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He was shot and killed while responding to a domestic violence case.
One of the most dangerous situations for a police officer. One of the things that those crazy "defund the police" people push for is to use trained social workers in situations like this. A few municipalities have been doing just that, and quite successfully. I don't think it's likely to become a widespread practice anytime soon, because people struggle to see past slogans.
One of the most dangerous situations for a police officer. One of the things that those crazy "defund the police" people push for is to use trained social workers in situations like this. A few municipalities have been doing just that, and quite successfully. I don't think it's likely to become a widespread practice anytime soon, because people struggle to see past slogans.
One of many, police shootings killings are up.

Domestic violence is surely underserved and police are a catch-all, called upon to do many tasks outside their primary work description. The "defund" crowd has used that argument to divert police budgets to other social support areas as an indirect strategy to shrink police budgets. Some still openly call for completely eliminating the police.

Sorry for another NYC data point but they are in the news. "NYPD exodus: Police on pace to quit, retire in record numbers. Some 524 cops have resigned and 1,072 have retired as of May 31."... Mayor Adams says this is not a problem. I expect many of those police officers will end up working in more supportive communities.

There is a place for expanded social services support so police officers can hand off such calls after any lethal threats have been neutralized, freeing the police up to do actual police work. This should be done in addition to not instead of.

This particular local case is not very straightforward. The shooter who killed his girlfriend /fiancé was reportedly an ex-cop who was fired in January from Newton, MS (town next to me) police force. The officer who was killed reported to his dispatcher that he had one at gunpoint. It would seem the killer shot him instead of surrendering. The dead officer was shot 5 times in his body and once in his head. I am unsure how an unarmed social worker would have fared in that situation. If the gunman didn't perceive the hypothetical social worker(s) as a threat he may have just left, but I can't read killer's minds either.

There is a place for expanded social services support so police officers can hand off such calls after any lethal threats have been neutralized,
Except part of the issue with lethal threats in domestic disturbance situations seems to be the presence of an interloper with a badge and a gun. You're essentially increasing the risk to responding police officers as well as everyone else involved. But I do agree with you that there is a place for expanded social services support.
Except part of the issue with lethal threats in domestic disturbance situations seems to be the presence of an interloper with a badge and a gun.
That girlfriend/fiancé was already shot dead and that is what precipitated the 911 disturbance call. An unarmed social worker is unlikely to effectively manage that armed killer.
You're essentially increasing the risk to responding police officers as well as everyone else involved.
What? If police partnered up with social workers, I don't think the social worker goes through the door first. That gives the police one more person to protect during dangerous interactions.

The police are not the bad guys who precipitate the gun violence. The rising homicide rates in major cities is not caused by more police engagement but less (Ferguson effect). The progressive DAs reverse broken windows policy just encourages criminals to be even more criminal.
But I do agree with you that there is a place for expanded social services support.
Just get the money from somewhere other than police budgets. I've been hearing reports that some police departments (in the northwest) are so decimated that they can't respond to every police call. Some departments can't afford the gas to patrol.

This looks like we are creeping toward a dystopian future, if we stay on this trajectory.

I saw a stat recently that police departments that buy military gear also have a higher rate of police shooting and killing unarmed suspects. Some will probably argue argue there's no link...

Then there's still Guantanamo:
But hey, the BBC is full of commies anyways...

It makes me sick that they are transferring people to dictatorial regimes elsewhere. Someone in the justice department or the army propably saw this as an elegant solution to an obvious legal problem.

The torture never stops.
Lies , damn lies, and statistics...

The military gear is only of any use to large cities. I suspect the correlation is with large cities not military gear. Police shooting and killing unarmed people is rare, but presented as routine.

I wish all those people streaming toward our border heard all the bad news about America you guys seem to believe.

That girlfriend/fiancé was already shot dead and that is what precipitated the 911 disturbance call. An unarmed social worker is unlikely to effectively manage that armed killer.

That goes beyond "domestic disturbance." I think we call that murder. A social worker is likely to be more helpful in less volatile situations, where one of the people involved might have unpaid parking tickets, or a parole violation, or a small quantity of weed. Someone with a gun and a badge can make a difficult situation much worse in circumstances like that. (there was a pretty well-covered case not that long ago where a situation like that led to an officer shooting someone.)

The rising homicide rates in major cities
Homicide rates are rising in rural areas and smaller cities as well. Didn't I mention that recently?

Police shooting and killing unarmed people is rare,
About 150 cases in 2021. Much more common than kids getting killed at school.
Homicide rates are rising in rural areas and smaller cities as well. Didn't I mention that recently?
I noticed
About 150 cases in 2021. Much more common than kids getting killed at school.
in the context of several tens of thousands of shooting deaths per year not all that common but agendas vary.

Lies , damn lies, and statistics...

The military gear is only of any use to large cities. I suspect the correlation is with large cities not military gear. Police shooting and killing unarmed people is rare, but presented as routine.

That doesn't seem to stop small towns from buying, fi, armoured vehicles, up to tanks..
That doesn't seem to stop small towns from buying, fi, armoured vehicles, up to tanks..
Maybe the towns on our southern border could use some? :rolleyes:
Speaking of the southern border a new republican (she was a democrat) just won a special election down there. Elon Musk bragged about voting for her. He was a democrat too.

Interesting times.

IIRC, it was a small town in Texas that bought the tank.

Some might add "of course"...
IIRC, it was a small town in Texas that bought the tank.

Some might add "of course"...
a tank or an APC (armored personal carrier)?, different vehicles serving different fiunctions.

A real tank would be overkill even against the cartels on our southern border for now.

It was a real tank, but without any ammo for the canon. There was no ammo on the gov surplus auctioning site.

The .50 machine gun could be fired, as that ammo was commercially available...
Here's a quote from a Republican. I think it's too generous in dolloping blame on Trump (there's plenty of blame to go around), but still...

“There was always an element of the Republican Party that was batshit crazy,” Mac Stipanovich, the chief of staff to Governor Bob Martinez, a moderate Republican, told me. “They had lots of different names—they were John Birchers, they were ‘movement conservatives,’ they were the religious right. And we did what every other Republican candidate did: we exploited them. We got them to the polls. We talked about abortion. We promised—and we did nothing. They could grumble, but their choices were limited.

“So what happened?” Stipanovich continued. “Trump opened Pandora’s box and let them out. And all the nasty stuff that was in the underbelly of American politics got a voice. What was thirty-five per cent of the Republican Party is now eighty-five per cent. And it’s too late to turn back.”

On a slightly different note: Am I the only one who's watched/listened to the 1/6 hearings? The vast majority of witnesses have been Republican--that should be okay to watch, right? It's OK if they're Republicans, yes? They can't all be a bunch of liars, can they? And all that corroborating evidence--it can't all be fabricated by evil Demonrats, can it?
Oh Hodad, I don't think there's any saving our country...

I've been watching and I don't need a hug. Funny how "Vitriolic BS" is just truth that people don't want to hear.

Ashli Babbitt is not a martyr. She is a criminal and should be prosecuted and shamed in death. Being shot while climbing through a broken window of a door which was the last barricade between the mob of idiots and our congress members saved lives and kept us from falling into a more severe constitutional crisis than we are already in. People who think she was unfairly eliminated are blind traitors to our nation. Trump and his pardon requesting cohorts are guilty for Babbitt's death. That is the only charge to be filed concerning that matter.

The Jan 6 committee has shown intent, awareness of illegality and the choice to proceed anyway surrounding many actions related to our country's most shameful day to date. Trump did not win. Republicans who know better need to start convincing those who do not. If charges are not filed, this is the end of democracy as we know it.

Regardless of party, everyone should be upset that there is documentation showing that many people conspired to cheat and change the outcome of our election and encouraged and allowed violence to occur in a last ditch effort to "win"...after many Republicans have now testified, under oath, that these things actually occurred.

To touch on one more response to my being civil and "nice" to people who push these narratives is just encouraging more bad behavior. These offenders need to be shunned in society and "placed with their nose to the corner" until they can see and ADMIT that criminality is unacceptable when it comes to elections. There's your ELECTION INTEGRITY.
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