The real attack on Democracy.

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So, again, ultra-right in the US is part of the Russian propaganda machine. Fascists unite!

What's funny, is that France has a beef with Azerbeidzjan over New Caledonia now. New Caledonia is near independence. Fortunately, or unfortunately? New Caledonia has some interesting natural resources not exploited yet. France was supporting Armenia (NC's enemy). Azerbeidzjan offered New Caledonians a better deal than the French deal. Just to piss off the French. They already have more money than is useful.

But, honestly, the French deal wasn't too good for the Caledonians. It roughly enumerated to "If you want independence, give us all the mining rights". Some deal.

The US gets 18 military bases in Sweden. It's sold as "access to..." in the MSM. In reality, it smells more like Sweden is giving up all rights to these bases as the US can expand "as needed", can store whatever they like and have as much soldiers as "needed". They can even tell the Swedes they have no business there and should stay out. A strange and sudden swing from a neutral country to a NATO member. I wonder what Israel has unearthed on the present leaders of Sweden. Another Epstein?

Not so good for democracy...
So billionaires aren’t wrong in thinking they’ll pay less in taxes if Trump wins. But why aren’t they more concerned about the bigger picture?

After all, even if all you care about is money, Trump’s agenda should make you very worried. His advisers’ plans to deport millions of immigrants (supposedly only the undocumented, but do you really believe many legal residents wouldn’t get caught up in the dragnets?) would shrink the U.S. labor force and be hugely disruptive. His protectionist proposals (which would be very different from Biden’s targeted measures) could mean an all-out global trade war. If he’s able to make good on them, his attacks on the independence of the Federal Reserve risk much more serious inflation than anything we’ve experienced in recent years.

Beyond all that, Trump will almost certainly try to weaponize the justice system to go after his perceived enemies. Only someone completely ignorant of history would imagine himself safe from that kind of weaponization — even if Trump considers you an ally now, that can change in an instant.
So billionaires aren’t wrong in thinking they’ll pay less in taxes if Trump wins. But why aren’t they more concerned about the bigger picture?

After all, even if all you care about is money, Trump’s agenda should make you very worried. His advisers’ plans to deport millions of immigrants (supposedly only the undocumented, but do you really believe many legal residents wouldn’t get caught up in the dragnets?) would shrink the U.S. labor force and be hugely disruptive. His protectionist proposals (which would be very different from Biden’s targeted measures) could mean an all-out global trade war. If he’s able to make good on them, his attacks on the independence of the Federal Reserve risk much more serious inflation than anything we’ve experienced in recent years.

Beyond all that, Trump will almost certainly try to weaponize the justice system to go after his perceived enemies. Only someone completely ignorant of history would imagine himself safe from that kind of weaponization — even if Trump considers you an ally now, that can change in an instant.
Mass illegal immigration is a huge threat to the economic and cultural health of any nation. It disproportionately affects citizens who are already struggling to make ends meet in the messed up Biden economy.* It results in higher tax pressure to support all of the services being doled out (food, housing, health care, education) and stresses our school system. The ridiculous fearmongering about accidental deportation of legal residents is beyond the pale.

Some level of protectionism would be good if we really want to rebuild our industrial base (in semiconductors, solar, batteries, pharma, etc.). Or would you prefer that we become wholly dependent on unfriendly states like China for critical needs? Did we learn nothing from the Covid situation?

Has the Fed really done the best for us in the last 20-30 years? I am not so sure. Maybe reform is in order.

Weaponization of the DoJ started in 2015 or 16 when Obama was POTUS. What a joke.

The simple fact is that 90% of Americans were in better standing in 2018-19 than they were in 2015 and certainly 2024. Gaslighting does not alter reality. We are paying 20-50% more for goods and services since Biden took office. He is the worst of the two viable alternatives. By far.

* I note how in the past the screeching was about evil businesses taking advantage of cheap labor, but now, with people flooding in at 10x previous rates, it's virtuous to allow them in.
Mass illegal immigration is a huge threat to the economic and cultural health of any nation.

That's the usual right-wing blabla.

There has never been a scientific study that went along with that. Besides, culture isn't a fixed, clearly defined thing. It needs to interact with new trends and insights, or it turns into a soulless propaganda machine. And even the CCP learned that in China.

Without immigrants, a lot of farmers run into problems with harvest of some fruits and vegetables. The meat sector also pulls a lot of cheap labour from the same source. Like the UK poultry sector was in deep trouble when Brexit was new, because Polish workers couldn't get there.

It disproportionately affects citizens who are already struggling to make ends meet in the messed up Biden economy.* It results in higher tax pressure to support all of the services being doled out (food, housing, health care, education) and stresses our school system. The ridiculous fearmongering about accidental deportation of legal residents is beyond the pale.

Oh, dear, the same faux social worries. The right really isn't very creative, are they?
First off, the right doesn't give a rat's ass about social services. When it comes to them, they'd rather abolish all of them. And there wouldn't be any strain on the educational system if, for instance, teachers would be paid a decent wage. A US teacher is paid worse than a teacher in Kenya, for instance.

Some level of protectionism would be good if we really want to rebuild our industrial base (in semiconductors, solar, batteries, pharma, etc.). Or would you prefer that we become wholly dependent on unfriendly states like China for critical needs? Did we learn nothing from the Covid situation?

Too little, too late. It's not the govt who places jobs in certain areas. It's the industry. And as long as it 's cheaper to do it elsewhere, they'll do it. Nothing the govt can do about it.

Remember Trump gave Tim Cook some billions to produce computers in the USA. Remember the result? 1000$ for a set of wheels. I wonder how many people work in that Apple plant.

Has the Fed really done the best for us in the last 20-30 years? I am not so sure. Maybe reform is in order.

Been watching the UK, have we? Just like the US propaganda for Brexit made the Brits make a bad choice, the FED will do what capital needs. It's an illusion to think the FED serves Americans. Americans are only canon meat, needed in the numerous wars all over the world. Of course, we need to keep the military industry going, don't we?

Weaponization of the DoJ started in 2015 or 16 when Obama was POTUS. What a joke.

Well, that was creative. Only, way too late. Things like that started in the twenties of previous century. Like McCarthyism. And the clear disdain for human rights in the US. Largest incarcerated part of the population, by far. Etc.

The simple fact is that 90% of Americans were in better standing in 2018-19 than they were in 2015 and certainly 2024. Gaslighting does not alter reality. We are paying 20-50% more for goods and services since Biden took office. He is the worst of the two viable alternatives. By far.

What has Biden to do with prices? Again, it's not your govt who runs things. Prices went up all over the world. And your govt is so busy trying to patch things up because nobody trusts them anymore, that they hardly have time to even think about Americans. Besides, the empathy seems to work both ways. A people who don't trust their govt, end up with a govt that doesn't trust it's people. Hence the spy-tsunami. Something that always ends in fascism.

Let's also not forget the USA's dodgy allies. Israel and Saudi Arabia, to name just a few. These are allowed to do anything (including genocide). And now, Israel turned the USA into liars. Nice friends. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

The pier is gone. Millions down the drain. Now there are US soldiers in Gaza. As if there aren't already way to many in the Middle East.

* I note how in the past the screeching was about evil businesses taking advantage of cheap labor, but now, with people flooding in at 10x previous rates, it's virtuous to allow them in.

From what I've seen, the vast majority of the farmers who use immigrant workers, treat them decently as they return year after year. Of course, the few bad apples always get a lot of attention in the press.

And those who don't treat their workers kindly, will probably do that in another country. One where they can buy the govt. Like what's happening in Papoea New Guinea, as we speak. As long as US companies can go strip-mining there, it doesn't matter that the Indonesian govt is eradicating the local population.

And then one of the right's media concerns is not only laundering crime money, they're also scamming pensioners and were caught red handed collecting unemployment benefits for people who don't even exist.

Don't tell me there is even one second of consideration for Americans in US political minds. And even less in the minds of the 1%...

How many need to get killed before that dawns on Americans. You're not the land of the free. It's more like the land of the blind.
Americans are only canon meat,
I disagree. Americans are first an foremost consumers. It is our job to transfer all the wealth we generate by our labor to the wealthiest of society--by any and all means.

Things like that started in the twenties of previous century
Yes. Might as well note here that the FBI was headed from its inception by J. Edgar Hoover, who weaponized and politicized that organization in extremis.
This is from a Trump speech. I've read that this is a regular feature of his current stump speech, although this particular version comes from a recent event where his teleprompter was on the fritz.
“It must because of MIT, my relationship to MIT, very smart, he goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now under water, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there — by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? lotta shark attacks — I watched some guys justifying it today, ‘well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were … not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. he said, ‘there’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming,’ no, really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks. So I said, ‘there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted, because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks."

Of course, it's one giant, incoherent ramble, but here's the part that captured my imagination:

He said, ‘you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’

And I'm imagining a guy, a professor of some sort maybe, cornered by Trump, who's peppering him with all these questions about being electrocuted by a sinking electric boat. Maybe the guy gamely attempts to explain conductivity of water, but Trump won't hear a word of it because it's not what he thinks should be right; or maybe the dude pegs Trump as an egotistical blowhard from the get-go and jumps right to the chase:
‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’
And the prof is thinking, "Get me away from this insufferable idiot," all the while scanning the room for an escape route, anything to take him away from this insufferable fool.
And Trump says, "I think it’s a good question."
And the prof thinks, "Of course you do, because you're a narcissistic moron."
"I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’"

Desperate, the prof finally says, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've got a terrible case of the squirts. Gotta run!" and flees as fast as far as he can from this complete freaking moron.
I disagree. Americans are first an foremost consumers. It is our job to transfer all the wealth we generate by our labor to the wealthiest of society--by any and all means.

Yeah, that too, of course. And the importance of the canon meat is dwindling in this time of drones and other automated killing machines.

Yes. Might as well note here that the FBI was headed from its inception by J. Edgar Hoover, who weaponized and politicized that organization in extremis.

It's an interesting part of history. Ever wondered why after WWII most german nazis mostly fled to America (the continent!) and not to Africa or Asia?
It's an interesting part of history. Ever wondered why after WWII most german nazis mostly fled to America (the continent!) and not to Africa or Asia?
Not to downplay the pro-Nazi contigent in the U.S. or Hoover's awfulness, but that's a bit of a stretch. They mostly fled to South America (there is no single "America" the continent). The United States fought Germany in WWII. Of course this just adds an extra layer of irony to the current leaning to fascism...
Yeah, that too, of course. And the importance of the canon meat is dwindling in this time of drones and other automated killing machines.
Learn the difference between canon (as in the Marxist canon of propaganda is tiresome) and cannon (American cannons saved Europe from the Nazis). Do you suppose European soldiers (few as they are) will fare better in any drone attack? Grow up.

It's an interesting part of history. Ever wondered why after WWII most german nazis mostly fled to America (the continent!) and not to Africa or Asia?
Isn't it obvious? You can't hide in plain sight when your physical appearance is markedly different from the majority of native people. Derp.

And if you're a scientist do you want to be captured by Americans or Russians?
The recent reminders about D-Day and WWII should offer some perspective about this.
For a reminder about 9/11, ICE just arrested a bunch of suspected terrorists with links to ISIS-K (same group that killed all those civilians in Russia). Our open border is a clear and present danger.

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Not to downplay the pro-Nazi contigent in the U.S. or Hoover's awfulness, but that's a bit of a stretch. They mostly fled to South America (there is no single "America" the continent). The United States fought Germany in WWII. Of course this just adds an extra layer of irony to the current leaning to fascism...

Oh, it's more of an honest question. Some nazi refuges in South America were built before WWII. AFAIK, none were ever built in Asia. I'm not sure about Africa.

Learn the difference between canon (as in the Marxist canon of propaganda is tiresome) and cannon (American cannons saved Europe from the Nazis). Do you suppose European soldiers (few as they are) will fare better in any drone attack? Grow up.

Well, I'll be...

Thanks for correcting me. Is it grammar nazi week?

Isn't it obvious? You can't hide in plain sight when your physical appearance is markedly different from the majority of native people. Derp.

Not too many blonde blue eyed in South America, I'm afraid.

And if you're a scientist do you want to be captured by Americans or Russians?

Dunno. Russia is cold. But I wouldn't know who to trust...

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