some of the same afflictions as other big democratic cities like NYC, LA, Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, etc... In Houston they call their version of catch and release "cite and release". From a news report late last year (dec '21) 155 people in Harris county have been killed by people released on bond while awaiting trial. 113 defendants charged with capital murder were granted bond and released to the streets.

There are multiple large cities suffering from lax prosecutors/judges. This harms minority communities the most, we are starting to look like a bad dystopian futuristic science fiction movie, but this isn't fiction and it is happening right now.

To tie this into today's voting news, progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudins of SF is facing a recall vote. SF recently recalled a few school board members who were too busy trying to rename schools to get children back in classrooms. So this could happen despite SFs hard tilt left.


PS: LA and Philadelphia progressive DAs could also face recall votes this year.
Well, that was certainly evasive. I was waiting to see if you'd address any possible reasons for the discrepancy in homicide rates, or even answer why you're so concerned about NYC when so many other places have higher crime rates. Oh, and in case you were wondering, large percentages of the guns that illegally flow into NY come from Republican-run, "gun freedumb" states like the one I live in--so there's a really excellent chance NYC's homicide rate would be even lower if it weren't for pro-gun extremist governors in states like Georgia and Texas.

But go ahead--pick on NYC. Then maybe you can switch over & pick on SF for a while. It is the Republican way, after all.
Well, that was certainly evasive. I was waiting to see if you'd address any possible reasons for the discrepancy in homicide rates,
sorry I didn't look into that shootings are up everywhere.
or even answer why you're so concerned about NYC when so many other places have higher crime rates.
NYC is where a lot of media are located so it gets disproportionate coverage. I was born and grew up about 10-15 miles from NYC in Northern New Jersey, so I have a personal connection.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, large percentages of the guns that illegally flow into NY come from Republican-run, "gun freedumb" states like the one I live in--so there's a really excellent chance NYC's homicide rate would be even lower if it weren't for pro-gun extremist governors in states like Georgia and Texas.
no I wasn't wondering but your opinions have been shared before.
But go ahead--pick on NYC. Then maybe you can switch over & pick on SF for a while. It is the Republican way, after all.
I haven't picked on Chicago lately, people pushed back against me pointing out how many were killed in street crime there. My favorite Chicago quip is that if gun legislation worked Chicago would be like Mayberry RFD.

The republican way is to look for actual solutions to root cause problems, not gyrate to assign blame elsewhere. The defund police and "Ferguson" effect has gutted many police departments on top of catch and release DA and prosecutors that demoralize the few police officers who haven't resigned already.

I think NYC is already beyond an easy fix, the occupancy rates in manhattan office buildings is down in the high 30s, while perhaps better than President Biden's polls, it reveals that workers are afraid to return into the city and use subways.

This is a much larger problem than just NYC but your republican/democrat world view filter, may never perceive that. It must be ex President Trump's fault right? ;)

So, what is the Republican solution to the gun problem?
I am not aware of a "republican" solution... I don't think that way. There is bipartisan legislation tangled up in the congress for years... Shooting events like this (these?) last one turn into campaign fundraising trigger events. Biden's prime time speech was exactly that (send money).

I have been wrestling about this stuff elsewhere for the last few days... Off the top of my head the short list for potential improvements is 1) Harden schools (we can hire all the ex-cops who resigned due to defunding and bad DAs). 2) Don't arm suicidal, mentally ill young men... Red flag laws and wider use of background checks, might catch a few... It seems the FBI knows too many of these shooters before the act... we are apparently not connecting all the dots in a timely fashion. I don't pretend that this is easy, but it seems important.

That's a start... don't get overly focussed on magazine size and types of weapons that may only make a difference in the margin... We need to deal with the people among us who are lost and need mental health assistance.

So, what is the Republican solution to the gun problem?
Remove as many limits as possible on gun ownership, concealed carry, etc. Fight all efforts to enact meaningful regulation of guns. When a mass murder grabs the nation's attention, blame everything but guns. Do nothing about the problems on which you've blamed mass murders (a good example: Gov. Abbott of Texas said there needed to be more focus on mental health--and yet he is the one who had just slashed Texas's mental health budget.)

And then do it all again. We've seen their bull sh!t responses over, and over, and over, and over. It's crap. It's absolute garbage. It's contemptible. It's pathetic. It's sick. It's immoral. Doing things the Republican way on guns has been proven time and time again not to work, so why should we expect them to do anything different?
As opposed to the alternative:

-Ignore actual data
-Ignore facts and reasoning
-Appeal to pure, raw emotion
-Apply ad hominem attacks to anyone who points out the above three
-Pretend you know how to solve a problem you don't even understand
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