Is this KA1000N? Here's the published graph. The capsule behaves almost as an omni according to the measurements. Do you know what's up with that? Could it be they uploaded wrong graphs, or is there some other explanation? How does the one you have behave?MBHO Haun CK12 type capsule
I don't know about their graphs. They are more than 20 years old. The capsules I have of theirs measure almost exactly as an AKG EB era CK12 with a midrange bump at around 500hz. I have not measured their polar pattern but it sounds like a CK12 off axis by my ears.Is this KA1000N? Here's the published graph. The capsule behaves almost as an omni according to the measurements. Do you know what's up with that? Could it be they uploaded wrong graphs, or is there some other explanation? How does the one you have behave?
Feilo, similar if not the same as Manley Ref C.Sorry guys if this is a bit off topic, but do you know which capsule is in the M-Audio Nova ? and which one sounds "better" between M-Audio Nova (ref ?) and Studio Project B1 (797audio) ?
The M-Audio body has more space, is more practical for DIY and close to U87 shape...
The SP B1 has a nice sounding capsule but less space for DIY...
Thank you @kingkorg but second part of my question was which one "sounds better" compared to 797audio in SP B1 ?Feilo, similar if not the same as Manley Ref C.
Some pics of the M Audio Nova, early version with Wima cap mod.Sorry guys if this is a bit off topic, but do you know which capsule is in the M-Audio Nova ?
Whoa, that would be cool. Ref C is quite expensive. Does anybody have some capsule photos of the Manley Ref C?Feilo, similar if not the same as Manley Ref C
I had both but not at the same time, so I never compared them directly. I think both capsules sound good for the budget I don't like the electronics that much in both mics, good candidates for mods...and which one sounds "better" between M-Audio Nova (ref ?) and Studio Project B1 (797audio) ?
Hi Rock ! yes the body and the headbasket seem close to U87'sI had both but not at the same time, so I never compared them directly. I think both capsules sound good for the budget I don't like the electronics that much in both mics, good candidates for mods...
Edit: M Audio Nova got the better body and head basket in my opinion.
I haven't measured the output transformer yet, member @Gus says in this thread it would be 5:1, which is possible. I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio was lower though...I'll measure it when I get a chance.Hi Rock ! yes the body and the headbasket seem close to U87's
I can see that the Nova has a OTR : do you know which ref. and ratio ?
What do you mean with ref.?do you know which ref.
Decca's famous complete recording of The Ring of the Nibelung was recorded with a Decca Tree of three of these babies (in cardioid mode); one of the few they made with mics other than the M 50 (M 50 still used on the outriggers). You can just barely make them out in the photo from a von Karajan session in the Sofiensaal, Vienna, where the Ring was also recorded.I found these pics of the Neumann KM56 capsule here on the WWW.
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View attachment 135577
Thanks to the original poster.
I think I read somewhere that the KM 56 capsule was one of the most difficult to manufacture that Neumann ever made.Thanks K Brown.
I was allowed to record with it once, very nice microphone.
Someone here in Germany is selling a pair, I guess it won't be cheap.
View attachment 135582
View attachment 135584
This capsule looks really out of the ordinary...I think I read somewhere that the KM 56 capsule was one of the most difficult to manufacture that Neumann ever made.
Nickel diaphragms; based on the KM 54.This capsule looks really out of the ordinary...
Thanks. Yes, both are a dream for acoustic guitars
sorry, what brand (what reference like Neutrik has NTE10/3)What do you mean with ref.?
Generic chinese transformer, I don't know the brand name or model designation.sorry, what brand (what reference like Neutrik has NTE10/3)
I agree, I expect something in the 2:1 to 3:1 range but we will see when I measure it. It is quite possible that the OPT has been changed over the years. I have seen this with other Chinese microphones models in the past.5:1 seems high for this type of circuit, no ? one Fet first (certainly K170) followed by a bjt with emitter output...