I would need to scan it.
This is a GUESS what could I do with the two tubes ?
It was a fast drawing
Lot of first guesses for china tubes I looked at curves of NOS ones
200V B+, 5.6 to 6.3 fils raised above ground would need to do some tests.
front end 1/2 12ax7 47K plate R
1.2K from cathode to another 47K to ground, 100uf or what ever bypass cap across the 1.2K (Look at a fender deluxe) Match the 47K if you want, the cap should drop the 1.2K out for AC balance
200meg to a 1gig, grid to 1.2K 47K node cathode leg
one side of the capsule to the grid other side ground.
film caps from plate and cathode nodes can be smaller because the 1 meg appears bigger than 1 meg to the first stage adjust to taste 1/2piRC
one to a cathode follower set about 3ma 1/2 12au7 470ohm cathode to a 33K to ground 1 meg from the 33k 470 ohm node to grid
cap couple out from node with maybe a 1meg pull down at the output of the cap, could be electro. Should be formed even with 48V phantom on.
same CF circuit using the other 1/2 of the tube hooked up to the cathode leg.
The front is a phase splitter like a shoeps fet but the cool thing it charges the capsule cardiod or omni. Look at AKG circuits.
200V seems to be common with china tube power supplies
looked at the 12ax7 12au7 curves and tossed some standard values at it .
3 ma because I like drive
I don't care to much for the DC points are because the signal might only be 1 or so volts
1st Phase splitter and capsule charge voltage 2nd CFs with some drive current. Maybe I am (whatever) but I don't think in terms of small signal output Z more in terms of advailbe current and voltage.
I am looking for at least 1V of input headroom and some drive from the push pull CF outputs.
BJT EF outputs would make more sense to me or even MOSFET SFs
Lets have some FUN again any ideas?
I have not built it.