[quote author="penquista"] it appears that the first half of the ECC83 triode provides the gain while the second half works in ?cathode follower? mode to lower impedance. The ECC82 is used as a phase splitter to provide the balanced output, making transformer and solid-state output circuitry unnecessary.[/quote]
It appears whoever wrote this has no idea about what they are talking about. Gain stage then CF then phase splitter? And this is supposed to provide balance and low impedance. Not possible.
Here is another quick one with line level output. Much can be done to this to optimise it to suit your particluar need including lowering the output level.
It appears whoever wrote this has no idea about what they are talking about. Gain stage then CF then phase splitter? And this is supposed to provide balance and low impedance. Not possible.
Here is another quick one with line level output. Much can be done to this to optimise it to suit your particluar need including lowering the output level.