The real attack on Democracy.

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Things are turning...

Due to Gaza, the rest of the world is slowly realising they could do something. And they're teaming up in diverse clubs, while Saudi-Arabia and Israel go down the drain. Riots again Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. The Saudis have realised their Neom plan (and some others) isn't going to work. The plan has been scaled back from a 170 km long city to a 2,7 km long city. That's just a village. Besides, the builders have already left the site months ago...

You have to read the "India Times" these days to get your int'l news. If you follow the MSM from English speaking countries, there's no info at all about how bad things are goin' for Israel. You'll also find it in the European press, but not in the main stream press. "Le Monde Diplomatique" still shines:

Au début des années 2000, l’idée émerge aux États-Unis que les grandes puissances ont le droit, voire l’obligation morale, d’intervenir dans les pays traversés par des crises. L’égalité des souverainetés qui fondait le système des Nations unies devient une notion obsolète tandis que Washington s’autoproclame « shérif » de la planète.

This is a pretty heavy opinion piece, if you know them. There's a reason they have "Diplomatique" in their name.

A simple, but very significant news item from SA was that they cut back the social security unemployment payments. Never happened before. Half the (male) population survives on those. The other half is busy spending their wealth on toys. Also a small sign of the beginning of the end...
The UK supreme court has grown a pair.

Having secret US law run the UK isn't very likely to happen. The US assurance that Julian Assange will be fairly treated, isn't enough. The reason? The US can't guarantee a defense based on the first amendment will be applicable.

So Julian is allowed to appeal the extradition.

Australia. David McBride, who revealed war crimes in Afghanistan committed by Australian soldiers, has been sentenced to years of jail time for doing the right thing...

With what? Didn't commit a fallacy of composition--simply made a rather facile play on words. I think you're reading way too much into my very brief comment--perhaps this is reflective of your own unease at the shocking number of sleazeballs in the GOP these days?
Been testing an AI alinsky alert and whaddaya know. . . familiar ground.
It's a great day when folks become un-tethered from A party, for them and everyone else.
Do you celebrate all the D's who don't get caught, as well?
I see two parties, not D/R but one that wants to protect themselves and grow the gubment beast, and one that seeks to hold it accountable whilst keeping the size in check. These are two "sides" as well, but more lopsided towards protecting the ever-growing pie. National, state, local.
We're coming for the unconstitutional fourth branch that is the true threat to the USA. So much of the rot is there, where parasites domestic/worlwide feed off the ever-increasing alphabet departments, accountable to no one. Justice, Defense, Health- these are the exact opposite of what the departments do, serving no one but themselves. On to Energy, Education- same thing, they are doing nothing to promote good policy but to suck more $$$, make their sector worse, and blame it on someone else. Incredible!
Justice, Defense, Health- these are the exact opposite of what the departments do, serving no one but themselves. On to Energy, Education- same thing, they are doing nothing to promote good policy but to suck more $$$, make their sector worse, and blame it on someone else. Incredible!
You sound like you know as much about the DOE as Rick Perry did when he became Energy Secretary. There's a nice article by Michael Lewis from '17 about that--it both illustrates the know-nothing incompetence of Republicans with an attitude like yours, and it'll enlighten you about a little bit of what DOE does. Your utter and willful ignorance may make you feel good about your unsupported BS attacks, but it doesn't seem quite so awesome to the rest of us.

(The caveat: I did not anywhere say that I think the govt. does a perfect job, there's no waste, no plans and policies that are suboptimal. I'm saying your blanket dismissal of entire departments is ignorant and foolish.)
You sound like you know as much about the DOE as Rick Perry did when he became Energy Secretary. There's a nice article by Michael Lewis from '17 about that--it both illustrates the know-nothing incompetence of Republicans with an attitude like yours, and it'll enlighten you about a little bit of what DOE does. Your utter and willful ignorance may make you feel good about your unsupported BS attacks, but it doesn't seem quite so awesome to the rest of us.

(The caveat: I did not anywhere say that I think the govt. does a perfect job, there's no waste, no plans and policies that are suboptimal. I'm saying your blanket dismissal of entire departments is ignorant and foolish.)
Rick Perry seemed to have a more sensible energy policy than current Secy Granholm.

If EVs are good for saving the planet, why raise the tariff on Chinese EV to 100%? 🤔

Is Lewis pimping a new book?

Rick Perry seemed to have a more sensible energy policy than current Secy Granholm.
Did you read the article? Either just now or when I linked to it when it was published years ago? No? Okay. I UTFSF & got this:

It does bring up a question that maybe John or someone else can help with: Is it possible to search locked threads here in the Brewery? I was looking for the original post where I linked to the article (I actually posted a second time in another thread, which is what I located), but I couldn't find the 2017 post. I don't know if the Brewery isn't archived that far back, or maybe locked threads aren't searchable? It's not like I really want to revisit those halcyon days, but it's nice to be able to find a link when you need one.
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Probably since Chinese EV makers can sustain infinite losses while being support by the CCP: it would be a small price to pay in exchange for destroying the US auto industry.
The Chinese automakers (like BYD) are already working on buying/building auto factories in Mexico. I own some Berkshire Hathaway that owns a piece of BYD. BYD is one of the largest, if not the largest Chinese automakers.

WWW said:
The sky-high duties are only for cars brought to the US from China. Imports from Mexico built with Chinese parts pay only a 2.5% duty under the rules of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Of course my question was rhetorical. President Biden is obviously trying to win back Mi voters.


PS: No I don't read Vanity fair. I have been paying attention to energy policy for years.
No I don't read Vanity fair.
Here's how Rick Perry's tenure started: DOE folks prepared extensive briefings for the incoming staff; no one showed. No one called. Eventually a couple of climate deniers connected to the campaign sneered their way through a visit & were never heard from again. As the inauguration occurred, folks with pretty vital jobs prepared to leave, as no one had bothered to hire a replacement or request that they stay on. At some point Rick Perry showed up & was a bit surprised to find out what the DOE actually does. The whole thing was embarrassing and a grotesque display of Trumpian incompetence.

While I appreciate your unwillingness to read Vanity Fair--not a big fan myself--they do at times publish some pretty decent stuff. Lewis is not my absolute favorite writer, but he does do some decent stuff.
Probably since Chinese EV makers can sustain infinite losses while being support by the CCP: it would be a small price to pay in exchange for destroying the US auto industry.

Only, the CCP doesn't do that. There are numerous Chinese EV makers that already went bust, or are on the brink of going bust.

Some are saved, not by financing by the CCP, but by govt orders, fi, for electrical buses. It's not clear why some are saved and some are not. Could be as simple as "we can't save all of them".

And if you think the EV sector is bad, construction is far worse. In the EV sector, companies go bust because of bad marketing. In the construction sector, it's because of fraud. Too little cement in the concrete, not following plans, using inferior products etc. "Get rich quick" then translates in jail time, or even worse.
Only, the CCP doesn't do that. There are numerous Chinese EV makers that already went bust, or are on the brink of going bust.

Some are saved, not by financing by the CCP, but by govt orders, fi, for electrical buses. It's not clear why some are saved and some are not. Could be as simple as "we can't save all of them".

And if you think the EV sector is bad, construction is far worse. In the EV sector, companies go bust because of bad marketing. In the construction sector, it's because of fraud. Too little cement in the concrete, not following plans, using inferior products etc. "Get rich quick" then translates in jail time, or even worse.
The CCP is the poster boy for managed industries/economy. The real estate/construction industry is an example of the downsides of central planning. They have created real estate bubbles and then awkwardly try to work their way out from under the mess.
I gave the example of BYD which is one of the largest EV makers in China. Their success is a combination of government support (EV tax breaks for last 10 years) and making cost effective cars. Their cheapest EV model is around $10k.

The typical target for Chinese central policy is to sell EV and IC cars to the entire world.

If you will forgive my mind reading the 100% US import tariff on Chinese EVs is IMO more about local politics, as Michigan is an important swing state in the presidential election only a few months away. ExPresident Trump has already publicly stated his concern about Chinese EV automobile components assembled in Mexico that could sell in the US with only a 2.5% import duty.

US and EU automakers also get money from the govt. Hec, even Apple got money from Trump, for producing the Mac Pro in the USA. That was the Mac Pro that didn't sell. Just the wheels for the case were 1000 US$...

I don't know about Japan and Korea. But even Arab or Moroccan automakers got a big bundle from the govt. So, nothing special there.

The main reason China can produce EVs cheaply is that they control the battery makers. These can scale up easily (new factories) and have different technologies. In some of them (batteries for buses, fi) they have 20+ years of experience.

A local bus builder opened a factory in Hungary some years ago. They have gone belly-up here. I'd say that was planned. Some years ago, their own capital was reduced to 2 million €. That's exceptionally low, for such an industry. I was told they were "forced" by Hungarian govt to make it an independent entity. So it won't go down with the local cie. I know the owners (it's still mostly a family business) weren't against an independent company. The real reason is that the family doesn't agree anymore.
You sound like you know as much about the DOE as Rick Perry did when he became Energy Secretary. There's a nice article by Michael Lewis from '17 about that--it both illustrates the know-nothing incompetence of Republicans with an attitude like yours, and it'll enlighten you about a little bit of what DOE does. Your utter and willful ignorance may make you feel good about your unsupported BS attacks, but it doesn't seem quite so awesome to the rest of us.

(The caveat: I did not anywhere say that I think the govt. does a perfect job, there's no waste, no plans and policies that are suboptimal. I'm saying your blanket dismissal of entire departments is ignorant and foolish.)
Some totally need to walk the plank, all certainly need a full accountability audit. The problem is that these parasitic entities are protected against such deep accountability. Congress is in on the game, and their oversight is a joke, R or D, it doesn't matter.

You love the whattaboutism, choosing sides "your side sucks more than mine!!". "This R did that!! That R sucks too!!" You will have to get beyond that 2D world to see the actual overall suckage of these modern unsustainable institutions, and serious suckage elsewhere. You will find some examples of "The real attack on Democracy".

ED, I know it's low-hanging fruit, but that department as a whole is an absolute failure! I won't even look for the budget, because I am watching my blood pressure lately. . . ah fudge, had to look- it is $79.6 BULLION for 2023 (breathe 4, hold 4, exhale 4, hold 4, rinse/repeat, etc.) We are not resulting in highly educated US yoots with all that $79,600,000,000 birdfeeding bureaucrats and crap school districts who follow ED regulations to get their piece. And they STILL need more money "for the children!!" ED has presided over the dumbing-down of education for decades. Do I really have to pull stats regarding high school grads who cannot do simple algebra? Conjugate, I mean define a verb? Quote any historical figure? Come-on, man! We have to import smart technical people from other countries? Why? Are our yoots only able to clean the trash and wash the floors at tech companies? Track the overall decline in education to the creation of this totalitarian department. This department has only served to expand itself and reduce the educational outcomes of those it is supposed to serve.
HHS, really?!? Do I have to list the many ways most of us do not trust HHS to provide for our health? And in what kinds of "research" do the multitudes of alphabet parasite agencies engage internationally that serve to corrupt our health, and that of all humanity?
DOD, Defense, really? REALLY?!? The US "intel community" is the top rotten scourge of the globe, not only the US. They are living in the 1960's and are working only to keep theirs. They are not "defending" anything but themselves and their corrupt enablers in DC.
"The real attack on Democracy". . . DOJ is the department of injustice, or the enforcement arm of the dnc. They have been running cover for the cragghead son of a career politician for over a decade. No one here, R or D, would get the sweetheart tax evasion/gun crime settlement, like NOTHING, that that guy almost got. Slow-walking investigations looking at the statute of limitations clock for some, no due process for others. . . Absolute injustice!
Ignorant? Foolish? I know I'm not. I pray that you will see it some day. You are being taken to the cleaners, even if you are now a "net receiver" from the system, don't you realize that?

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