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I am a student of politics, not a practitioner. I still can't read minds but this looks more like an attempt to influence future elections than fix any systemic problem.
lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are looking to reform the 135-year-old Electoral Count Act.

Critics of the antiquated measure say it helped fuel the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6 last year, when rioters attempted to stop lawmakers from formalizing President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory in the 2020 presidential election.


Ignore the man behind the curtain, don't get played.

Don't forget to vote.

this looks more like an attempt to influence future elections than fix any systemic problem.
Gotta figure out some reason--any reason will do, really--for ignoring the inconvenient truth, eh? Your dismissiveness is duly noted and viewed with the derision it merits.
How can you ignore the hypocrisy of fully prosecuting the jan 6th protestors, while ignoring if not supporting the protestors trying to influence supreme court justices by threatening their families? That too is against federal law. The one guy arrested (for attempting to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh) called the police on himself.

Don't ignore anyone, prosecute all law breakers. This includes the activist groups firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers.

It's as if people want to promote violent discord (revolution?). Students of history have seen this before.

I can easily ignore the one guy who called the police on himself (for murder? Seriously?) and the few others who maybe haven't even been identified and who didn't do anything (but threatened to do some evil) against the hundreds of sheep mislead by their leader who did try to do something. And we know what the goal was: overturn a democratic election. In simple words: a coup.

If you can't see the difference between threats from a few possible nutcases and a violent mob lead by the POTUS, you should have your head checked.

It's like comparing a wasp nest with a herd of wild elephants...
How can you ignore the hypocrisy of fully prosecuting the jan 6th protestors, while ignoring if not supporting the protestors trying to influence supreme court justices by threatening their families? That too is against federal law. The one guy arrested (for attempting to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh) called the police on himself.

Don't ignore anyone, prosecute all law breakers. This includes the activist groups firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers.
Ummmmm......what?? As disgusted as I am with extremist conservative activist justices, I do not advocate their murder, or threats against them. I do not think that our various branches of law enforcement are going any easier on someone who threatens a judge than they would on someone who threatens a politician--regardless of party affiliation. I've never uttered a word of approbation for anyone firebombing "pro-life" pregnancy centers. I am pretty dang certain police in whatever jurisdiction would be looking to arrest and convict the perpetrators.

They also went after "pro-life" terrorist/murderer Eric Robert Rudolph, and Scott Roeder, who murdered Dr. George Tiller. And others.

And when you say the 1/6 rioters are being "fully prosecuted," you seem utterly oblivious to the fact that most of the small-time participants have gotten nothing more than a slap on the wrist. To my knowledge, the longest sentence handed out so far was about 4 years--that's not exactly the harshest sentence ever meted out. And folks who were simply "protesters"--those who did not enter the Capitol building or plot insurrection--were not charged with anything.

Oh, and you should be proud of your fellow Mississippian Bennie Thompson. He's done a really solid job as chairman of the 1/6 committee.
Oops - Freudian slips I guess, but it looks to me like racism is still alive and well in the American populace.

"President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday," said Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., as she raised her hands to lead the crowd in Mendon, Ill., in applause.
and last year

“Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ‘Whoever has the youth, has the future.’”
After the testemony by former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson (a conservative Republican) - does anybody here still make apologies for Trump? Would those who rant all the time about the woke kids, cancel culture, the war on xyz by the Left and a host of other ficticious issues for once do the right thing and call the guy what he is? Thank you.
I liked trump but I didn't watch the show, and don't plan to. It's made for you guys.

I voted today in a local state republican primary. I just did a quick search and I couldn't find if Trump endorsed either one. Bummer, that means I have to make up my own mind. :rolleyes:

[edit- I heard on the news today that Trump did endorse the candidate I liked, sometimes I think Trump can read my mind. :cool: [/edit]

One thing that influenced my vote was a tv ad saying the candidate I liked was a socialist... I figure if big money is trying to shoot him down he needs my support. He is a reserve navy pilot, teaching pilots at the local naval air station (NAS Meridian). I have known multiple naval aviators from playing basketball with them at the gym, and they didn't seem like socialists to me.


PS; I heard a news tidbit that something like 1M voters changed party to register republican... but that may be fake news. ;)
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I liked trump but I didn't watch the show, and don't plan to. It's made for you guys.
But didn't you say earlier you were going to DVR it? I think I was going to predict earlier that you wouldn't watch it, but gave you the benefit of the doubt based on your statements. (1. How foolish of me, and 2. Holy crap! I guess I am a mind reader!)

By "you guys," I assume you mean those of us who aren't so inculcated in the religious doctrine of extreme conservatism that we can still recognize facts and respond to them accordingly.
But didn't you say earlier you were going to DVR it?
I said I would DVR it, I didn't promise to watch it. I tried but I didn't see any there there so deleted it. I tired to watch one of the other non prime time sessions and that one didn't hold my interest either.
I think I was going to predict earlier that you wouldn't watch it, but gave you the benefit of the doubt based on your statements.
how kind of you
(1. How foolish of me, and 2. Holy crap! I guess I am a mind reader!)
how typical
By "you guys," I assume you mean those of us who aren't so inculcated in the religious doctrine of extreme conservatism that we can still recognize facts and respond to them accordingly.
Team politics, your team of like minded partisans.

Good luck in Nov... I don't think this is working.


PS; The socialist I voted for got blown out 2:1 I guess the TV ads calling him a socialist worked.
Yeah, lots of people are really stupid as cattle and as easily herded. One born every second.
Politicians are like baby's diapers and need to be changed often, for the same reason.
It is remarkable how well our government works despite human frailty. Our founders designed in checks and balances while those checks seem to be under attack (ironically in the name of democracy :rolleyes: ).

The free press is protected to keep politicians honest, sadly the press appears to be taking sides.

The judiciary is one of those checks on excesses by the other two branches of government but now the judiciary is under attack.

As the song goes, "you don't know what you got till it's gone".

I tried but I didn't see any there there so deleted it.
Yesterday's had some stuff that was new to me, and I follow pretty closely. Of course, if a person's mind is made up in advance, not even an avalanche of new information is likely to sway him.

The socialist I voted for got blown out 2:1
The opposite happened here. The right-wing extremist candidate who was accused of being a "RINO" by his Trump-endorsed, equally extreme opponent ended up winning handily.

but now the judiciary is under attack.
The judiciary has been under attack from the right for decades. Justices have been groomed and chosen by right wing extremists to serve their whims. The question is how the nation will respond now that these extremists have gotten exactly what they wanted.
Yesterday's had some stuff that was new to me, and I follow pretty closely. Of course, if a person's mind is made up in advance, not even an avalanche of new information is likely to sway him.
maybe you'll get enough to impeach him again. :rolleyes:
The opposite happened here. The right-wing extremist candidate who was accused of being a "RINO" by his Trump-endorsed, equally extreme opponent ended up winning handily.
President Trump has pulled back from some endorsements. I wish he would drop the stolen election theme, even though he should have won his election if the fake Steele dossier was suppressed by the intelligence community and press, instead of them suppressing the true Hunter Biden Laptop, that keeps dropping pearls (like the recent Joe Biden voicemail). Why in the world did Hunter keep that stuff? Clearly a dumbass. Note: I still blame Trump for losing the senate races in GA last time, he needs to take the loss and move on.
The judiciary has been under attack from the right for decades. Justices have been groomed and chosen by right wing extremists to serve their whims.
They are selected to follow the constitution (originalist) not make up law as they go. The original Roe decision was flawed (even RBG was critical of it). Abortion was not a right enumerated in the constitution and gun rights are. Enumerated rights are not "whims".

You may recall I suggested here that Garland should have gotten a vote. Mainly because I was worried Hillary would appoint someone even more progressive if she won, and that was a real possibility IMO. Reflecting upon Garland's actions as Attorney General I am relieved that he is not sitting on the high court, I won't bore you with my list of complaints about him, you can read my mind or so you think. ;)
The question is how the nation will respond now that these extremists have gotten exactly what they wanted.
Yes, that is the question, some politicians are not criticizing violence against pregnancy support centers and the like. I can't read their minds but as a student of history we have seen political movements before that tear down an existing system so they can replace it with their own version of paradise.

The DOJ didn't stop protestors that were harassing SCOTUS justices homes in clear violation of federal law (its moot now that the decisions are issued).

Good luck...

So.. Trump assaulted his secret service detail and grabbed the steering wheel?

LMFAO.. You believe that? hahahaha..

I guess if you're prone to believe the likes of Jussie Smollett and Blasey Ford it doesnt come as a surprise.

FWIW, I think the secret service already refuted this 'fact'.

Comical stuff. File under: Bullshit

They are selected to follow the constitution (originalist) not make up law as they go.
This of course is complete and utter crap. The decisions of the past week aren't even consistent with one another, much less the "original" intent of the founding fathers (who, let it be noted, had their own disagreements about how all this should work.) Besides, the entire notion of "originalism" is contrary to the intent of the founders. They understood the need to adapt as time rolled on; that's why they provided ways to amend the Constitution.

"Originalism" is a buzzword used as cover for politically-driven conservative extremism in the judiciary. It does not honor the intent of the founders, nor does it hew to any internal logic, or even necessarily to the facts of a case (see the recent case about the praying football coach.) Maybe you can sell that "originalist" garbage somewhere else (obviously somebody sold you on it), but I certainly won't be buying into that weak nonsense.
This of course is complete and utter crap. The decisions of the past week aren't even consistent with one another, much less the "original" intent of the founding fathers (who, let it be noted, had their own disagreements about how all this should work.)
What are you talking about?

Besides, the entire notion of "originalism" is contrary to the intent of the founders. They understood the need to adapt as time rolled on; that's why they provided ways to amend the Constitution.
Yes. The Legislature can pass laws subject to Judicial review for Constitutionality. Amendments require either the Federal Legislature (both house and senate) or a Convention of the States (duly elected legislators) to pass it with 2/3 majority. That hasn't happened for either of the things you are whining about. You might ask why not? Why would the Democrats just sit on a known bad decision for 49 years if they really cared?

"Originalism" is a buzzword used as cover for politically-driven conservative extremism in the judiciary. It does not honor the intent of the founders, nor does it hew to any internal logic, or even necessarily to the facts of a case (see the recent case about the praying football coach.) Maybe you can sell that "originalist" garbage somewhere else (obviously somebody sold you on it), but I certainly won't be buying into that weak nonsense.
If there is no originalism, there is no rule of law. The system is sound when operated properly.
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