One objection to your scheme: the cathode impedance of 12AU7 at 3mA is about 700 ohms each (Gm =~1,400uMho). So the mike's output impedance is around 1,426 ohms, rather than the 100-300 ohms we normally use.
On short line, no problem. I run medium long lines at 470 ohms. But in general use on long lines, lower would have less trouble with capacitance. And lower would give better bass response on transformer inputs.
We don't need voltage gain to get acceptable levels, but it is an interesting trick to use voltage-dividers to reduce output impedance. If we have 1V signals under a 200V supply rail, we can take some gain without pain.
Another issue is turn-on/off thump. (Don't tell me users will ALWAYS unplug the mike before the power supply.) The dividers limit the thump. Yours will have 100V transients, mine more like 1V.
Either plan can work. I'm not ready to rush either plan to production.
BJT EF outputs would make more sense
I agree heartily. But this isn't, really, about technical issues. It is about how many tubes can be claimed on the Sales Brochure. WOW! Two tubes! It must sound twice as good as one tube!
And consider the lowly
1D8GT. Triode-PowerPentode in a bottle with a grid-cap. The common cathode (actually filament) is awkward, but something could be done, power is low, cost is very low.