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An interesting side story in the Harlan Crow/Clarence Thomas bribery saga. A troubled young man taken in and then cast aside when things got rough. Contrasts nicely with another story that folks may have seen in the news recently.
What a disappointment a nephew has become.

Can you imagine a real son buys a gun while lying on a permit high on drugs taking influence bribes and has a hooker fetish while accepting millions of dollars Sleeping with his brothers wife. And his laptop that is proven now to be his in court has 50 intelligence officers swear it’s all Russian disinformation before a major election. What a disappointment of a sacrificial son goes to jail and is pardoned by the forgetful big guy that can’t remember he has documents next to his corvette😂
Well, I'll be...
What? Incorrect?

Thanks for correcting me. Is it grammar nazi week?
Typical. Can't admit your own errors.

Not too many blonde blue eyed in South America, I'm afraid.
Many more europeans there than in Asia or most of Africa. Less politically turbulent (at the time) and with some modern cities.

Dunno. Russia is cold. But I wouldn't know who to trust...
Your lack of historical knowledge is noted.
Can you imagine a real son buys a gun while lying on a permit
Forms have been rejected like this 112000 times: 12 cases have been prosecuted. Wonder why they picked this one to prosecute?

And yes, it's truly awful that a family would try to stand by their son through his struggle with addiction, never abandon him or stop loving him, and support him however they can in his struggles to straighten his life out. So much worse than model citizen Clarence Thomas, who ships the kid off to some boojie prep school, and when that doesn't magically fix everything, he cuts off all ties and lets the kid twist in the wind.

Gotta love those conservative family values, huh? :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:
Forms have been rejected like this 112000 times: 12 cases have been prosecuted. Wonder why they picked this one to prosecute?
For the record, I want to see ALL of them prosecuted. What is the point of passing laws and funding huge bureaucracies to (allegedly) enforce them, but then fail to do so?

As to "why this one?"; well, it looks like a weak attempt to show that justice is being equally applied compared to Trump prosecutions. They'll throw Hunter under the bus, but he'll get a light sentence and maybe a pardon (which will blow back on Joseph helping to usher in his replacement). It certainly isn't partisan.

And yes, it's truly awful that a family would try to stand by their son through his struggle with addiction, never abandon him or stop loving him, and support him however they can in his struggles to straighten his life out.
There's a thing called enabling.

So much worse than model citizen Clarence Thomas, who ships the kid off to some boojie prep school, and when that doesn't magically fix everything, he cuts off all ties and lets the kid twist in the wind.
And another thing called tough love.

Gotta love those conservative family values, huh? :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:
Sometimes an adult has to take responsibility for their own life. Not every problem is fixable, especially when the source is not willing or able to put forth the effort themselves.
can’t lie anymore about lawfare so now get rid of the judge that has a last word on the election interference. Keep pushing those dem lies. Sorry but my heart doesn’t bleed for hunter a multi millionaire manager of 20 shell companies for favors.
There are valid second amendment concerns about Hunter's gun case. I won't hold my breath waiting for Hunter to wear a NRA hat. 🤔 He has surprising support from the pro second amendment right.
The real case to watch IMO is the CA tax evasion charges. It would be very smart for them to negotiate another plea deal to avoid the prosecution digging too deeply into Hunter's sundry revenue streams. The last plea deal that blew up was indefensible, this time they should go for something more plausible.

Well that settles it! Hunter Biden won't be getting  my vote!
The Hunter Biden conviction just proves that Joe Biden was leader of the crime family, because a conviction of a co-conspirator always proves the guilt of main suspect...except of course for Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Nader, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Allen Weisselberg, Peter Navarro, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jenna Ellis, James Troupis, Rudy Guiliani, John Eastman, Christina Bobb, and Jeffrey Clark. They were all operating independently and Trump has never met any of them.
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Yeah, it doesn’t matter much. The big guy will pardon him anyway. 💩🤡
POTUS has already stated publicly that he wouldn't pardon Hunter. That said he can always commute the sentence, which hasn't even been issued yet.
Presidential pardons often drop in clusters on the last day in office, as the ex-POTUS is walking out the door for his last time.

I wouldn't worry about Hunter spending too much time in the gray bar hotel as a first time offender, but it doesn't help his sentencing case that he plead not guilty and forced the court to prove his guilt. 🤔 Didn't he already plead guilty for that exact same crime in the plea deal last year? If that deal was more sensible, he'd already be home smoking and joking.

This is from a Trump speech. I've read that this is a regular feature of his current stump speech, although this particular version comes from a recent event where his teleprompter was on the fritz.

Reminds of one of my favorite Donnie anecdotes: the invisible stealth jet.
The soldiers surrounding him had a similar demeanor to what you imagined 😄
Didn't he already plead guilty for that exact same crime in the plea deal last year?
Yes, but Judge Noreika (Trump-appointed, of course) took a big crap on the plea deal and Biden withdrew his plea. Why did she do that? Perhaps because
"congressional Republicans...actively opposed the previous plea agreement, which they considered too lenient for Mr Biden."

So political pressure correlates with the right-wing activist judge getting hinky about the plea deal. Hmmmmmm.......
Uh-oh. Trumpy's got a gun:
"Our understanding from a New York City official who was briefed on the interview — that Donald Trump and his lawyer, Todd Blanche who sat in on with probation officials yesterday — went through the regular questions about 'Where do you live?, How much time do you spend in Florida versus New York?', his family situation and access to firearms.

"They said there is a gun in Florida."

So convicted felon Trump just violated USC 922 g? Lock him up!

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